
Chapter 16 - We Meet Again

"Jerk! If ever I see you in dire need of help or dying in my presence, I will not save you," Yang Zi murmured to herself as she angrily sat down on her chair. Yuan Quan who wanted to talk to her kept quiet when he saw her fuming in anger. Throughout that day, Yang Zi was in a very bad mood and Yuan Quan who knew how she normally behaved and react to things whenever she was angry did not want to aggravate the situation by talking to her so he minded his own business.

The next day was Saturday so Yang Zi decided to keep herself busy by going shopping. Another reason why she went for shopping was because she needed someone or something to vent out her piled up anger on. After shopping for about twenty minutes she decided to shop for both Shui Shui and Shiyi. ​​

Entering the men's side to buy things for Shiyi she sighted Zhou Yixian. At first she wanted to avoid him but on second thought she changed her mind. She needed someone to vent her anger on and Yixian was perfect for it so she pretended as if she did not see him and walked closer to where he was standing. The first thing Zhou Yixian's eyes met when he turned around was her pretty face. The expression on his face although not very visible was that of surprise. He was surprised to see her.

"You!" Yixian exclaimed immediately when he saw her.

"I see we meet again," Yang Zi said, her expression showing that she was not a bit pleased to see him there.

"Why didn't you respond to any of my calls and text messages? I even went out of my busy schedule to wait for you in front of your apartment building but for the two times I waited there, I did not get to meet you. How is your injury now?" Yixian asked worriedly, trying to gain her affection.

"How would I have know that it was your line. I thought it was a spam call and messages that is why I didn't bother to reply or call back and you can't blame me for acting like that because as far as I can recall, I don't remember giving you my phone number," Yang Zi said coldly not even sparing him a glance. Zhou Yixian felt like hitting her for embarrassing him like that but he just gritted his teeth in anger in order to suppressed his anger.

"Are you still mad at me because of the incident that occurred on our first encounter?" Yixian asked staring at her face. Too bad she did not look at him, her gaze was on the stuffs she wanted to purchase.

"As my way of apologizing to you, you can pick whatever you like. No matter the cost, everything you will buy here is on me," Yixian said proudly thinking that he could buy her off with his money.

"Really? Is that the way you normally entice women with your wealth? If that is your tactic to take me to bed or gain my affection then I am sorry to say this Mr. Zhou, your display of wealth will not work on me because you've got the wrong lady," Yang Zi said fiercely before she moved to the side where different types of watches were displayed on the show glasses.

Zhou Yixian refused to give up, he just kept on following her about like a dog. Seeing her purchasing guy's stuff, Yixian was curious to know who she was purchasing the stuff for because according to the investigation his men carried out on her, he knew that she did not have a brother or father so he just let his curiosity take the best of him.

"Who are these for? Don't tell you've now got a boyfriend?" Yixian asked curiously.

"If I say No, will you be willing to be my boyfriend?" Yang Zi fired back sharply.

"Of course yes!" Yixian exclaimed happily. Yang Zi was stunned when she saw how happy the jerk was but she did not speak further after hearing his reply. She just let him indulge himself in his fantasy.

After picking some of the designer wristwatches, neckties, mufflers and suites that fancied her eyes, she went to the counter to pay her bills with Yixian following her closely.

On reaching the counter, Zhou Yixian quickly handed his card to the lady at the counter when he saw that she wanted to pay for her stuffs by herself. He told the lady that Yang Zi was with him but Yang Zi quickly told the lady that she was alone and not with Yixian. After saying that she stretched out her hands in an attempt to hand over her card to the lady but Yixian quickly snatched the card from her hand before it could reach the lady's hand. After they fought over who would pay for the stuff for five minutes, Yang Zi decided to use her last resort when she saw that she could not convince him.

"If you won't let me pay for the stuffs I picked then I will put every single one of them back," Yang Zi said threateningly startling the lady who was so happy that she was going to make a huge sale because of the two of them.

"You are kidding right?" Yixian asked, his happy expression fell immediately when he heard her threats.

He knew for a fact that the lady was quite gutsy since the first day they met but he had presumed that she would be scared of him after what he did to her the last time. He could see from how fearless she was that his assumption was wrong. Yixian was not the patient type when it came to getting the lady he wanted. He could go to any length just to have any lady he wanted, be it by threats, blackmail or by force but his beloved little sister has threatened to cut off all ties with him if he dared hurt her friend. He didn't know what Yang Zi did to his sister but one thing was clear and this was that his sister sincerely liked the hot-tempered lady. The one thing he didn't want to do was to ruin the close bond between him and his beloved sister.

"I am not, you know that right?" Yang Zi said seriously.


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