
Chapter 411 After Story: Emilys proposal 1

Chapter 411 After Story: Emily“s proposal 1

It has been two years since the world has changed. After the initial shock of the monsters, the powers, and everything the new world has to offer the humans did what they were best at, they adapted to the situation.

After the humans gained their new supernatural powers, the mercenary system quickly changed after a few months and it turned into the hunter system. The monsters of the new world had a lot of materials that help in making weapons, armor, buildings, and other things. In fact, they were a lot of new elements that appeared which never existed in the old world.

The hunter system was created as the name implies to hunt. The more powerful new humans were tasked to hunt the monsters not only to protect the weaker humans but to collect materials. During this time the humans had worked tireless as one, for this was a matter of survival of the human race. After a while, the humans were able to create a safe haven by using the materials they gathered from monsters and created a city in a dome.


While the hunters were out killing monsters, gathering materials, saving refugees, and doing other odd jobs, those left in the dome were slowly returning back to their normal lives. Because of the security given by the hunters and the dome, the monsters became less and less of a threat. Once people felt secure, they started committing numerous crimes. Also due to everyone gaining these miraculous powers, it was easier to commit felonies. In fact, unlike before were skill mattered, in this new world most things depended on how strong your supernatural power was.

In the beginning, the hunters would deal with these problematic criminals, but after the city expanded and the need for monster materials grew, the hunter organization was unable to deal with everything. So the police force was once again established. Unlike the hunters, the police force specialized in dealing with the changed humans.

Two of these police officers were Emily and Kei. With Emily and Kei’s information-gathering skills no criminal could escape their net. Also being a part of the now extremely famous Mercenary Club, the criminals fear them.


On one particular day after apprehending another superpowered criminal, Emily was about to invite Kei out for dinner was rejected.

"Sorry Emi, I have something else to do after this." Kei didn’t wait for Emily to respond before leaving her confused. She tried following him on foot but as she went outside the police building Kei was nowhere to be seen.

"This is happening more often than before. What is he doing that’s more important than going on a date with me?" Emily bit her lip as she headed to a nearby building.


Emily was now in her special room, which had different computers surrounding her. She was looking at all the footage taken from all the CCTVs within the dome.

’I don’t know what you’re hiding Kei, but I’m going to find out no matter what.’ After looking at all the video footage and following Kei’s movements, she found nothing. Kei was able to walk through all the blind spots of the CCTVs. Once he disappears from the camera’s view he quickly changes his appearance which made it even more difficult to track him down.

’As expected of Kei, you already knew I’ll try spying on you. Of course, you might think you can lose me this way, but you haven’t seen what I’ve been working on for the past few months.’

Emily took out her mini drones that had spy cameras built into them. She then used her power of teleportation to teleport her drones to all the blind spots of the CCTVs. Once that was done, she was able to find where Kei was.

He went to the Hunter organization’s headquarters. Seeing this Emily hacked into their database to see if Kei made a request. After a few minutes, she was able to find it. Kei had hired hunters to find some materials. Seeing the list of materials Emily was able to figure out what Kei wanted.

’These are all of the materials needed to make a ring.’


After learning the truth of what Kei was doing, Emily quickly called her brother Kyle to tell him what was happening. "Oh, so he finally going through with it."

"You knew?"

"Of course, I knew. He told me months ago. Seeing as I’m your only living relative, I became the stand-in for dad, Kei came to me and asked for my permission to marry you. At first, I wanted to do the traditional I’m not going to hand my daughter to you, or in this case sister, but I didn’t... Well, seeing as Alex already has a child and another one coming, which basically came from your two only women friends, I didn’t want you to be left out. Face it, if I told Kei that I won’t hand you over unless he wins in a fight against me, then you two would never get married. Well seeing how slow he is in asking you to marry him, that might actually happen."

"No, he’s just waiting for the materials to create his own special ring." Emily tried to defend Kei from her brother.

"Oh, that, you know how many rings he had made already... Six, he had made six rings already, and he lost them all. The first time was when he was going to propose to you after you apprehended a criminal, he lost it during the chase. The second one he lost when he got nervous and dropped it into the toilet and accidentally flushed it. I don’t know what happened to three to six, but I’m guessing it’s equally embarrassing."

When Emily heard what Kyle said she couldn’t help but feel a bit anxious. ’He was going to propose after apprehending a criminal? If I leave this to Kei, our proposal story might turn into a comedy instead of something more romantic. I don’t want to tell the others I proposed to after beating up a random criminal.’ While Emily was thinking Kyle’s phone started to ring. Kyle answered and once he was done he spoke to Emily.

"Oh look, Kei just called and apologized to me again, as he once again lost the ring. This guy is hopeless when it comes to these things."

"You’re right onii-chan! If I want something done right, then I should do it myself. Why should I wait for Kei to propose to me, I should be the one to propose to Kei!"

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