
Chapter 96 - Abigail’s Wedding [part 2]

The piano started to play; it was time for the spouse to make her entrance. Silence fell in the church. Lord Victor was gazing around in her search, standing in a tall erected posture. He plastered a smile on his face, trying to remain calm, begging internally his lady to arrive. Turning his head from the side, where his mother smiled at him. They walked slowly and composed toward the altar.

When reaching it they both turned around as it was the turn of the spouse to make her entrance. Few more minutes passed a new melody was played, and people seriously wondered if she was going to arrive or not.


"Oh my!! Hurry!!" Sharon enticed her sister to speed up, as all three of them rushed to reach the church as soon as possible. They had to take three turns to get in the back of the mansion where the church was located.

The music became louder as they walked near, and Abigail took a long breath before finally stepping inside.

People eyes' were all attracted like calamits to look at the spouse, who walked firmly and elegantly toward the alter. At each step she took, Lord Victor's eyes sparked a little more, joy filled his body, he couldn't believe she arrived.

Roselyn and Sharon walked behind her from each side, accompanying her.

When Abigail reached her loved one she smiled, her cheeks blushed when she saw the commotion in Victor's eyes that slowly ran through her body, appreacing and admiring every each of her.

They turned over to face the priest, who started to talk and asked the fateful question gazing at the husband.

"Do you take Miss Abigail Clayton to be your wedded wife?"

"Yes I do," said Lord Victor not even waiting for a second to think about the answer, he replied in a certain tone of voice like if that was the only certainty he had in his life.

"Do you take Lord Victor Peterson to be your wedded husband?"

"Yes, I do." Abigail replied, her voice smooth, a smile on her lips.

Roselyn's heart skip a beat looking at the scene, she felt proud and happy for her sister. She knew that she found a man that really loved her and proved his love to her by standing there, instead of escaping like many men do in fear of causing a scandal.

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest said. They already turned around to look at each other's in the eyes. Lord Victor took a step toward her, grabbing her face to place a deep soft kiss on her thin lips. Tilting his head to the side to kiss her more deeply until they detached. Abigail's cheeks blushed, which was an odd gesture since she had never blushed before.

They turned around to stare at the crowd of guests that clapped their hands and smiled to them. Abigail's gaze fell for a second on Roselyn to give her a nod as she smiled joyfully.

Roselyn smiled back, glad for how things turned around and for having helped her sister to gather the courage to walk there.

When the spouse and the husband walked outside the guests gathered together following the couple walking outside. Yorkshire welcomed a new married couple in high society. As they headed in the yard, which was outside a flat near the church. Roselyn looked at all the proprieties Victor owned, a church and a mansion that gathered together so many rooms. If he had all that, how much King John owned?

She felt the touch of a warm hand on her back and when she turned around, expecting to find King John another man was looking at her with an odd smile on his face. Who was him and why was he touching her back?

"Who are you?" She asked, her walking acelerated.

"Are you Miss Roselyn?" He said, not moving his hand from her back but lifting it toward her shoulder as his gaze moved to inspect her body.

"Who are you?" Roselyn's voice was louder, she wondered why no one was helping her. Not that she knew those people but they were his future husband's relatives, they could try to help her when in difficulty.

The unknower's hand was abrupty shifted by John to place his own hand over her back. That man lifted his hands, "I just wanted to introduce myself to your wife."

John's glowered at him, his eyes flashed in red revealing all his anger. "It's fine." She whispered near to his ear, pulling him away as his gesture caught the attention of some guests and the lady didn't want to cause a scene.

When they departed from the crowd, he scoffed, "I hate them," John spat, his tone of voice was irritated.

"I am with you now, I won't let you alone anymore." She reassured him, after a brief pause he gave a breath of relief and nodded.

They reached the crowd again, all the guest were waiting for the wife to throw her bridal bouquet. Abigail turned around standing few meters distant from the group of un married ladies. All them looked up to the sky.

Abigail threw the bouquet and all the ladies waiting for it lifted their hands up trying to reach it when the only lady that wasn't lifting her hands caught it on the fly.

It was Sharon.

When she realized what she did, her eyebrows knitted down and her face turned pale. The ladies applauded, before storming to the dining room to have the bridal lunch.

Roselyn reached the table and sat frontally to John. Her gaze was attracted by the opposite part of the table as she felt someone gazing at her. The same person that asked who she was earlier lifted his glass smirking at her.

Looking away trying to ignore that person, she gazed back to John. She could easily notice all his relatives conversing animatedly with each other but no word was spoken to John.. They all ignored him like if he wasn't part of the family.

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