
Chapter 90 - 90

"Is it over?"

"You bet it is!"


"Can't you see how those 5 men were buried alive with just one punch each?!"

"Sorry. I didn't see it happen. It was just too fast for my eyes to follow!"

"Almost like dark sorcery! Or something a lot more sinister!"

"Shhhh! Cover your shit trap at once! You don't want to invite the wrath of Master Clark, do you?"

The audience in the City of Haran talked amongst themselves as they saw the vanishing figure of Master Clark enter into what's left of the Palace entrance of the Ning Family.

Though the fight has only realistically lasted in mere minutes but the damage it has done to the properties were astronomical.

Several huge craters had formed all over the place that marked the different spots that Clark had dodged unto amidst the onslaught of the Monster Brigade's attack.

The ruins were pretty spectacular to see indeed. Especially because an event like this one rarely happened within the metropolis.

Thus, the legend of Master Clark on this Blood Continent continued in this small city of Haran.

* * *

Within an imperial throne room.

"I have done what I said I would do, father in law. Now what about my wedding to your lovely daughter, Xi'er? How soon can we schedule it?"

Clark asked as he stood bravely before a seated King and Queen on their respected thrones of power.

This impulse to find a mate this soon in the game has totally not originated from our bored gamer but was an extreme drive brought about by the insane and lascivious character of Lu Chen.

This was a world that took strength as the basis of everything. A strong and able cultivator could even take a hundred or more wives if he wished it to be so.

And if truth be told, Clark was not entirely against this notion at all.

'I can take care of at least a thousand wives and make them all happy at the same time. If i can't even do that simple task then i doubt that i could ever take the title of the greatest playboy of all time!'

Clark almost smiled but held the thoughts down because he did not want to appear like a lewd old man in front of his in-laws.

Although he appeared 18 or so, it was an undeniable truth that this body has already seen the passage of a hundred and nineteen seasons.

"A wedding is not a simple matter, Master Clark. I want my only child to have the grandest wedding imaginable to man. Give us a year to prepare.

I think that this time is reasonable enough for both parties concerned." It was Ning Bao who said these words. His eyes were curious about the apparent changes in Master Clark's appearance.

But more than that, what surprised him the most was the drastic drop of Master Clark's cultivation base!

When Master Clark left, Ning Bao could not fathom his realm but now that he came back, it appeared that he was reduced to a mere 4th stage of Mortal Shedding Realm.

'And yet even after this obvious realm deviation, you could still easily slaughter men of the 8th Stage of Mortal Shedding Realm.'

Although the devouring of an Ancient Titan Fiend sounded plausible but the chances of that happening to anybody in this xianxia world would be several trillions to one at best!

'What more secrets lies inside your body, Master Clark?' Ning Bao wondered in silence.

He wanted to know the reason behind this unbelievable change but was well aware that he would have only gotten a set of lies and nothing more.

'Ahhhh... Is this a blessing or a curse unto you, Xixi?' Ning Bao sighed deeply when he recalled his daughter's plight.

If not for Ning Xi's confession and her pitiful plea to help her abdicate from this wedding, there would have been no doubt that Ning Bao would have married his daughter off right this very instant!

It never hurt to have someone of Master Clark's caliber to be his son in law even at the expense of Ning Xi after all. However, Ning Bao has not the heart to deny his daughter this chance of freedom in the end.

'At least i have to try.' The good king sighed as he recalled his daughter's crying face earlier.

After Master Clark left the engagement feast a few hours prior Ning Xi poured her heart out unto her father. She felt nothing more like a hot item auctioned only for the highest bidder in place.

Although she has successfully escaped the reach of one but then it was disheartening to find out that another has quickly replaced its stead.

"A year is too long a time, father in law. My heart can't bear to spend twelve months of separation with my dearly beloved lover, Xi'er!" Clark acted like a boyfriend scorned on stage.

'What dearly beloved lover are you talking about?!'

'You still have the spleen to lie to my face! You are really something else, Master Clark!'

A couple of veins almost popped out from Ning Bao's forehead when he heard these ridiculous words uttered in his presence. Fortunately, he retained the composure to keep his calm.

"Well, Master Clark... I could compromise and give you at l..." Ning Bao started to argue for time.

"Why don't you let me handle this, Ning Bao." Alas, the third person in the room finally said her first words since the meeting began.

"Hmmmm..." The King could only nod stiffly in consequence because he did not want to appear divided especially in front of one as powerful as this enigmatic Master Clark.

"Clark, marriage is a complex matter, particularly when it comes to my daughter. I'm sure a man of your station and nobility must have had many wives in the past.

Why don't you take Xi'er with you so that she would be given a chance to get to know you better. After all, you really don't believe that we bought the tale of you being my daughter's secret lover, do you?"

Wan Fei smiled sweetly at Master Clark's way. Although it would seem suicidal for her to break the illusion of confidence between them but she trusted her instincts on this one.

She believed that this man they only knew as Master Clark, who wielded upon himself strange abilities that defy the notion of what is and what was in what everyone knew of cultivation, would certainly take this blatant out in stride.

"Preposterous! I would never allow my daughter to be dragged along into a man's home out of wedlock!"

Ning Bao roared as he looked strangely at his wife with pure anger that painted a thousand words more than he could have ever spoken.

"Which is why I'm going along for the ride. I will be together with Xi'er so that she won't get bullied by Clark's collection of wives. So you don't have to worry about anything at all, Ning Bao.

I have a great intuition that Clark is not a man who forces any girl against her will. Or are you, Clark?" Wan Fei winked deliberately in Master Clark's way.

'This whore!' The King could barely hold his temper right now. If they had been alone, he would have thrown all sanity out and risked engaging war against his estranged wife today.

He believed that he had a small advantage over his wife's secret forces. Alas, Master Clark was there and that had made all the difference in Ning Bao's decision.

"It is as you say, Wan Fei. I was brought up by my doting parents to become the most honorable man I can be. In fact, I have yet to make a dishonorable act in my life!"

Clark pumped a fist unto his chest to add credence to his words.

'Honorable?! What is honorable in that?! You just admitted that you were lying, you dishonorable old bastard!' Ning Bao complained with these unspoken words.

"Splendid! I know that I have really not judged you wrongly, Clark. But on the off chance that I'm wrong, don't you worry, my dear husband.

Master Clark will have to step over my breathless body before he could even touch a finger on his unto our precious daughter!"

Wan Fei assured and anyone else who could have said these words would have delivered a pretty intimidating threat but not when this foxy Queen uttered them.

It reverberated sexiness and the promise of much more when Wan Fei licked these words into life. But how could the Mighty King of Haran take this offense lying down?

"You have gone far enough, Wan Fei!"

"I have taken your disrespect for far too long!"

"Do speak some more rubbish and I will have to remind you where your place truly is!" Ning Bao fumed in rage.

"Really? So you would dare not put Clark's decision on the matter? You would ignore Clark and his wishes? Is that it, Ning Bao?"

Wan Fei raised a brow and that cute lovely smile of hers reappeared once again.

"I did not know that you have already grown another set of balls on you, my dearest husband. To go against Master Clark, now that is exceedingly admirable of you Ning Bao!"

Wan Fei teased and the mention of Master Clark's name seemed to bring down a smoky trail of cold waters unto the blistering temperament of Ning Bao.

"What say you, Master Clark?" The King asked after he finally calmed down.

"I think that Wan Fei's suggestion is very good, father in law. Let them pack their bags and I will carry them both back into my Empire!"

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