
Chapter 174

"I don’t care about that . . . Now all have answered . . . Hey your name is Evangeline right? I know you like that boy called Alex . " After answering all the questions, the supposed ghost called Alice, talked to Evangeline, but this time it didn’t echo throughout the room . This time Alice was actually whispering to Evangeline, or that’s what it felt like .

"I know you like Alex, if you let me go, I can help you with your love life . " Evangeline even knowing that this was a trick couldn’t help but hesitate . It wasn’t just her, everyone at this moment was being talked to by the supposed ghost .

"Don’t you wish that you were like any normal boy? I can grant you that wish, if you just let me out . " Alex who was being offered such a thing was confused . He was confused not by the offer, but by the voice of the little girl, it changed tone and pitch also it was not echoing in the room anymore .

’This feeling is familiar . . . But what is it?’

While Alex was figuring out what was happening, Rachel was also having some trouble of her own .

"I know that you want to know how Alex really feels about you . I know that even though you think he loves you . You are never truly sure, since he has never said it directly . Free me and I can tell what it is that is in his heart . "

Rachel who heard the voice of the little girl right beside her was amazed . It was like Alice could read the deepest parts of her heart . At this point Rachel could no longer hear the ticking of the clock, but she could still smell the burning of a candle .

Kei was also being offered something by Alice .

"I know you want to know everything about the members of the Mercenary Club . Your curiosity is enormous . I can grant you the information you so desire, just set me free open your eyes and let go of the hand you hold . "

. . .

While everyone was being offered something by a ghostly voice of a little girl, Oliver was having a different experience . His head was aching and at this point it felt like it was going to explode . In front of his very eyes the scenery was changing into something hellish .

Oliver saw a very young him, standing in front of some soldiers that looked to be Berdonian . He using a pistol shot right in the middle of their foreheads . The young Oliver had no remorse in his eyes, and his face was like Alex’s emotionless .

He kept on moving forward in the field of raining bullets . He killed a soldier, picked up his gun and continued to kill all that was in his way . Oliver saw this scene and was frightened at how efficiently his younger self was killing the soldiers and mercenaries .

Until finally Oliver saw a landmark that made him realize where this was taking place . This was the fields of the Hertia Province . Then this must be the battle nine years ago, when Berdonia lost the Hertia Province to the Southern Union .

As Oliver was trying to figure out if what he was seeing was true or not, the scenery changed into a different place . The younger Oliver had a grown a bit taller, and he no longer had that blank expression on his face .

He looked a lot like the boy he keeps on seeing in his dreams . This Oliver was fully equipped with a rifle, two handguns, three grenades, a kevlar vest, and two knives . A combat knife and a hunting knife .

This Oliver looked cocky and overconfident as he smiled fearlessly at a battalion of soldiers . This time based on their uniforms they were from the Granado Empire . The cocky Oliver engaged the enemy and with his little body danced wildly in the battlefield .

The scene of a ten year old boy massacring an elite unit of the Granado Empire was a amazing sight to behold . Oliver even as he got hit here and there continued his attacks . Once he was done, and had no more ammunition to spare, the young Oliver escaped . But before escaping the young Oliver shouted something at the enemy .

Oliver couldn’t hear what his younger self was shouting, since everything happening in front of him was like watching a silent movie, it was only moving pictures with no sound . Yet even without the sound Oliver felt the he knew what the young him was saying .

As if matching the young Oliver speaking to the enemy, Oliver mumbled something under his breath .

"I am James Oliver H . Bourne, remember that name . For that is my gift to you, for surviving me . " Oliver was unsure why he said this, but he felt like this was the thing the young Oliver said .

Oliver couldn’t understand what he was seeing, he couldn’t understand what he was feeling . Were these his memories? Then what about his current memories, were those real? Or was this real?

Oliver felt like his head was being pounded by a hammer . He couldn’t understand what he was seeing . It was getting harder to breath for him . At this moment, Oliver was having trouble remembering what was happening, before he saw this visions .

While he was in a confused state, Oliver could hear a voice calling him .

"Oliver! Wake up! Oliver wake up! Oliver!" This voice was familiar to him, but Oliver couldn’t remember who it was . He then heard other voices, of people that felt familiar to him .

"Oliver!" They kept on repeating his name . Oliver with great difficulty opened his eyes, and saw some familiar people . They were all wearing something like a gas mask covering their mouths and noses .

He also noticed that he was also wearing one .

"What happened?" Oliver asked the surrounding people, still confused at the weird thing that happened to him . Emily who was in front of him, bowed her head and spoke .

"I’m sorry Oliver, please forgive me!" Oliver surprised by the sudden apology didn’t know what to say .

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