
Chapter 120 - 120

"A-are you alright, Elder Tan Hai?" Outer Disciple Wu Da asked in a trembling voice on the side.

If he had not known any better, he would have jumped the first chance he got and helped the incapacitated Elder on his feet.


Luckily enough, the bitter years had taught Wu Da to know a golden rule about people in power. They were all of them obsessed about their perfect image and inviolable dignity.

He saw not a few dumb cultivators explode in bits and pieces after hearing these last words in their midst. Never shame the integrity of a master!

"..." Elder Tan Hai stood up by himself a moment later. He did not even have to speak something to know how deep his thoughts were in the present.

His eyes strayed for some precious breaths upwards and was relieved to see that the image of a Purple Throne has already left its last vestiges in the sky.

The unbreakable compulsion that squashed him and all other mortal cultivators originated from that Heavenly Omen.

And it was not that hard to conclude what this all meant for the boy and for the Demonic Sword Sect combined.

"What was that thing, Elder Tan Hai? I witnessed a purple throne above the heavens and then I was f..." Outer Disciple Wu Da started to speak his mind.

He was only taught that there were nine realms in cultivation.

If he knew at this time that there was one last realm to be had then there was no doubt that he would have looked at our bored gamer with an even burning fervor in his eyes.

"It was nothing, young one. A mere figment of what could be. But you best not speak of it again. Not to me or to any other soul ever. Do you understand me, Outer Disciple Wu Da?"

Elder Tan Hai's voice was as cold as the grave and the target of his words could not help the natural reaction of his body.

Wu Da took one step back and felt every single strand of hair on his body stood up in alarm.

"I-i hear and obey, Elder Tan Hai!" Wu Da bowed deeply and his head even reached below knee level in his haste and obvious horror.

The wizened Elder nodded and looked towards a boy in pink robes who was busy helping his women up and even exchanged some senseless banter amidst them.

'Not that it would help much at this point.'

Elder Tan Hai sighed and patiently awaited the child who had the potential to become someone who could control the direction of not only this continent but also the entire world someday.

A few breaths more and everyone finally assumed a sense of subdued tranquillity inside the halls.

Although the previous unnatural phenomena was quite shocking but that has all the more convinced each one of them that a boy with so much promise and future has come to walk amongst them.

Like a priceless diamond surrounded by a multitude of trash.

'At long last! It's good to be recognized once more.' Clark smiled wantonly over the abundant vision of awe that gathered in his person today.

Even within and without the premises of this Demonic Sword Sect, his Eternal Name would be known by everyone from now on. 

"May I know your given name, Young Master Clark?" Elder Tan Hai asked after a time.

Since there was nothing more to say and do, it was high time to make the entrance of this genius into the Demonic Sword Sect, official.

"I am Clark Colter, Elder Tan Hai! The greatest cultivator that this world has ever seen!" Clark assumed a pose of triumph and he was pretty satisfied with himself at the moment.

Since there were no other troubles that could anymore threaten his life today then it was a good time to play his heart out into this pretty immersive xianxia world.

Our excellent protagonist would have his fill to more than he could have ever imagined during his lengthy stay of exile.

"Welcome to the Demonic Sword Sect, Legacy Disciple Clark Colter!" Elder Tan Hai proclaimed in a booming voice.

"Thank you, Elder Tan Hai. It is my pleasure to be here." Clark replied in a nonchalant voice.

He really couldn't care less about any prestige or unimportant designation while he was here inside the sect. This small pond was too paltry for his ambitions.

In fact, our good gamer even had the delusions in becoming the king of the world in this xianxia realm.

He may have felt really careless about this but the same could not be said unto the Outer Disciple Wu Da.

'Legacy Disciple? Oh... my Lord!' Wu Da's eyes were as big as saucers in reaction to Elder Tan Hai's unbelievable grant unto Young Master Clark.

Although he totally agreed with this judgment but the implication behind this status was much more complex than he could ever hope to understand. But there was one thing that Outer Disciple Wu Da was sure about.

The Demonic Sword Sect and its myriad of disciples will have a tumultuous time with Young Master Clark's admittance to the sect.

This Epic Dark Horse comes and only the Gods and Goddesses knew how everything would turn out for all people concerned in due time.

"Escort Young Master Clark into the Outer Disciples Court, Wu Da. Let Elder Chang Tu know that from now on, Young Master Clark will be the second Legacy Disciple of the sect."

Tan Hai gave his commands and passed along a token that represented his person. It was an obsidian stone that was cut into a hexagonal shape.

A single glance and one could gather that this was no ordinary stone at all. It even felt very heavy in the hands of Outer Disciple Wu Da.

"I will do it at once, Elder Tan Hai!" Wu Da saluted to his Senior and without wasting another breath, led the stunned party out of the Assessment Pavilion.

Most of the 21 other boys and girls were very curious to know what a Legacy Disciple meant to the Demonic Sword Sect but alas, no one was brave enough to speak the first words to open up a topic about it.

Thus, they could only keep their curiosity hidden and unspoken for now.

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