
Chapter 408 Epilogue 1

Chapter 408 Epilogue 1

Ten years have passed and the world that was once a battlefield between humans against humans turned into a world were monster roam. Battles between humans were still happening but to a lesser degree as it was now a battle for survival for humanity against the monsters that came after the change.

With their newfound abilities and the materials they gained in this new world, the humans were able to create powerful weapons that could enhance their abilities, with these new weapons the humans were barely holding onto their spot as the ones on the top of the food chain.

For the sake of survival in such a dangerous new world, the remaining humans banded together to create the last fortress of humanity which they called, the Unified Human alliance.

The humans of the Unified Human alliance have created a giant dome using the strongest new materials they can find. This dome they created was meant to withstand attacks from giant class monsters, such as the mountain golem and dragons. Inside the dome, there is a simulated day and night system. Due to being unable to go out of the safety of the dome, the humans were forced to figure out how to create an artificial sun or something that has the same effects as one.

Now with their new technology even inside the Dome, the humans were able to grow plants and other such things that needed the sun’s radiance. They were even able to replicate the different seasons inside the dome. Even though they didn’t really need winter they still replicated it, just for the nostalgia. Also, some people liked the snow and playing in it.


The giant dome that protects all of humanity was 4,953 km², a massive structure that you can actually see with your naked eye from space. Yet it can also be considered a bit small as it houses the remaining humans, that has now dwindled into a few hundred thousand, compared to the previous billions.

In this final utopia of humanity, life was the same as before as if the change never happened in the first place. Still, there were a few differences from before the change. The biggest and greatest difference was that people had gained new abilities in the form of the so-called superpowers.

In this new world, there were four categories of people. The first type were the ability users, these people had gained a one of a kind ability and even though they can only use this one ability, compared to the other types of people they are the top in terms of firepower.

The second type were the magic users. These people have gained the ability to control a new form of power within the human body, which scientists called terrenam potestatem, but the masses called it mana. Unlike the ability users, the magic users could use a wider array of skills, yet their power was lacking, but what they lacked in power they make up for versatility.

The third type were called the hybrids. These people were very rare, and they possessed both the qualities of the ability users and magic users. Among the four types, they are considered the most powerful.

The fourth and last type were called the unchanged. These were the people who were unfortunate enough to gain no ability. They remained the same normal humans as before. The only difference was that they were slightly stronger than the old humans. Old humans are what the new generation calls the humans before the change.


The other changes come from the military standpoint of humanity. In this new world, there are no longer any mercenaries, as the mercenary system became a thing of the past. Now the only time you would see a mercenary is when you read about them in history books.

The thing that replaced mercenaries and soldiers are people that are now called hunters. The age of mercenaries had ended a few years ago, and the age hunters officially began.

The hunters were a group of powerful individuals, that protect the dome from monsters. They are the only people allowed to leave the dome and have the privilege to look at the new world. Their purpose of heading out of the dome is to thin out the monsters near it. They are also tasked with searching for other humans that are surviving outside of the dome.

They are also sometimes given the task to escort scientists outside the dome to study new kinds of monsters. Aside from those things they are also assigned different odd jobs, as long as it has something to do with outside the dome, then it’s part of their job.


Aside from the hunters, another force was kept. The police or the Special operating team still exists in this world. If the hunters are the people that deal with everything outside of the dome, the police are the ones that deal with the problems happening inside the dome.

The police act with the same purpose as before the change, being people that enforce the law. But now they have added bonuses seeing as they were now facing superhuman level criminals. Even in this kind of world were the monsters outside could kill you, the most fearsome opponent of a human was still another human.


Only the most powerful individuals can become a hunter or a police officer, they are also treated as the most prestigious jobs available. Even becoming the leader of a district paled in comparison to being a police officer or a hunter. These individuals were treated as heroes, and the greatest of all these heroes was the group called the mercenary club.

Each member of this small elite group of people has great influence in the new world.

Kei Kaido was the Captain of the intelligence division of the police force. His ability to gather data and find hideouts of criminals was second to none.

Emily H. Kaido the wife of Kei was his lieutenant in the intelligence division of the police force. Her skill in hacking complimented greatly with her husband’s data gathering, that it said when the two demon officers work together no criminal can escape their sights.

Oliver Minx was an S rank hunter the highest rank a hunter could have. It is said that by himself Oliver was able to kill a herd of monsters in only a few seconds. He has the highest monster kill count to date even higher than the so called strongest human Rika Saunter.

Sayaka M. Minx among all the powerful individuals in the mercenary club, Sayaka was the most mysterious. There was not much information about her that was known to the public, except for her being Oliver’s wife and having a baby boy with him. Aside from those two things, everything else was simply rumors about her.

Niel Rayheart among all the members of the Mercenary Club was arguably the most famous. Unlike his comrades in the mercenary club, Niel decided to become an actor instead of becoming a part of the fighting force. With his handsome looks, his great strength, and charisma, Niel quickly became one of the top actors in the industry. For everyone else this was normal, but for the other members of the Mercenary Club, they found it weird for Niel to quit being a hunter.

Niel Rayheart was like his master Lyner, he loved the feel of a battle. So when he retired from being a hunter everyone in the Club felt it was weird, and questioned him. Yet no matter how they asked he would only give a vague smile as an answer.

Evangeline K. Samarita, the second wife of Alexander Samarita. As Humanity’s numbers dwindled, the government had allowed polygamy, which allowed Alex to marry both Rachel and Evangeline. Aside from being Alex’s second wife, Evangeline was also a part of the Council, which was a gathering of the highest government officials in the Unified Human Alliance.

She was the governer of five districts in the dome, which was considered the highest amount of districts given to any individual person. Aside from that, she was also called the ’Ice Queen’ not only because of her ability to control ice but because of her icy demeanor, which coupled with her style and beauty made her look like a queen.

Rachel R. Samarita the first wife of Alexander Samarita. She who is called the ’flame princess’ is the current Director-General of the police department. With her power and skill, alongside her beautiful yet cute demeanor, she was granted the nickname flame princess, unlike Evangeline’s queen position, Rachel looked less mature and cute so she was labeled with princess instead of queen.

With her aggressive stance and personality, she dealt with criminals with swift and powerful justice. Making the whole underworld fear her name.

Finally the leader of the Mercenary Club, Alexander Samarita. He among all his peers is considered the strongest. He was the only human alive that could put up a decent fight against the strongest of humanity Rika Saunter. He was also the current leader of the Hunters organization. With his stoic look and powerful abilities, any rowdy new hunter is said to be punished by him with a swift punch to the gut. It was also said that among all the members of the Mercenary Club, Alex was the only one you shouldn’t anger since Alex’s wrath was like no other. The only people that could quell Alex’s anger were his wives, and his children.

He was also considered the role model of all the magic users. In the current world, he and Rika Saunter were the two most powerful individuals.

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