
Chapter 250

’Did she always smell this nice?’ Alex who was confused by what was happening suddenly heard his dad’s voice .

"Alex, we need to go now . " When Alex heard the urgency in his dad’s voice, he looked at Rachel .

"I will come back for you . " When Alex said this, Niel was now closing the door of the safe room . The people inside the room, looked at their relatives and friends that were not going inside . They didn’t want to think about it, but it was possible that this might be the last time they could see those faces .

The door slowly closed as Alex and the others stared at those inside the safe room, as if they were trying to memorize their faces .

"Nii-nii, you better come back for me!"

"Niel we are proud to have a son such as you . "

"Onii-sama, tou-chan please be safe . "

"Carlo, Alex show these foolish intruders what fear is . "

"Everyone I’m sorry that I’m so useless . Emi and everyone else please be careful . "

"Alex I will always pray for your success . "

"Mother, brothers, and even you stupid dad give them hell . "

As the door finally closed their voices could no longer be heard . It was then Alex finally noticed something weird . Oliver and his family were nowhere to be found .

’I guess it’s alright, I’m sure Oliver knows what he needs to do . ’ When Alex had convinced himself of that, he looked at the enraged Dan .

"Alex, after we deal with this, we need to have long, long, looooong talk with each other . UNDERSTOOD?" Hearing Dan’s growling voice, Alex nodded in response .

"I understand . "

"Okay then, now that we got all of that out of the way, we need to bring the civilians to the safe rooms that Alex had made in the school . " Carlo spoke to everyone, in which everyone nodded .

"Wait a minute, what about back-up? The maids and butlers in the mansion won’t you have them gather here? We need every hand available . "

"I would, if I could, but I can’t . Right now the whole city is under attack . The police force doesn’t have enough manpower to handle the situation, so I lent them the maids and butlers . We’re on our own here . "

"I see . " Alex face looked grim as he heard what his dad said .

. . .

While Alex and the others were heading towards the civilians, Oliver and his family were moving towards the football field . Phil and Marge, were already expecting this to happen at some point so they made a secret base underneath the football field in Oliver’s school . They needed to get some equipment in there to help everyone .

Oliver learning about this underground secret base, was shocked, but had no time to question his parents because of the urgency of the situation . As they were running to the football field, Oliver and those with him felt bloodlust and jumped backward .

Out of nowhere some people fell from the sky . It was two individuals, they were wearing a similar style of clothing to what Specter was wearing before . Yet unlike Specter they didn’t wear masks, so one could clearly see their faces .

One of them looked a grizzly old veteran with lots of scars he carried two M4A1’s, and on his waist and the side of his armpits, as well at his legs were different kinds of pistols . He even had a lot of knives on his belt . The other one was a brown skinhead smoking a cigar . He looked to be around his mid thirties, and he didn’t seem to be carrying any visible weapon .

The aura these two were emitting was not normal . They were obviously not normal opponents . Oliver and Specter had their guard up, seeing the two in front of them . While Phil and Marge were still showing that perpetual smile of theirs, which was so out of place in the current situation it looked a bit frightening .

"It’s been a long time, Kris and even Joseph is with you . You two are looking very scary as always . Well anyway to what do we owe the pleasure, of this sudden reunion?" Phil was was as usual smiling even in this situation where the two supposed friends of his had so much bloodlust and it was directed at him . It was very creepy to see how unfazed he was . The grizzly old veteran, spitted in front of Phil and glared at him . His fingers already ready to pull the trigger .

"Shut the f*ck up you traitor!" The grizzly old veteran spoke in a growl . He never really liked Phil, even back when they were allies . That creepy smile of his was always unnerving .

"Oh, don’t be that way Kris . Aren’t we friends?" Marge replied to Kris’ biting words .

"I’m no friend to a f*cking traitor . Tsk, even you become traitor huh, Specter . " Kris looked at Specter who simply shrugged his shoulder . It was then Kris noticed the fourth person, and had his eyes wide open . Noticing the sudden change in Kris’ expression Joseph looked as well, and when he saw Oliver, the cigar in his mouth fell onto the floor .

"The sh*tting f*cking hell! That can’t be . . . Is that you James? Mother f*cking b*llsh*t! That can’t be, are you a clone?" Kris stared at Oliver confused . Oliver as well hearing what Kris was saying was also confused . These people in front of him, knew his parents same as Specter, and same as Specter they knew Oliver as well .

"Hey you mad scientists! What kind of sick joke is this?! Even if you lot are traitors, there’s a certain line you mustn’t cross! James was our ally, he was the one who made this sh*tty job a bit more fun . HOW DARE YOU F*CKING TRAITORS DO THIS TO HIM!" Joseph suddenly shouted at Phil and Marge . Unperturbed by the killing intent and the shouting, as well as the cursing of the two, Phil still smiled as he answered them .

"I don’t know what kind of misunderstanding you’re having, but the one you’re looking at isn’t a clone, he’s the genuine article . " Phil pointed at Oliver, who was now really confused as to what was happening right now . These people kept calling him James Bourne, the character he made up and dreamed off . Not only that his parents called him the genuine article, and most of all for some reason Oliver felt that these guys were familiar to him .

"The hell are you saying! James Bourne died five years ago! Tsk . . . Whatever I will find out the truth, after we capture you guys . " Without saying anything anymore kris started shooting at Phil and Marge . He was aiming at their vitals even though he said that he would capture them .

The four of them then took cover in the nearby school building . As they were running into the school building, Joseph took out some gloves from his pocket and wore them . After which he flicked something using his fingers, moments later a part of the building exploded .

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