
Chapter 139 - Whirlpools (1)

After hearing Captain Hook\'s explanation, Wolf invited me elsewhere to talk about our situation. We excluded Ryoshi and Match from our conversation since Wolf did not want their suggestions. I bothered little about it, considering that we would only talk about what we planned on doing with the pirate.

"What do we need to talk about? There\'s nothing else we could discuss besides killing the pirate?" I exclaimed, while shrugging my shoulders.

"We don\'t need to kill... And are you okay killing this NPC when Match clearly told you not to?" Wolf retorted.

"But this pirate said they already killed hundreds of villagers! Killing him would lessen the death counts of these pirates," I expressed, while pointing my finger at Captain Hook.

Although I hated hearing his words, Wolf made me rethink my decisions. And since I did not want Match to see me kill, I had no choice but to accept my defeat.

"Then what are we going to do with him? Return Captain Hook to Peter Pan? He wants to kill us, remember! We can\'t just toss this poor guy into the sea!" I shouted, while waving my hands. "Oh, wait! Don\'t tell me you\'d bring him along on our journey, now, aren\'t you?"

"I was about to say that!" Wolf retorted. "But what else could we do besides letting him stay over?! We toss him in Wonderland and leave Captain Hook to rot!"

"Well, isn\'t that indirectly killing him too? And we can\'t have someone, especially a pirate, be with us. He might wait for the perfect chance to stab the two of you on the back!" I replied.

"You fucking do that now and then! That ain\'t new to me, Red!"

Our heated exchange caused the two of us to butt heads, with our teeth gritting in anger. We wanted to talk with our fist if it were not for Match and Ryoshi pulling us apart.

"Avast! If me can talk, can me tell ye something! Me has an idea!"


All four of us shouted at the pirate, who wanted to compromise with our decisions. Captain Hook slowly sank himself backwards while embracing her feet like a fetus. After that event, no one could regain their pride, not even me arguing with Match.

"Just so you know, Hook, you\'re our prisoner! You\'re not worthy of talking to us from where we stand!" I snarled, while sending daggers in his direction.

"That\'s Captain Hook for yer information, mateys. And me would like to tell ye the booty that me pirates want to have! Me can tell ye their location! Yer scurvy buccaneer!" Captain Hook insisted, while painting his face with a grin. "The Black Pearl is the most sought-after treasure around Wonderland. Me and the pirates tried looking for it for thousands of years! Legend says that someone would love getting that stone…. Maybe yer might need it with your quest, mateys!"

"What did you just call us?!" Ryoshi stepped into our conversation, while grabbing Captain Hook by his collar.

The pirate pleaded for his life as he felt himself getting raised by the ranger. Although Ryoshi had little strength compared with Wolf and me, he could still punch someone in the face. And that punch would still leave a mark on someone\'s face without using his bow.

"Anyway, this Black Pearl you\'re talking about…. Does it affect Alice?" Wolf asked, while leaning towards Captain Hook. "Your answer will depend on whether or not we let you live."

"Aye!" Me is not sure, matey. But if the legends are true, maybe the Black Pearl would do something to Alice! M-Me hasn\'t met this Alice before, so I would not know!"

The pirate had a reasonable excuse. There was no point in lying in our situation, and he already told us plenty of information. We would need those details soon, especially about the Black Pearl.

Wolf went to Captain Hook and untied the rope, freeing him from any restraints. That pirate caressed his hands and shook Wolf\'s hand afterwards, thanking the two of us for his freedom. I could only guess that pirates treated prisoners differently than us.

While this event happened, I took Wolf back and asked him a question, "Wolf... If this was a game, why was that pirate different from his peers? Pirates should be murderous! But after witnessing Captain Hook, it feels like he still has a shred of decency left in his eyes."

Wolf carved up a smile on his face as he answered my question. "How about you? Those game developers programmed you to be a villager. Villagers don\'t take lives or fight. Yet here you are with the rest of the players, wallowing with your stained hands."

After saying his answer, Wolf returned to Captain Hook. He told the pirate about the rules he needed to follow, or else we would toss him into the water. I believed that Captain Hook said something about "Parley". I knew nothing about that, so it did not matter to me.

I returned with Match and headed towards the wheels once again. Captain Hook, Wolf, and Ryoshi went back to the cabins and talked about the new schedule they planned. It would involve our shifts, adding Captain Hook as our prisoner of war.

As Wolf entered the cabin halls, he told us, "keep an eye on any whirlpools around this area! According to Hook, we have reached the deadly ocean site!"

I called back and said, "Then should you be the one handling the boat?"

"Nonsense! You could do it! And if the situation becomes worse, let Match run towards me and wake us up!"

After our exchange, the three of them went back and never escaped their cell for now. Match and I were the only ones left on the deck, doing our thing as Wolf told us. Since those two idiots told us to watch out for whirling things, our eyes worked for twenty-four seven.

We did not want to idle around, considering that it would cost us our lives. So right now, we had no choice but to watch the ocean, with our eyes peeled with anything unusual. Since it was still nighttime, it was more difficult for us to pay attention to the scenes.

Within a few minutes, the clouds surrounding us changed. Blaring roars of thunder echoed in our surroundings, eventually blasting our eyes. Fortunately, we already heard worse than those ruinating sounds before. I could even compare them to the sounds that the cave made back from the dwarves.

As we trod onward to the ocean, our boat went in the wrong direction. It continued swaying like a swing, unsure where it would go. When we experienced that, I went to Match and instructed her to fetch Wolf.

Match understood my commands and dashed straight to the cabin, only to meet the violent wind obstructing her movements.

I dashed straight to Match and held on to her tight while clasping my hands on the metallic rail. I could only pray that the automatic wheels would continue sailing forward. If it went in a different direction, I might meet Clementine after wrecking the ship.

"Come on, you stupid idiots! Do something, or I\'ll break your bones!" I shouted, while gritting my teeth.

The deadly whirlwind continued forever, hindering us from calling for help. It even blocked our way towards the wheels, making it difficult for us to change our cruise.

My fear finally became true when the boat changed its course and went to the side. The waves splashed inside the deck, drenching us with salted water. There were even wild fish flapping their tails as they desperately tried gasping for air.

Since the boat moved, the wind changed its orientation. I seized the moment and dashed straight to the wheels, disregarding the dying sea creatures. If these fish could remain on the floor, we would gather them as our futuristic meals. But right now, handling the boat became our utmost priority.

Match also did what she could and raced towards the cabin. Upon entering inside, she screamed as loud as she could, waking up the three barnacle heads. After a few seconds, that trio ran outside and witnessed the chaos happening around us.

Wolf and Ryoshi, who haven\'t slept a wink, cursed the briny sea. Even Captain Hook had a perplexed look on his face, trying to figure out a way to stop this thing.

"Hey, aren\'t you a pirate? So you know how to deal with these... things, right?" Ryoshi asked, while stealing glances at Hook.

"Don\'t look at me, me haven\'t experienced that. Yer lucky fellas, mateys."

I overheard their trivial conversation while we faced this phenomenon. As the Wolf, Ryoshi, and Hook concluded their talk, Wolf went to the station and took the wheels off from me. Ryoshi took the telescope and went to navigate the darkened surroundings, together with Match. I, who had no special talent for managing a boat, guarded Captain Hook.

If there was someone who could monitor him, it was me."

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