
Chapter 374

Seeing that they don’t plan on running away anymore the executioner removed his jacket and his shirt, he took off his shoes . At first, the members of the Mercenary Club were confused, all except for Oliver who could already guess what was going to happen next . While the others got their answer when Leon moved .

His movements became even quicker than before, Oliver and Niel were almost unable to react . It was a good thing that they were able to raise their weapons blocking their necks, else they would have become headless . Leon was now going all out at a hundred percent . Not only did his speed increased so much, even the power of his attacks was no longer like before, as that one attack made Oliver and Niel’s hands feel a bit numb .

Leon didn’t halt his onslaught as Oliver and Niel, who more offensive-oriented fighters couldn’t do anything but defend for their very lives . It was a total suppression, the others couldn’t even provide back-up in such a high-speed battle .

Seeing as the other members except for Sayaka were unable to even follow Leon’s movements, even if they tried to join the fight they won’t be able to do anything . The situation was never in their favor, but now it seemed almost hopeless for them . Sayaka who alongside Evangeline was carrying the unconscious Rachel stood up . She looked around and saw and felt no other enemy was near them . She then shifted her sight to Emily who seems to be trying hard to watch the battle before her .

"Emi can you see his movements?" Emily shook her head . Seeing Emily’s answer made Sayaka sigh .

"Eva, Kei, Emi, take Rachel and escape from here . I’ll help the guys hold back that demon . " Sayaka look at the enemy and showed a smile that was the same as Lyner’s as he got excited from battle . It was a smile that could make ones fear go away .

"Are you stupid?" Sayaka was surprised as he looked behind her, Rachel was awake . She stood in front of Sayaka and frowned .

"There’s no need for me to go anywhere else, I can fight as well . " Seeing her best friend act like that, Sayaka pushed her . The speed of her hands wasn’t all that fast, and the strength she used wasn’t much, but Sayaka was able to push someone like Rachel down to the ground .

"How can you fight in your condition? You can’t even stand after a simple push . In your current condition, if you fight with that demon you’ll die! Even if you fight you’ll only be a liability, you’ll slow everyone down, and it would just make it easier for us to be killed . If you think you can still fight if you use that secret technique of yours, then you can’t! I know what Alex’s grandfather said was the truth, if you use it again you will surely die . I can’t let that happen to you, Rachel! It’s better if some of us can escape, than all of us dying!"

When Kei and the others heard what Sayaka said, they only half approved . It was the most logical move, but then deep inside they wanted to stay with their friends . Even Kei who was the most afraid of them all, Kei who wanted to run with all his might, couldn’t because the thing he wanted to do the most was to stay with his friends .

"We . . . We are the Mercenary Club!" Kei suddenly shouted . This caught the attention of everyone, even Leon who was focused on killing Oliver, and Niel was distracted for a moment . Which gave Oliver and Niel a bit of a breather .

"This club was created with the idea of helping others . How can we help others, if we abandon our friends?! We either escape together or die together! . . . You know, unlike all of you guys, I don’t really have any combat experience, and my physical abilities are only a bit better than the average guy, but here I stand in the most ridiculous place and in the most ridiculous situation . Still, here I am and even now I want to run the farther the better . . . But if it isn’t with all of you then I can’t, if I leave you here like a coward and run away from battle, Sir Lyner would laugh at me . "

The moment they heard Sir Lyner’s name, they remembered his last stand, where not once did he retreat, not once did he fall, not once did he show any fear, where he only showed that memorable vicious smile of his . All of them couldn’t help but look at each other and show the same vicious smile . Even Oliver and Niel showed the same smile as they barely defended Leon’s attacks .

As the group’s overall fighting spirit was on the rise, Leon was able to get past Oliver and Niel and tried to attack the easiest person to kill at the moment, which was Rachel . When the others saw Leon initiating his attack on Rachel, they couldn’t react on time, even though Rachel wanted to defend herself, she couldn’t’ move her body properly . As she saw the death scythe was about to slash her, she felt helpless . She didn’t want to die this way, she still had a lot of things she wanted to do, she still wanted to have fun with everyone, she wanted to see Alex one more time . She then wanted to scream Alex’s name, but then another person’s face came into mind as her life was threatened .

She shouted something unexpected as death neared her . "Save me, daddy!" The moment she said those words as if it was timed a shadow appeared and kicked Leon away . Leon who wasn’t expecting someone to barge in was only barely able to defend from that powerful strike . He was about to look at who entered the fray, but then he saw a fist was about to hit him, and he dodged . Leon then countered with an upward swing of his scythe, but the mysterious figure was able to dodge by jumping backward .

Leon then stood there not wanting to follow through his attack, he simply stood there assessing the newcomer . When he laid eyes on the new challenger he immediately knew who it was . A blond-haired man, with a physique that seems to be made solely for battle, this was the blond devil Dan Regius .

Dan looked at Leon with a fierce gaze and shouted at him . "You f*cking dared! You actually tried to kill my daughter! I’ll make sure to break every bone in your body!"

Rachel who was saved from death looked at her father in shock, then a few seconds later she started blushing in embarrassment . She actually shouted save me, daddy . She actually called her father, daddy . Even though she was embarrassed at the moment, but she was also relieved . The moment Dan appeared it felt like no matter what, her father would protect her from the monster before her . The only reason she could be her embarrassment now was because she truly believed that her father will be able to settle their current problem .

As the tension was rising between Leon and Dan, the latter looked at his daughter and the serious face was replaced with a sad face . "Rachel my daughter, what did they do to you?! How come you’re in this state?! . . . Don’t worry daddy is here now . " Dan suddenly hugged Rachel in the middle of battle, Rachel was about to comment about her father’s behavior when she saw Leon was about to attack Dan from behind . She was about to warn Dan about the incoming attack, but then Dan lifted his hand and caught the scythe’s blade .

"No need to show such a worried face, my sweet little daughter, daddy is here now . So Rachel burn this image in your memories, as you watch on how powerful your daddy has become . " Dan then stood up while lifting the scythe, he was about to attack Leon, but Leon without any hesitation abandoned his weapon and took some distance from Dan .

Rachel, on the other hand, was looking even more embarrassed since her father kept on saying daddy this and daddy that . It was obvious he would never let the thing she said in the moment of distress, pass .

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