
Chapter 185 - 185 Flimflam

"You've changed." Lin Che commented on the side. The heart rending screams lingered and in the near distance, Lady Yi Xinya was rolling on the floors in extreme agony.

She was experiencing all the torture and death that she has come to inflict upon her once upon a time victims.


And given that Lady Yi was already so old, it could only be imagined how much pain and suffering she had taken the time to give on her fellow cultivators.

The accumulation of them all would have to be tremendous to say the least.

"How so?" Clark asked back and looked eagerly towards the agony of others. Both the spiritual sense and divine sense have myriad of functions.

Spying was only one of them and this thing that our bored gamer was forcibly bestowing upon Lady Yi was an innovation of sorts. It was pure mind torture at its finest.

'Damn! The untold years that I had experienced on the hands of that Freaky Lady has really fucked me up! Did I become a sadistic monster because of that? Tsk. Tsk.'

Our bored gamer sighed but then he never paused in doing what he needed to do in the first place. Lady Yi was a bad evil woman after all.

She fully deserved to pay for her sins that were long overdue in the making.

"I don't know. But I just feel that you've changed a lot, Foul Creature. What happened in your sleep?'' Lin Che queried once more. This Primal Warden was not born stupid.

Although she may have been used and blinded by the influence of the Elder God by which she could not see anything good from our avid gamer but other than that, it certainly did not mean that she has also lost her faculties for complex thinking.

Being this ancient has absolutely granted Lin Che with superb intelligence also. Add to that, her observation skills were definitely top tier.

"Nothing happened to me. You must have been imagining creative things once more, Lin Che." Clark denied and also decided to end this show right here.

It was no good prolonging something that was truly inevitable in the end.

"Tap." He flicked his fingers and one very beautiful woman was decapitated cleanly and the rest of her body turned into grey ashes on the floors.

A blue flame embraced these last residues and in a breath, nothing has remained to commemorate Lady Yi Xinya's passing.

What remained was a lovely head masked in suffering and shock.

"That was regrettable. She would have been a good lay I'd imagine. If only greed has not eaten her heart in our first meeting. Hello and goodbye, Lady Yi." Clark shook his head.

He realized that being too famous was also not good in fact.

'Should I hide myself forever in my room then?' Our bored gamer mused but immediately discarded this absurd idea from his mind.

"Corpse Reincarnation." Our wide protagonist uttered and from the head that remained sprouted a whole new body from the floors up.

The figure bowed deeply to its master and awaited further commands for it to obey.

"Abominable evil spawn!" Lin Che cursed beside our bored gamer. She knew that this was not the real Lady Yi. Not anymore.

"Hehehe. I should tell you some time how I have come to possess these powers in my hands, Primal Warden. I believe that that would be a great discussion indeed."

Clark laughed at the unreasonable hatred that sprang from the eyes of Lin Che. A moment later, he looked at the resurrected Yi Xinya and chose to give her the barest command possible.

"Be a good girl from now on. Stay the same unreachable gal but no more killings and abductions in the dark."

"As you command, master." The undead Lady Yi Xinya replied humbly and walked out of the room with no other words spoken.

"Very well. Time to wake these fools up." Our bored gamer then shook Elders Feng Ren and Feng Lin and exactly did just that.

Of course there needed to be some tweaking to the memories of the two. Else Clark would get bombarded by unnecessary questions left and right.

"Let's go, uncles. We still have much to do." Clark said happily and took the first steps towards the exit.

"Where are we going, Young Master Clark?" Elder Feng Ren asked as if nothing happened to him. His brother Feng Lin also behaved the same.

The two did not even realize that they had been sleeping for more than 10 minutes prior.

"Same as i said before, Uncle Ren. I'm gonna explore the entirety of the sect." Our bored gamer smiled and off the party went to do some needed exploration.

If truth be told, Clark was only finding excuses to waste his time and nothing more.

* * *

Clark and his group returned to the residence by night time.

From the distance, it could be seen that the one thousand in attendance from before has exploded to unbelievable proportions at this moment.

At a quick glance, the gathered disciples were already reaching 20 thousand in number. Perhaps more. And the flood of Outer Court Disciples were still coming from all directions.

One should know that the Outer Court alone has a total number of more or less three hundred fifty thousand disciples.

It could only be imagined that the interested cultivators in here would only grow with time. Not less.

"Young Master Clark is here!"

"Young Master Clark has come!"

"Welcome back, Young Master Clark!"

A chorus of excited voices rang in the air and with how many people had already camped outside the majestic residence of our bored gamer, the echoes were like thundering explosions in the packed bodies of both male and female disciples.

Nonetheless, this fact has only brought the hype further and the news was still spreading far and wide.

If one would observe closely, he would instantly find one or two Inner Disciples who were also interested in this chance to become part of Young Master Clark's lucky members.

"I see that you have toiled for one day already. Good job all of you! Now let's see if you can do the same tonight."

This was only the words that Clark used before directly ignoring the mass of bodies in his front. He walked in front and everyone made their way like the parting of the red sea.

"Are you really intent on accepting anyone of them, Young Master Clark?" Elder Feng Lin asked once they had entered into the mansion.

"Of course, Uncle Lin. I absolutely cannot go back now. Not after I've already proclaimed that I would accept the worthy ones into my house.

Don't you want me taking in some disciples that i could use?" Clark asked back.

"Hmmm... I just feel that it would be hard to accept that many disciples all at once, Young Master Clark. You should know that you have grown quite famous in the sect already.

Everyone would be interested to be with a Legacy Disciple. But most of all, you are also well known for your generosity towards your servants.

Only a fool would pass this once in a lifetime chance to reap some benefits from you." Elder Feng Lin said.

"Fool! You are nothing but a fool to believe any word of this Foul Creature, mortal. You grow to this age and yet you still carry a clueless head over your shoulders. Pitiful!"

Lin Che shook her head on the side. At this time, Elder Lin was already used to the weird antics of Lin Che.

He did not say any harsh words in return but only stood in quiet contemplation about the words that were said. Lin Che was really a pretty weird lady.

This was the conclusion that Elder Feng Lin had in the end.

"Rest assured, Uncle Lin. I know what i'm doing." Clark finally replied and retired for the night. The two Dao Protectors went out and did their duties for the night.

* * *

The eve passed quickly and at a single blink, another day has arrived.

"Young Master Clark is here!"

"Young Master Clark has come!"

"Good morning, Young Master Clark!" A chorus of voices boomed loudly. There must have been fifty thousand cultivators in one big voice and it was surprising that they were well behaved in fact.

"So you're still here. Good, good. Now continue." Clark only said this piece and left without another word. He woke up late and it was 12 o'clock in the afternoon already.

Same as the last day, Clark opted to eat outside because everyone in his house was all busy cultivating still.

He knew how addictive cultivation with spirit stones could be and understood that Lai Peng and the rest were perhaps enjoying their euphoric high even as he walked away from the residence.

Another day ended and...

"Young Master Clark is here!"

"Young Master Clark has come!"

"Welcome back, Young Master Clark!" Clark was greeted with yet another warm applaud.

"I see promise in all of you. Persevere hard and I will be picking the worthy ones from amongst you soon." Our bored gamer threw some encouragement around and ended his day right then and there.

1 day.

2 days.

15 days.




1 month and 11 days passed until one soul could finally not wait any longer. This one's patience has already run out.

"YOUNG MASTER CLARK! ARE YOU MAKING FUN OF US ALL?!" And immediately after that, a series of complaints were thrown one after another towards the way of our bored gamer. 

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