
Chapter 135 - Confronting The Mafia Gang

"Don't you care about being gossiped about by your maids? You might think it is nothing since you haven't experienced it before but it is scary," Yang Zi said, trying to instil fear in Yifeng not knowing that she was talking to the wrong person about this.

"Instead of scary I will be thrilled because that is what I want," Yifeng said bending down. His face inched closer to hers. Yang Zi also bent to avoid his lips.


"Hey, what do you think you are doing?" Yang Zi said, staring at his flawless face. 

"Giving my employees what to talk about," Yifeng said, still bending to kiss her. Yang Zi could not avoid him again. She subconsciously closed her eyes, expecting his lips against hers, but his lips never came. Yifeng beamed, seeing her like this. He felt a sudden warmth within.

"I really want to tease you some more but I will do that after I rescue my beautiful baby. It's rare to get this opportunity, but I will let it go," Yifeng said, tapping her nose playfully. He wanted to kiss her, but doing that would ruin everything he worked so hard to build. Taking advantage of her in her vulnerable state will be cruel of him. It will be so unfair for Yang Mi, too.

"Tease me? Shouldn't it be the other way around?" Yang Zi said, pushing his chest away. She walked back to her seat. She felt so embarrassed about falling so cheaply to his tricks.

"Can you come to my home some other time so we will play? We can get to know each other's weaknesses. I will give you whatever you want if you win," Yifeng said, walking to the couch too. He sat down beside her.

"I might look innocent but don't you dare underestimate what I am capable of or you will lose woefully," Yang Zi said, proudly. Talking to Yifeng really makes her momentarily forget about the trouble at hand.

"We will schedule the day for our challenge but for now let me dress up. I will be back in a jiffy," Yifeng said, winking at her before he headed towards the stairs. 

"You can take your time," Yang Zi shouted after him. Yang Zi did not have to worry about Shui Shui and Shiyi waking up because the drug effect will wear off in five to eight hours. She feels bad for doing that to her two best friends but she did not have any choice. That was the only way she could think of to protect them from harm.

Yifeng came back a few minutes later wearing a black hoodie, a black trouser. He held a black face cap in his hands. Yang Zi could not help but notice that he looked good in black.

"Stop drooling. It will make me have unhealthy thoughts about you," Yifeng teased, climbing down the stairs.

"I am not as shameless as you so I won't exchange words with you because you will only end up corrupting my innocent heart with your words," Yang Zi played along with him.

"Are you sure I am corrupting your heart or that your heart has already being corrupted long before you met me?" Yifeng said, sitting down opposite where she was sitting down. He found it hard to conceal his feelings with her in his Mansion. He kept wanting to make her laugh and forget whatever was bothering her at the moment.

Yang Zi knew that he will keep on talking if she replied, so she kept quiet on him. She just stared at him, saying no word.

Yifeng checked his black wristwatch to see how many minutes had passed.

"My men might have arrived, stay here while I discuss our operation with them," Yifeng said, standing up. He headed towards the exit. He was surprised when he saw Yang Zi following him.

"I said to stay behind. My men and I will handle the rest," Yifeng informed sternly. He knew what she wanted to do, but he didn't want her to do it.

"Are you exempting me from the operation?" Yang Zi asked, curiously. She did not understand why Yifeng will tell her to hide away when her baby was in danger.

"Yes, but don't worry I will bring Mi Er back to you safe and sound. Even though I have to put my life on the line to achieve that," Yifeng said seriously. His tone and expression showed he was dead serious, and this scares Yang Zi. 

"Nothing bad is going to happen to you with me by your side, so stop spouting nonsense," Yang Zi scolded firmly.

"I wasn't playing when I said you are not coming with us," Yifeng said. His playful nature had long being shaded off.

"Then you ain't going anywhere if you won't take me with you," Yang Zi said, turning around to block him from moving an inch. They kept on arguing about this for a long time until she convinced Yifeng to allow her to come with him.

After making so many preparations, Yifeng lent his clothes to Yang Zi to wear for the operation since it was impossible for her to wear the dress she was wearing to the operation. Before they even got to the gang's hideout, Yifeng's computer men had already surveyed the area to make sure the place was safe, but they still surveyed it when they got to the vast warehouse to make sure no trap was set for them. For fifteen minutes, they monitored the movements of the mafia gang until Yifeng signalled them it was time to take action.

"Yang Zi, as we are barging in, be careful or else I will really get mad at you if anything goes wrong," Yifeng warned sternly when they got to the entrance of the black iron door.

"In situations like this, I can't promise you I will stay coolheaded. I will mess with those jerks who dared to lay their filthy hands on my Mi Er," Yang Zi said, smiling devilishly as she followed Yifeng's men into the quiet warehouse when they pushed the enormous door open. Before they stepped into the warehouse, Yifeng's men had surrounded the entire building waiting to take action following Yifeng's signals.

Yifeng scrutinised the foreign environment with his eagle-like eyes. Ruined cartons littered the entire floor. The grey tiled walls were very dirty. He shudders at the thought this mafia gang lived in such a terrible place. His lips curled into a wicked smile when he saw those standing on guard tap those who were oblivious of their presence. The hall was very huge. They set a bonfire up in the middle of the hall to keep them warm. The mafia gangs quickly took their stance, ready to defend themselves from the sudden intruder.

"Hey, what's up," Yang Zi shouted to the men after they had reached the middle of the hall. Yifeng and his men continued to approach them as she spoke. The mafia guys who didn't expect her to take actions that night were caught unawares. They were shocked to realise that they were all surrounded.

"So, the b*tch has finally shown up," The guy who looked like the new leader of the gang replied approaching her. He wasn't putting on a shirt, so the snake tattoo on his chest and back were visible. Apart from the enormous snake tattoo, his entire body was covered with tattoos.

"You never said you knew who they are," Yifeng whispered into her ears as they approached them with their guns pointing them. He knew that Yang Zi was not an ordinary lady from the information his men could gather about her, but he didn't know that she had a feud with the mafia group.

"And you never asked me who they were," Yang Zi replied coldly. She and Yifeng's men halted when they reached the bonfire. The mafia leader's lips curled into a wicked smile when he saw how intimate Yang Zi and Yifeng acted. He could not believe that a lady as heartless as she could feel any emotions towards anyone. He has tasted her ruthlessness, so he knew why he smiled.

"I can see he is your new catch now. After so many years, you have still not desisted from using others. I wonder why you choose him as your target this time around," The gang leader asked playfully, trying to stir up trouble. "Does he know your real identity, Dragonfly?" The leader asked, laughing.

"Stop being so dramatic and hand my girl over to me before I blow off your heads or have you forgotten so soon what I am capable of?" Yang Zi commanded, sternly as she cocked her gun to show him she wasn't in for their little drama. "And don't you even think of playing smart with me? I lose my patience faster than you can ever imagine," Yang Zi threatened. Her voice commanded authority, making Yifeng think she was a different person. She was too busy getting angry with the mafia leader to see how weird Yifeng stared at her. He stared at her as if this was his first time of setting his eyes on her.

"Seeing your dumbfounded expression, I guess this b*tch didn't tell you who she is. Let me tell you if you didn't know," The leader said, standing still when he saw that over three of Yifeng's men were pointing their guns at him. He didn't need to be told that they will blow off his brains if he took a step further. They had the upper hand so he could only play along with their rules until an opportunity for him to take action surfaces.

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