
Chapter 416 - Alternate Reality: Another Day

Chapter 416 - Alternate Reality: Another Day

It was the day after the school play, many students now knew more about the Mercenary Club. So in the clubroom that used to be rather empty, was now filled to the brim with students. There was even a very long line just outside the clubroom. All of them were here to ask for help from the Mercenary Club.

Most of the students already knew about the members of the Mercenary Club. Who in the school didn’t know about them, since they were all rather popular. There had been many rumors about them since most of the members were model-like. They were not only good-looking, but they were also intelligent and extremely capable. Aside from Kei Kaido, the members were considered by most of the student body as perfect beings.

Now that they had an influx of many students, the members of the Mercenary Club found it difficult to deal with. Unlike before, were they had only one or two choices to pick from, they now have multiple choices which made it difficult to choose who to help. They couldn’t help everyone and needed to choose the most appropriate one to help. Still, to figure out who to help they needed to hear every club’s request.

There were multiple ones that requested them to cheer for their club. Of course, Oliver was quit to reject such requests. This obviously made the presidents of these clubs pissed as they didn’t like this decision and so they protested.

"Why did you reject our proposal without reason?"

"Yeah, we need your help as much as the next person. You’re discriminating against us. As students of this school, we have rights too you know?"

Oliver sighed as he listened to the foolish comments of these random club presidents. It took most of his willpower to hold himself back from hitting these idiotic people. Still, he was rather surprised that these guys weren’t backing down upon knowing who he was and seeing his huge frame.

"Alright, I’ll give you an explanation since you clearly don’t understand why I rejected your proposals. Okay, let’s see here. Your request was to have our female members cheer for your club. Now the question is why would we do this? Shouldn’t you ask the Cheerleading Squad to do this instead? In the first place, does the Chess Club need people to cheer for them? If I remember correctly, you can’t even talk in a chess game, much less cheer."

The president of the Chess Club lowered his head in embarrassment, he didn’t know how to respond to that. On the other hand, the other club presidents continued to be persistent.

"Alright we understand the reason for Chess Club not being in need of a Cheer Squad, but how about us? Surely the Rugby Team needs Cheerleading." Hearing the Captain of the Rugby Club’s argument made Oliver sigh once more before he responded.

"As I said before, why don’t you ask for help from the Cheerleading Squad?" Oliver said exasperatedly.

"Well for starters, the Cheerleaders in the Cheerleading Squad are alright, but they are no match compared to the beauty of the members of the Mercenary Club." Oliver once again sighed, how many times has it been since the start of the day, he could no longer remember.

"You do understand that there are only three girls in our club, how do you expect them to cheer better than the Cheerleading Squad?"

"They don’t need to cheer, all they need to do is stand there. Just looking at their pretty faces are cheers enough." When Oliver heard the Rugby Captain’s replied, he facepalmed.

"Do you even hear what you’re saying? Do you even understand words? It’s pointless to talk to you, no matter what you say, we won’t agree to your request."

The Rugby Captain and the other club presidents that have a similar request became infuriated by Oliver’s answer. Some of them were about to get physical out of anger/ Alex and Niel were about ready to restrain them and throw them out of the clubroom, yet before they could do that Emily interjected and spoke in a coquettish voice.

"Ara ara ara, what do we have here? Some naughty little boys have come." Emily approached the nearby Rugby Captain and caressed his face with her index finger. She then showed him and every other rowdy club president a seductive look.

"So you want us to cheer for you? You do know I can’t do that. Does a Goddess cheer for her worshippers or is it the other way around? Shouldn’t you guys be cheering for me? I’ll give you one chance right now, become my slaves and I will allow you to stay in my presence."

For some reason, Emily had this charm about her that made you want to follow. Still, the Captain of the Rugby Club wasn’t easily fooled. As he was about to say something, he saw the other club presidents with him kneel down on one knee and shouted in unison. "Yes my Queen".

"What’s with you guys, are you really doing this?" The Rugby Captain spoke in shock.

"Show your loyalty to your Goddess, and throw out the non-believer!" Emily commanded as she pointed at the Rugby Captain. The club presidents who swore fealty to Emily look at the Rugby Captain with crazed eyes and started to swarm him. The Rugby Captain tried his hardest to resist but was eventually thrown out of the clubroom.

Oliver and the other members of the Mercenary Club well except for Alex showed a dumbfounded expression, upon witnessing that scene. They already know that Emily was very charismatic and she knew how to control a crowd but this was a whole other level. She made several students into her slaves within a second.

After that incident, the Mercenary Club continued to interview the various clubs. There were many clubs that just came to not really ask for help but to simply ogle at them. Even after listening to several dozen of students, they still couldn’t find one that was worthy enough to help. The day ended with them just listening to nonsense requests.


The members of the Mercenary Club left the school more tired than they have ever been. Even Alex who was always stoic looked a little bit out of it. As they were about to leave the school premises, the group heard someone calling to them.

"Hey guys, wait up!"

The person who called was Evangeline, the student council president. She approached the group and quickly noticed, that they look haggard.

"What’s wrong with you guys? Is everything all right?" Evangeline asked looking a little worried.

"It’s nothing really, we just had a long day," Niel answered, still showing that perfect smile of his but without the usual glow.

"Oh, I see... If you guys have some time to spare, how about coming to my house and have some tea? It’s nothing much but it might help alleviate the stress of the day."

Each of the Mercenary Club members looked at each other’s faces and as if they were able to read each other’s mind, they nodded in unison.

"Sure, let’s go to your house," Oliver responded.

"I haven’t been to Eva’s house, I wondered what it’s like," Sayaka answered with a little excitement in her voice.

"If it’s not too much of an imposition," Kei Kaido answered with a little bit of hesitation.

"Sure! that sounds like fun," Emily happily responded.

Niel flashed the best smile that he could muster at the moment and answered. "It would be rude not to comply with a lady’s request."

"Well since you ask, I’ll go as well," Rachel answered while shrugging her shoulders.

"..." Alex looked at the group with his usual stoic expression and said nothing. Everyone was waiting for him to respond. After a few seconds, Alex finally spoke.

"Since Rachel is going, I will go as well." When everyone heard Alex’s response, they showed different reactions especially Rachel and Evangeline. Rachel was blushing so much that she looked like a red tomato. On the other hand, Evangeline looked like she was stabbed in the heart and was about to cry, but she held it in. She shook off the hurt she was feeling and responded with a forced smile.

"Very well then, let’s all go to my house." That was how the day ended for the Mercenary Club. It was just another usual mundane day in the life of the members of the Mercenary Club.

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