
Chapter 4 - Her Abrasive Personality

Abigail giggled aloud, "she's so entertainment!" breaking the silence that felt in the room after Roselyn's unconventional statement.

They all joined in a common laugh as they pretended-or actually believed Roselyn wasn't serious.

David didn't laugh, contrary he was staring at her and raised his eyebrows in a hinted smirk.

"I like women who can stand out." He said in a whisper, keeping his gaze on her as he filled his cup with tea.

Roselyn ignored his indignant staring and went to sip the tea.

"I received the bitter new about the King's death. If I can share my concerns with you in total confidence, I dare to admit that I am quite concerned about the realm's future. Prince John doesn't seem worth of such a title."

"Why do you have those concerns? Because of the rumors?" Sharon asked, cocking her head to the side.

"A prince shall not be such a mystery like he is. What if he is not a good ruler to the reign? We know nothing about him besides his name."

"Like we know nothing about you either, yet if one of you asked for our hand we have to accept immediately." Roselyn spat with a challenging tone of voice.

"Miss Roselyn, I understand your concerns about our intentions and your distrust, but a King differs from a potential suitor." Lord Ferdinand replied, who sounded pretty irritated and worn by Roselyn's snooty attitude.

"I guess all we can do is have a good faith and hope he's a good man just like his father." Abigail calmed the tension in the room, smiling confidentially.

"We will find out soon, indeed."

"However, I'm glad you accepted our invitation. I would like to see you again Sharon." Lord Thomas smiled at her, causing her to blush lightly. Then she nodded, looking at him straight as he lowered down and kissed her hand softly, bowing.

"We hope you all have an enjoyable ride home." Lord Ferdinand said.

David gazed at Roselyn, waving with his hand with a little smirk.

When they got back home, their mother Ginevra rushed to the door to welcome them home and hear how the meeting went.

"Roselyn and her abrasive personality!" Abigail yelled, glancing at her sister.

"He didn't say he wanted to see me again. It's probably your fault!" She pointed a finger against Rose who rolled her eyes as a response.

"I just replied honestly, since when honesty is a crime?" Roselyn questioned, folding her arms.

"Since you're being honestly disrespectful." Abigail spat.

"Ladies shall not scream against each other like beasts, Abigail." Their mother intervened in the quarrel.

Abigail, hearing her mother scold, let out an angry yell and darted her eyes around.

She breathed in and out, gathering her fingers together as her hand lowered down, as she tried to remain calm.

"My point is, lovely sister," she showed a plastic smile to Roselyn, "that just because you don't want a man you can't deny that possibility to us as well. Your sharp behavior affects us and our possibilities of getting married, as well."

Roselyn blinked, unsure of what to reply to her sister's accusation. To hinder her sisters' possibilities to get marry was not her intention at all, despite this she immediately feel guilty.

"He wants to see me again!" Sharon exclaimed, smiling hugely to their mother. "That sounds amazing!" Ginevra offered a joyful smile and then when to turn around to gaze at Abigail, with a supportive smile.

"Your turn will arrive, dear. There is no need to rush, love."

"I'm sorry," Roselyn admitted, noticing how sad Abigail looked.

"Next time I will behave well," Roselyn held her hand and once she met her sister's gaze smiled. "you can always conquer the King."

Her eyes sparked as she remembered about the King. "I will," she whispered nodding to Roselyn.

They went to the living room and Ginevra gave Kathy two coins: "Roselyn, you should go now to the tailoring shop and choose your dress for the ball."

Roselyn nodded, as they both walked out the mansion to get on the carriage.

In a few seconds their carriage reached the tailoring shop, but they decide to wait before entering since few ladies were already inside.

The ladies there were the Ferrington. They didn't have a good relationship with the Claytons since the younger sister was interested in Abigail's gentleman and had brought the couple to disjunction.

They were that girls who got interested in taking other's men because they liked the feeling of winning a man to another lady.

When they walked out the shop and saw Roselyn, they took a light bow who Roselyn returned.

"Hii, Miss Roselyn!" Juliet exclaimed as she gave Roselyn a half smile.

Roselyn's lips curved into a plastic smile: "Good afternoon, miss Juliet Ferrington."

"Why are you buying new fabric? Any... special occasion you're invited to?" Gigi asked to Roselyn as the corners of her month quirked up.

Roselyn shook her head from side to side as she spoke: "No, I just went to see the new collection."

"We went because... we have a special occasion to attend, but I'm afraid we can't share it with you just yet." The sisters giggled, looking at each other.

"I strongly hope you have a joyous time at that special event!" Roselyn smiled to them both, hinting a bow.

They smiled at her and went to return her bow. "Have a good day!"

Roselyn walked through the door, entering the tailor shop, followed by her maid Kathy.

"Dozens of families had visited me just today, but nobody wants to say the event they plan to do."

A voice echoed from inside. It came from the seamstress who was chatting with a woman through the window.

When she heard Roselyn's steps approaching, she quickly closed the window.

She bowed down and Roselyn followed her gestured, "G-Good afternoon, miss."

Roselyn nodded and went to gaze around the shop.

"Do you desire some fabric in particular?"

"Hmm," Roselyn cupped her chin.

"I unfortunately have sold part of the new collection. Maybe I can check the warehouse."

She walked into the nearly storage room after receiving a gesture of consent from Roselyn.

In a few minutes she came back from the storage room carrying out a tall stack of fabrics and hardly keeping her balance.

"There is quite a wonderful variety." Roselyn commented satisfied, while the woman proceeded on laying each fabric on the table in front of her so she could have a better look.

Roselyn gazed at each fabric for a few seconds before moving to the following one until she her gaze fallen on a purple fabric with a embroidered lace collar with some details upon it.

She pointed at that fabric smiling: "that one", she said as her eyes flashed with joy.

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