
Chapter 273 - Workhorse

They headed into the garden, then they walked afar from each other.

"You can attack first when ready," John screamed to Roselyn whose face got even paler as her dizziness increased.

She had to attack as soon as she could or she would faint. She focused on the little remaining energies she had and then narrowed her eyes.

Her hands for the lack of strength in Roselyn's body were shaky yet Roselyn didn't give up. The sky turned darker and a fog dimmed both of them impeding John to see properly.

She gained few more energies using her powers so she used those for the next attack. From the ground emerged a water jet and it led with extreme speediness toward John. He hastily stretched his arm and covered his face as the water splashed and wettened him. Before John could react another jet hit him from behind and threw him abruptly against the ground.

John jumped to stood up and he groaned, he didn't like to be knocked out so easily even if he was glad to see Roselyn got stronger and faster although she hadn't been practicing in weeks.

The fog meantime had intensified and John couldn't see clearly, he didn't even see Roselyn.

Roselyn closed her eyes, she felt much better, maybe John was right the more she used her powers and got stronger the more she felt better.

She smiled ready to attack John once more time, she focused intensely as she clenched her fists. She focused so much that she screamed for the effort. From the ground arose huge rectangular stones, the more they grow the more they got bigger and larger.

John opened his mouth in awe, he had never seen Roselyn use that kind of magic when he noticed the stones were getting bigger and that he could risk getting stuck and mashed between the stones he screamed, "Roselyn stop!".

But the fog and the noise of the stones growing impeded Roselyn to hear him, he hold onto a stone which was just rasing and managed to cling onto it. He was dangling on the tip of the stone clinging on it with one hand and with fatigue holding it.

He grunted as he applied pressure using all his strength.

The guttural growl he release as he pushed his body beyond her limits and pulled up with one hand was enough to shake anyone to the core. It was the cry of a creature that refused the embrace of defeat.

The adrenaline and strength came together with his will and John found himself sprinting up. Miraculously landing on his feet still near the edge of the stone cliff, he took a step. His face was calm even though small drops of blood dripped from her claws. The stone grow taller with John standing on top of it, he had to crawl not to lose his balance and risk falling from such a huge height.

Roselyn opened her eyes, the fog dissipated quickly and the stones stopped growing. John took a deep breath relieved, for once in his life he was afraid for his life. He had never seen a banshee do that magic spell and the stones were so huge and about 100 meters in height.

Roselyn frowned her forehead as she wondered where John was, she couldn't see him anywhere.

John meantime slowly stood up from a crawling position he was looking down at Roselyn, even if he screamed she probably wouldn't hear him. He took a deep breath, which was surely a good challenge Roselyn provided him, he wanted to jump down but from a height of about 60 meters, it was almost impossible to survive, even for a vampire like him. He was looking down at the tree's branches when he had an idea. He could jump down and try to grab a branch on his way down to dangle on it and kept holding onto the other branches until he found a way down.

However, the trees were still around 20 meters down his height so he had to be careful to jump down because he could risk missing the tree's branches.

He took a deep breath, walking closer to the edge of the bottom, he narrowed his eyes as he target the tree which was quite afar.

He jumped from the stone and for some instants, he flew as he jumped high in the sky opening his arms spread but only to precipitate down. His fall was so rapid he barely managed to keep his eyes open for the wind brushing through his body.

The branches were near, although the air was impeding John to move he stretched his arm and diverted toward the tree.

And finally, he grabbed the branches on one side and then the near liana, he's thrown in the opposite direction and he hit the three's trunk by a nose. He grabbed the trunk with his hand, narrowing his hand when the bark's scales of the tree slightly scratched his palm.

He jumped to grab another liana which lead him to a shorter distance which he could fall from without getting too much hurt.

John flipper over the ground for some instants before he crashed onto a stone. He whimpered in pain as he slowly got up, he hurt his arm and leg.

"John!" Roselyn exclaimed as she saw John slowly standing up and massaging his upper arm. His cheeks were also bleeding.

"I was on the top of one stone," John whispered, as he gazed up to the huge stones, from below the stones looked even huger and taller than they were.

"I'm sorry, I got out of control, I forgot I was only practicing with you," Roselyn said sorry for him as she ran closer to him and looked at his wounds concerned.

"Are you fine?" She then asked in a low voice.

John nodded, "I am." He took a brief pause as he stared at all the stones, "that was a great magic trick, you should do it more often.. It could your workhorse."

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