
Chapter 354

With that in mind, Richter called for the Executioner . Moments later a man wearing a mask holding a large scythe entered the room . This was of course none other than the second strongest in the Shadow Mercenaries, the Executioner .

"Leader, what do you wish for me to do?" The executioner asked while bowing his head .

"My grandson is going to have the fight of his life, seven hours from now . So I want you to have a mock battle with him so that he could warm-up . Don’t worry about hurting him, as long as you don’t kill him you can inflict as much damage as you want . Our ability to heal people is obviously good enough, that as long as they’re not dead it’s alright . So go ahead give my grandson a very good warm-up . "

Richter who was watching Alex sleep on Rachel’s lap was now smiling slyly .

"As you wish leader," After saying his piece the Executioner left the room .

. . .

Alex who was moments ago was sleeping on Rachel’s lap, woke up fully equipped and was once again inside the training room . At first, Alex thought he was finally about to face his friends, but then he saw a masked man holding a huge scythe .

The aura the man in front of him exuded was no less than what his crazy grandfather emits . This was a person who was near his grandfather’s level . Alex quickly got into a stance, since it was obvious what was about to happen here .

When the Executioner saw Alex draw his weapon, he immediately attacked . Alex seeing how fast his opponent was started shooting while trying to get some distance . Yet the Executioner simply blocked the attacks aimed for his head, aside from those he allowed the bullets to pierce through his other body parts . It was then Alex saw that his body actually spat out the bullets and healed himself .

’This guy is the same as Richter!’ Alex now understood that the conventional way of fighting would work on this guy . He needed to use his sword, and if he was going to use his gun, he could only aim for the head, since any other part would be pointless to shoot at .

Alex then changed tactics as he charged onward with his sword drawn . The Executioner was quick to react, the moment Alex got within his range he slashed down at him . Alex blocked the attack and was actually pushed back .

Alex was surprised to feel how strong the Executioner was . Ever since his last battle with Richter, he was sure, that he finally went beyond the shackles of human limitation . Yet this person in front of him was actually as strong or even stronger than him .

’So there was someone else that was this strong!’ Instead of fearing the unknown strength of his opponent, Alex was actually getting a bit excited . This was a great chance to see just how strong he has become, with this kind of opponent he would finally see where his limits laid . This was also good practice before he killed his psychotic grandfather .

Alex dashed forward, which prompted the Executioner to do a sideward slash . Alex then jumped over the head of the Executioner and shot at him . The Executioner was late to react, which made his mask crack a little from the power of the shot .

Alex kept the pressure on, as he was now ferociously attacking the Executioner with his sword . The Executioner likely confident with his strength didn’t back off and instead matched all of Alex’s attacks .

The two of them kept on attacking and evading in such high-speeds, that it was hard for Richter’s cameras to be able to focus on them . The two were now engaged in a battle of blades as if they were dancing . Evade, attack, block they exchanged blows this way, while swaying their bodies and every now and then spinning around . Instead of a fight, it looked more like a dance exhibition .

Alex was amazed in his newfound strength, the current him felt like even without using RELEASE, he would still be more powerful than his past self . Yet was even more amazing was the opponent he was facing, with only a scythe at hand he was able to keep up with Alex . The scythe he was using that looked to be based on the grim reaper’s scythe was an unpractical weapon to use, especially in this kind of high-speed battle . Yet this person was able to fight the current Alex evenly .

. . .

The battle between Alex and the Executioner has already been going on for half an hour and no one was hitting anybody . It was then something different happened . Alex who was getting used to the Executioner’s movement was finally able to get a hit in, which knocked the mask the Executioner was wearing .

When Alex saw the face behind the mask, his eyes bulged . He stopped attacking and looked at the Executioner with an expression full of shock and confusion . The Executioner seeing Alex stop attacking did the same thing, he did this since he could no longer feel Alex’s willingness to fight . As the Executioner was getting a bit confused as well, was about to question Alex why he stopped, but then Alex spoke first .

"How is it possible? I thought you were dead! He killed you, everyone was sure of it! They told me that you were dead . . . They told me stories about you . . . If you’re alive then Why . . . Why are you helping him? Weren’t you suppose to be the better person? That’s what everyone told me . . . "

The Executioner got a bit confused as to what Alex was saying and asked, "what are you talking about? Do you know who I was?"

"Did he erase your memories, or did you seal them just like me? . . . Fine, I’ll tell you who you truly are . . . You are the pride of the Greyhounds, the one who should’ve been the next head instead of that monster . . . I heard you were the only one he ever respected . . . You’re Leon Greyhound . "

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