
Chapter 53 - When Alone...

He gently dabbed his horse's side which speeded up surpassing once again Roselyn. The fast speed raised the dust so she covered her eyes with her arm. She chuckled at the thought of how easily he was to tease. After some instants he slowed down walking at Roselyn's pace.

His head turned over to look at her, "you can even horse ride. Is there something you can't do?" He said, hearing what sounded like a compliment, she curved her lips into a smile.

"We shall stop here." He commanded pointing at the green lawn.

He jumped down the horse and walked toward her to help her get down. He took her by her hips.

"Thank you." She murmured staring straight at his red eyes while he gently put her down.

John placed a blanket over the lawn and laid on it crossing his long legs. Roselyn laid on the blanket then she looked at the green carpet and the flowers that bloomed here and there. She picked a daisy and played with it by rolling the stem.

"How did you have the idea of an agreement?" Roselyn asked, staring at the flower rolling.

He leaned closer to her joining her in watching the flower.

"I just was reading some papers when I saw a similar agreement of a young lady agreeing to marry a older high ranked man just to guarantee a satisfying future to her and her family."

Then he shrugged, gazing at the clouds in the sky, "I just needed to find someone who would accept to do a similar thing according to my clauses." His gaze lowered down to look at her, "I guess I found that person."

"So you really used me as a pawn?" Roselyn asked she faked a laugh but her tone of voice was vulnerable.

He giggled rolling her eyes, "the Queen pawn and I am the King pawn."

She rolled her eyes, "even if I know I am helping you, those words you pronounciated hurt me." She admitted, feeling relieved after getting that burden off her chest.

"I know," he said looking down, "But as I previously said, you should stop caring Roselyn. So that you won't get hurt."

"I can't stop caring as easy as pressing a buttom. It's not that immediate if you have feelings and are empathetic." She offered a smile slighty subtly the information that he wasn't able to feel those emotions.

"You can learn it. Train your mind not to care and to detach yourself from anyone."

Roselyn gazed at him wondering if he just wanted to try to hide his vulnerability or if the cold surface was just as cold as his inner soul.

Unable to answer her concerns she just let the matter drop and tried to change the subject. She didn't know what to talk about with him, family matters? Out of the question. Love? Inconceivable. Free time? The less she knew about a vampire's hobbies during free time, the better.

"However the suggestion is still available." He broke the embarrassing silence.

"What?" She questioned, puzzled.

"In case you feel lonely and need company."

She sighed. After all, an embarrassing topic was better than a deafening silence.

So she gave up to the ashamed and took advantage of the situation to solve some doubt.

"Does it hurt?" Roselyn asked in a murmur, her cheeks heated up becoming red.

He chuckled, "pain is the last feeling you have to be concerned about. It's just like when you do it when you are alone but more enjoyable as someone else is doing it for you."

"What do I do when I am alone?" She raised an eyebrow not fully understanding where the speech was heading to.

John's eyes examined her upside down, he leaned closed to her, "you've never touched yourself before?"

Roselyn frowned her eyebrows letting him deduce the answer.

He laughed, pulling his hair back, "you should try it."

"Fine. Can we head back home now?" She begged, he nodded gently smiling seeing her uncomfortableness.

As soon as they entered the mansion the servant told them about the arrival of a letter handing it to the King.

He turned it over to check if she could see a sign when he read the name of David Darington.

He rolled his eyes, "he won't let go, will he?" He said looking at Roselyn whose jaw dropped reading the name.

He slided out the letter from the envelope, and they both read it.

It was a threatening letter, full of curse words, insults, and desperate weeping for having broken his heart.

Nothing they didn't already know until they read...

In the last line, a message was written in uppercases: 'I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU AT THE WEDDING. SOMEONE EXTENDED THEIR INVITE TO ME'

Roselyn covered her mouth with her hand, but John frowned, his forehead creased, "If he tries to run our marriage I will run his life." His tone was frank and angry.

"Who invited him? It must be from your list, my guest list was just family related." Roselyn hissed but he raised an eyebrow. "The people I invited don't even know him." He said shaking his head.

"Then he must have lied, which sounds plausible considering he is a slippery type." She spat, hearing a curse for the first time escaping her lips, John's mouth dropped then he chuckled.

Roselyn glowered at John, "I've had enough of Lord David." She said like if she needed any justification for the words that left her mouth.

"I know. I can execute him, you just have to demand me to."

Roselyn's eyes widened, although she disliked him and the opinion she had about that boy was very wretched. The thought of having his death on her conscience was the last thing she wanted. She shook her head at his demanding gaze.

"We have to face him once and for all." She announced taking a long breath.

John nodded his head, "we should just tell everyone how things went. What he did to you." He said cupping his chin with his hand.

Roselyn shook her head once more and sat down.. Her hand covered her forehead as she shut her eyes trying to come up with a resolution.

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