
Chapter 136 - I Am Your Sister!

"John!" she screamed aloud, but nobody heard her voice, too low to be heard over the strong wind that blew.

Roselyn took a deep breath when she saw the door opening, her eyes flashed hoping to see John reaching her, but to her discomfort, she found someone else. It was Sharon who reached her shaking her head in discontent and narrowing her eyes, "you never change, don't you? You never learn to respect the rules. Maybe you need some discipline that our mother never gave you."

A grin on Sharon's face, but Roselyn frowned, "Sharon I had enough, give up on him and marry one of the dozens of suitors who offered their hands to you." Roselyn said, in an angry tone of voice. 

"I'll show you what a banshee is capable of doing dear Roselyn. Do you think you're powerful for being able to grow plants and link telepathically? That's nothing compared to what you could be." She giggled, her gaze went to stare down the ground from where plants arose and tied around Roselyn's legs.

"It will be even funnier to destroy you. I have to admit I didn't want to kill you first. You're still my sister, but if you get in the way of my plan I am willing to kill you."

Roselyn tried to move her feet from the grips that plants trapped her feet on the ground, she stretched her hands and tried to rip off the roots that impeded her movements. But she couldn't reach them and the grip intensified even more, how was that possible?

"Dear Roselyn, plants follow the orders of the stronger banshee, which makes you powerless and useless against me. This is my last threaten. Go away. Leave forever." Sharon mouthed out and raised her voice enunciating her last words.

"John!" Roselyn yelled another time, but again her attempt was in vain.

"Wrong answer." Sharon walked toward her and the roots began to grow toward Roselyn's knees reaching her hips quickly and tightening her strongly, barely allowing her to breath properly. The grip was so strong that she couldn't even bear the pain, she whimpered out. 

"I am so sorry," Sharon whispered smiling and faking a sad look on her face. A tingle ran toward her legs for the strong grip that impeded her any movement, a cry of pain escaped from her lips.

"Please..." that's all she managed to whisper, a tear ran down her face, and the plants suddenly paused their growth, and their grip slightly released.

"Please?" Sharon leaned closer to her to hear better. Roselyn opened her eyes, finally gathering back her breath to take advantage of the release of the grip.

"Please let me free," Roselyn murmured in low voice, her neck was of a red intense. Her lips were livid.

"Will you let me be if I do?" Sharon asked moving her hand causing the plant to grip more intensely around her hips and grow toward her chest.

"I will, I promise"

Sharon shook her head, "I don't believe you." She said, new roots grew and wrapped her body to grip around her chest more intensely, her arms were tightened by the roots around her chest and she was squeezed even more strongly. She felt her organs squeezing and she cried out aloud in pain.

"Sharon… I am your sisters." Roselyn breathed out with the remaining air she had in her lungs until her vision blurred and she couldn't feel her legs anymore. She gave up on the pain she was in and she fainted.

"I was your sister too, but you didn't care when you stole the man I wanted," Sharon said with an empty expression watching her faint, she closed her fists and the plant's grip stopped tightening. She gazed at Roselyn for some instants to see if she was still alive and when Roselyn's body didn't move she unreleased the plants and threw her body toward the forest so that it couldn't be found by John.

John was in the hall and saw Sharon entering with an odd smirk on her face which got him wondering what was the reason behind that happiness. As soon as her gaze met his, she smiled more cheerful, "Hi John. There are no maids, do you want me to cook something for you?"

John nodded no with his head, he wasn't hungry as oddly as that sounded from him, he wasn't even thirsty. "Do you need me to bring you something?" Another question rang in his ears but he shook his head.

He didn't like to see Sharon settled there, she reminded him of Roselyn and he hated it, he already thought about her enough and he didn't need to be reminded that much. He scoffed, why he felt that way?

Ethan arrived and glanced at the two of them, before walking toward John, "we should go haunt together in the woods. Maybe that will release some anger." He said but Sharon quickly intervened as soon as she heard that.

"I don't think it's a good idea, your highness. I bet there is already a lot of scandals when the news of a supernatural attack will spread in the village." Sharon commented.

"Who said you had to say in something like this?" John's brother spat glowering at her.

He was so skeptical and didn't like people, there was something that he didn't like about her, and just because he revived his father it didn't mean he had to be kind to her nor that he wanted to. 

Sharon tried to bit her tongue and forced herself to offer a smile to John's brother, "I was just giving a tip because I care about him."

"You barely know him. You care about him or the title?" Ethan spat once again, Sharon blinked few times her patience was almost runoff. Still, she took another breath and faked another smile.

"I probably know more than you do." She whispered causing John to flinch over and glance at the two of them. "Enough now, I am already shaken by the events that occurred today and I already have a strong headache."

"I am sorry," Sharon murmured placing her hand over John's shoulder, his gaze fell over her hand, and frowned just to turn around and walk away.

"Goodnight," John said, leaving Sharon and his brother alone in the remaining of the hall.

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