
Chapter 298 - Deep Breath

Roselyn was practicing with John, in order to get stronger and get control over her wings.

The news of her transformation into a true fairy had been spread in all Kratez. That news scared all the supernatural creatures because it was the prof she was very powerful, nonetheless, everyone was too scared to attack her so John wasn't very concerned about it.

He knew power and strength came together with fear and the more powerful you became, the more people would fear you or envy you.

Roselyn narrowed her eyes and focused, John suggested she stand on her tiptoe so that she could fully focus on holding her body weight and keep her balance.

John told her the first thing she had to do was to get used to her turned body, the weight of the wings, and try to link to them. Only when she knew exactly how they looked like, how they felt on her shoulders, and how huge they were she could finally attempt to move them.

Roselyn was already struggling to keep her balance, she felt like her wings were so heavy that she could barely keep a good posture.

Her feet were even aching and her knees felt like they would give up..

"Now back to position," John said allowing Roselyn to get back on her normal position.

She gathered her breath and moved her legs to release the stress.

Roselyn took a deep breath as she stretched her legs and her arms.

"Ready?" John asked.

Roselyn nodded before she got on her tiptoes once again. Balancing her weight to the side she reached a perfect posture for some seconds but then she fell back onto the ground. Right then, her wings disappeared and Roselyn scoffed. She stood up from the ground and fixed the folds of her dress.

"You will do it," John reassured her somehow reading her frustration. He wrapped his hand around her shoulder and accompanied her to walk inside.

Roselyn went back to her room to rest after the effort, she was quite worn out.

Deeply down she loved having wings, she loved how they looked even though she could only see them with the corner of her eye. Roselyn was also very excited to become as strong as she could be so that maybe she will be able to teach her son in the future.

On her bedside table, there was a tray full of biscuits so Roselyn didn't waste the occasion to steal a few and eat them.

She opened her closet and searched for a good dress she could wear during her mother's visit in a few days. Abigail suggested her not to wear something too tight but something quite oversized and large enough to hide her bump so that in case her mother would expose their secret she didn't have proof to.

So Roselyn lifted a dress, one with a fabric quite thick and large enough to hide her curves.

She placed it on the chair, she unconsciously took a sigh of relief as she knew there were more chances of getting rejected or insulted by her mother than actually getting a positive reaction from her.

She deeply down gave up on the idea that her mother wasn't the person she thought she was. Yet she hoped her mother would behave and won't hurt Abigail as much as she hurt Roselyn.

John walked in to bring her more food, when he saw her closing her closet he frowned his forehead and looked at her perplexed.

"I choose the dress for tomorrow. Abigail and I will visit our mother to tell her everything." Roselyn said.

"It would be better if we send her a letter and ask her to come here," John replied. Roselyn was shocked by his answer, she thought he would complain or tell her it wasn't a good idea since she was pregnant and she didn't have to get stressed much.

"Yes, maybe you're right." Roselyn nodded, trying to hide her shook for his answer.

"You can write the letter and then I will send it for you," John said, his tone of voice cheating his attempt to pretend he was fine with that decision letting Roselyn recognize he wasn't very skittish.

Roselyn pretended she didn't hear the doubt in his voice and smiled at him instead.

"Thank you. I will write one for my mom and the other to Abigail then to inform them the meeting will be tomorrow at the castle." Roselyn exclaimed while John sighed under his breath.

When John walked out Roselyn sat on her desk and wrote down the letter.

'Hello, mom,

With this letter, I want to ask you'

She lifted the letter and ripped it off unsatisfied by the sentence she had just written.

Roselyn took a deep breath, after reorganizing her ideas and mentally thinking of a sentence she finally wrote.

'Dear mother,

I am sending you this letter because Abigail and I want to talk to you about something. I know you may be upset in my regards so I ask you to come to visit the castle not for me but at least for Abigail.

I only ask you this thing then I won't bother you anymore.

Thank you,

Your daughter,


Roselyn read the letter over and over and she even changed the flow of some sentences but always ended up finding new mistakes.

She gave up and decided to send that letter to her, she called John who reached her in a few minutes.

John didn't open the letter, he probably wanted to keep her privacy, he only nodded and asked one last time if she was sure about that.

When Roselyn told him she was sure John headed the letter to one of the maids who would speed to post the letter.

Roselyn sewed and read some books in her free time until it was enough late to go to sleep.

John went to bed later than her as he wanted to finish painting the walls of the empty room.

The next day when Roselyn and John woke up they found a letter on her bedside table. It was probably the reply to her mother's invitation.

Roselyn swallowed down and she carefully stretched out her hand to take it as quietly as she could not to wake John up.

She unfolded the letter by keeping it with both the corners of her arm and skim through it.

Four words filled the letter.

' I accept the invite '

No more words, no questions why they invited her so urgently, and no mention about how she was. Those four cold words only.

It was still better than a refusal. Roselyn told herself to be positive and then she stood up, sneak out of bed to get a little walk toward the kitchen, and have a glass of water.

John woke up as soon as she left the room, his overdeveloped senses heard her footsteps clicking on the marble floor and woke him up.

He reached Roselyn in the kitchen.

She was sitting on a chair and blinking staring at the wall in front of her.

She didn't know if her mother's acceptance of her visit was making her happier or sadder.

Because she wasn't very ready to see her and eventually deal with her mother insulting her.

"Are you fine?" John asked, his voice still sleepy and hoarse but Roselyn smiled at the sweet sound of it.

"Yes, I am." She headed him the letter, "she accepted the invite."

John forced a smile, "isn't it good news for you?" He asked as he walked closer to her.

Roselyn sighed, "it is but one small side of me is worried and scared about her reaction. It's like if I don't want her to treat me badly again."

John lifted her from her hips and sat her on his lap, then he stared at her straight in her eyes and spoke only when she smiled at him.

"I am sure she will be happy to hear that she is going to be a grandmother. Think of today as a second chance for your mother. If she treats you well and apologizes then it means she deserves a second chance and to be in your life. If not, it only means you don't need her. You never needed her before and I am sure you don't need her now either."

John stared at Roselyn as she inhaled a deep breath. Then she placed a soft kiss on his cheek and smiled.

"You're right." She murmured.

"I will be here for you in case she dares to say something wrong about you," John added.

After they had breakfast Roselyn wore the comfy dress and stayed in her room, holding John's hand as she nervously tapped her foot on the floor.

Each minute lasted like an hour for her and she had to take deep breaths not to let anxiety take control over her.

Until… the carriage arrived and one maid told her to get outside since her mother was already waiting for her at the castle.

Roselyn held her breath while a heavy pound in her chest impeded her from breathing properly.

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