
Chapter 101 - Choosing The Dress

The tongues brushed together and John opened his mouth slightly to introduce the tongue a little bit more, their tongues embracing together as he tilted his head to the side. He backward before he could make any hast movement and she gently bit his lower lip staring into his eyes.

They both smiled when embarrassment fell among them realizing they both were burning in the desire.

Roselyn stood up and fixed the fold that the dress assumed for the seat position. "See you later then, " she then smiled at him.

"Pick the most beautiful dress. I can not wait to see you wearing it, " he exclaimed with a glimpse of mischief in his voice.

Maybe rather than seeing her wear it he was looking forward to taking it off? She mentally scolded herself for having thought about that. Where did the shy innocent lady go?

The blond maid was waiting for Roselyn in front of the door, to accompany her. When the maid saw the lady she smiled and proceeded to open the door.

They walked outside and stepped on the carriage that was waiting for them.

"I can't believe I have the honor to meet the personal seamstress of the Royal family!" the blond maid exclaimed, in a joyful tone of voice.

Roselyn's eyes widened, she forgot that the seamstress they were going to visit was also the one who dressed all John's family and probably knew many things about them. She immediately felt anxious and under pressure.

The lady just realized that she didn't know much about John's relatives or his personal matters, what if the seamstress asked her something and would find out she didn't know anything about the man she was going to marry? It would be very upsetting and embarrassing.

"W-w-was she on good terms with the Royal family?" Roselyn stuttered, clearly preoccupied.

The blond maid cupped her chin, slightly arching her eyebrow. "From what I heard, yes, she was." That response didn't reassure Roselyn who swallowed hard in the concern.

"What's bothering you?" her friend asked, noticing the lady's nervousness.

Roselyn breathed out, her hand went to cover her chest. "I just realized I don't know much about John and his family," she confessed, in a shy voice.

The blond young girl smiled genuinely. "Don't worry about that," she reassured the lady. "Nobody does."

Roselyn's forehead creased when her eyebrows knitted, "but you said they were in good terms with the seamstress…"

"To have a good relationship with someone doesn't mean to share secrets and personal matters with them," explained the wise maid.

"If the inhabitants of Scotland don't know much about them why they esteemed and loved them so much?" Roselyn vociferated the question as soon as the doubt intruded in her mind.

But the maid offered another smile, like if she imagined being asked that question. "They never revealed much to anyone. If you find John very private then you should have seen his relatives. The whole family was a mystery."

Roselyn listened carefully, waiting for the maid to continue after she took a breath, "but they ruled very well. They always made sure to satisfy the village, especially the Queen that often paid visits to the poor families to bring them gifts."

An honest smile formed on Roselyn's lips as she recalled when John opened up with her about his mother when he said they usually visited the village. She nodded to the maid, giving a breath of relief.

The carriage took off and they stepped outside, a small but raffinate house lied on the hill near the river. The house looked like a small cottage, surrounded by a garden full of flowers and plants.

Roselyn walked toward it and took a deep breath before knocking at the door. Her heartbeat raced when the door opened.

"Good morning," a curly red-haired woman welcomed her guests with a cheerful smile on her face. She spread her arm inside, opening the door wide to invite them in.

"You must be Roselyn, John's future wife," the woman said before closing the door behind them.

Roselyn nodded offering a shy yet genuine smile. She gazed around the house, furniture was made of ancient wood and from the walls emerged orchids.

"Follow me." The woman began to walk toward a room and Roselyn didn't hesitate to follow her.

They entered a prestigious room filled with hundreds of fabrics and dresses. The seamstress walked toward a cabinet and opened its doors.

A few of the most beautiful bridal dresses were inside, each one had a different style but all of them were so stunning that Roselyn felt like she was in the paradise of clothing.

She blinked few times to make sure she wasn't dreaming, she felt her eyes filling with tears the more she looked at the dresses.

"I made those based on my taste and how the King described you, adding some details that recalled back the dresses the Queen wore during the years." The red-haired woman placed the dresses on a wooden table so Roselyn could see them better.

Roselyn's eyes darted from right to left staring at each dress, admiring every detail of those beautiful items. She couldn't decide which one to try. She turned around toward the blond maid, to ask her a tip. "I can't pick, they all look beautiful," she said in a pleading gaze needing her help.

The blond maid leaned closer to the lady's ear and whispered, "the one on the left."

Roselyn smiled and immediately proceeded on pointing to the dress suggested by her friend. The seamstress smiled and removed the protective foil that was preventing the dress from any damage.

It was a long dress sleeveless, with lace details on the strapless neckline. It was tighter on the waistline. The lace details proceeded on all its length running across the bustier and reaching the long mermaid skirt.

Roselyn brought the dress to the dressing room to try it on.


Hey guys! I need your help about this.. I wanted to spicy up their intimate life by introducing some practices (not too extreme) for instance the most common and less dangerous BDSM ones. Of course it will still be a sweet but I wanted to ask you, what would you prefer? More romantic sweet scenes or always sweet but with more spiced up practices? (Of course no harming or hurting but just erotic)

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