
Chapter 325 - Where Could Mum Have Gone To?

"Guangzhou, untie them and send them to a hospital. Make sure that our men clean this place up," Yifeng instructed Guangzhou, who was standing close to the entrance.

Yifeng strolled away afterwards.


Inside the car, Mrs Zhao who has been scratching her body since they left the storehouse turned to face her daughter who was also scratching her body.

"Are we really not going to report this abduction case to the police?" Mrs Zhao asked in a serious tone.

"Yes, I will not report the case to the police just like I promised Feng," Zhao Liying said firmly.

"Are you stupid or what? That girl almost killed us earlier and you don\'t want us to report her to the police?" Mrs Zhao said in disbelief. At that instant, she could not recognise her beloved daughter.

"What are we gonna tell the police if we call them? And what about the evidence to prove our claim? Do you think we will still go and meet the scene of the crime intact?" Zhao Liying asked sounding slightly offended. 

"Before the police reach the scene of the crime, they would have already cleaned it up. Since they will be no evidence to prove her crime, we are only going to end up looking stupid so mum think carefully before you speak. Don\'t go around upsetting Feng even more," Zhao Liying said before she ignored her mum.

We mother and daughter are so alike. We are both faithful in love. Just to have the man we love we can go as far as killing our rivals. I am glad she has learned this from me since childhood.

Mrs Zhao thought forcing on a smile.

Feng Shu who had been following Yang Zi for hours made sure she did not let Yang Zi out of her sight. When Yang Zi stopped on top of a bridge, Feng Shu\'s heart began to beat erratically. She almost had a heart attack when Yang Zi came out of her car and stood at the edge of the bridge. For a minute there, she thought Yang Zi wanted to jump into the river. To prevent any mishap, she even called the emergency line for help.

Her heart only began beating normally when Yang Zi entered her car and drove off. Feng Shu continued to follow Yang Zi until she reached her mansion.

"Thank goodness she is finally here," Feng Shu exhaled deeply after Yang Zi drove into the mansion.

The first place Yang Zi went to after entering the mansion was Yang Mi\'s side. She sat at her bedside. Sadness and bitterness masked her beautiful face.

"Mi Er, in this lifetime I have not only failed mum but also you. I caused you to become an orphan at such a young age. For this reason, I don\'t deserve to live anymore," Yang Zi said, as tears fell from her eyes.

"After what happened tonight, I don\'t think I can ever face you not to mention facing mum so I need to put an end to this wretched life of mine," Yang Zi said, as she bent and kissed Yang Mi\'s forehead.

"Mi Er, I love you so much. Since the day you came into this world, I have dedicated my life to loving you and taking care of you. You call me mother each day and I am satisfied with that but I am sorry that I can\'t be with you anymore," Yang Zi said, as she caressed little Mi Er\'s sleeping face with her hands.

"In this lifetime, I must have been cursed to lose everyone I love. I am sorry for using my bad luck to rob you of your beloved mother but don\'t worry, with my death you can be rest assured that I will never steal anything or any of your loved ones from you," Yang Zi said before she stood up and headed outside the room.

The moment she left the room, Yang Mi who had been pretending to be asleep stood up. The first thing she did was dial someone\'s line. After talking to the person for two minutes, she raced out of the room with her cellphone in her hand.

Thinking that Yang Zi must have gone to her room, Yang Mi raced to Yang Zi\'s room. She was so disappointed when she could not find her sister there. Yang Mi searched the entire mansion for Yang Zi but she could not find her no matter how hard she tried.

"Where could mum have gone to?" Yang Mi standing outside the mansion said dejectedly. Raising her head to stare at the bright moon, her tiny eyes caught glimpse of someone standing on the edge of the rooftop.

"Who could be standing like that on the rooftop? Doesn\'t the person know that it is risky to stand on the cliff of the rooftop like that?" Yang Mi said, her eyes glued on the blurry figure. She widened her eyes to see who was standing on the cliff of the rooftop.

"Why does that person looks like my mum?" Yang Mi thought as she changed positions to see whether she will be able to get a clear view of the person\'s face.

"Mi Er, let\'s go in? You are gonna catch a cold if you stand outside for a long time," her Nanny who had been watching her said, as she went to meet the little girl.

"I can\'t. I am still searching for my sister. I won\'t go anywhere if I don\'t find her," Yang Mi said sternly. Even the Nanny was surprised to see how serious the little girl looked.

"I am not saying you should stop looking for her, but I am saying you should do that inside the mansion. Young Miss won\'t take it lightly with me if you fall sick so let\'s go inside," Nanny tried to persuade the obstinate Yang Mi.

"I said I am not going anywhere. I will only go inside when I set eyes on my mum," Yang Mi said as she turned to walk to the other side of the mansion she hasn\'t changed.


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