
Chapter 189 - 189 War!

"Blood Twin. Come." Clark muttered softly and an old man appeared a breath later.

He was of course not stupid to wear the real face of his summon into the presence of anybody else but him.


Our bored gamer wanted to be low key as usual and thus he did not even have to join this particular quest in person.

But the two women that were with him in the room had all pretty varying opinions on the matter.

'Who is this Senior?' Gu Wenren was shocked to her core. With this near distance, it was easy to feel the immense spiritual energy that came along the advent of this unknown old man.

There was an impulse to prostrate herself before this mighty being and it did not take long for her to follow her instincts.

"Welcome to my humble Demonic Sword Sect, Senior! You honor my home with your presence!"

Gu Wenren bowed low but Lin Che on the other hand has a different reaction altogether.

"This vile abomination once again! Your kind is really annoying to deal with, Foul Creature!"

The Primal Warden spat and looked at both our bored gamer and his summon Blood Twin with absolute aversion.

She had met with Blood Twin before and she could still remember the familiar stench of this undead existence.

Blood Twin may have changed his shape and face but to a veteran judge, jury, and executioner of evil, Lin Che did not even have to second guess herself on her final conclusion.

However, Clark paid no mind whatsoever to the words of the women around him. He has a task at hand and knew that wasting his breath on these two was not anymore needed at this time.

For now, our bored gamer only wanted to give his instruction and that was exactly what he did.

"Go with this Lady and return when you give me this world under one banner. I have already paved the way. You need only to make things official for me."

Our bored gamer acted in a play once more. Although he loved talking to himself but this was certainly overkill by all intents and purposes.

Luckily enough, his secret was safe with him and that was all that mattered in the end.

"..." Blood Twin nodded once and motioned for Gu Wenren to follow him. The two were gone in an instant.

Their figures swam into the void and when they emerged, a vigilant war army was waiting for them in full.

"Are you not going to go with them? Who knows how much damage they would do unto this world? Are you not curious to find out?"

Clark teased when he saw that Lin Che still stood there like an eternal statue on the corner.

Her eyes pierced intently at his own and both of them shared yet another intimate connection in their lonesome. It was just sad that they were fated to be enemies in the end.

"What they could do is not enough to compare to what evil you could bring, Foul Creature. Don't take me for a fool!

You should not think that you can make this ploy to escape from my sight. That is never going to happen." Lin Che replied in a hard voice that was unbecoming of her beauty.

In the two months that she stayed together with this Foul Creature, she realized that she has slowly been letting her guard down.

This was perhaps the longest time that she had spent together with her target, dead or alive. This Primal Warden did not like this carefree ambiance nor her situation at all.

She was slowly getting poisoned by this Foul Creature and so she knew that she had to take action sooner rather than later.

"I see. You are really wise indeed." Clark said and could not help but smile at the irrational mindset of this Primal Warden.

It seems that the Elder God has really twisted this woman good and thoroughly. In this case, there was no point in arguing anymore.

"Now let's see how the drama unfolds today." Our avid gamer whispered and jumped on the bed once more to enjoy the great show that he has prepared on the world stage.

* * *

"Is this the Omnipotent Senior that you speak, Young Mistress?" A aged voice whispered in the ears of the beautiful woman.

This lovely lady was of course none other than Gu Wenren but far from her usual garb, she could not be recognized at a mere glance at this time.

She was wearing a complete set of ancient armors that catered to her form in all perfection.

It looked like great Draconian Scales refined into form and their colors were of blood red that flowed so tightly on the gorgeous body of its bearer.

Whenever Gu Wenren breathed, so did her ample bosom rise and fall into place.

"Yes." Gu Wenren replied. Her long raven hair waved in the wind as she looked at the various preparations of the sect.

Since the Demonic Sword Sect was not one to breed and take care of magical beasts as mounts, they could only ride the usual spiritual boats and treasures into the void.

At this time, there were only 2 of such treasures to carry more or less 1,000 Golden Core Experts towards the battlefield.

This was the entirety of the Demonic Sword Sect's force and it was indeed lacking compared to the other big sects in the central continents of this xianxia world.

How they were going to survive with just this was totally a tale of miracles. Nonetheless, every Senior member of the sect all approved of this plan for world domination.

To defy otherwise would absolutely mean death or worse.

"I only hope that you are not mistaken in your trust, Young Mistress. If not, this one would be a very short trip for us all."

The same voice said at last and it could be seen that Gu Wenren's shadow rippled in the morning air before it settled once more in the next breath.

"..." Gu Wenren did not reply and chose to hold his inner doubts unto herself. Ten minutes more and the 2 spiritual boats sailed into the void.

Only Gu Wenren and Blood Twin remained on the scene. But the two soon followed in the wake of war.

* * *

"BREAK!" The void opened up to spat two spiritual boats unto a new destination.

It did not take long before these treasures opened up and a thousand and more Golden Core Experts lined up in neat rows.

And when they did, these aged cultivators could not help but gulped at the sight that welcomed them in full. These were the domains of the Violent Flame Sect.

The most powerful evil sect in this Withered Continent. Directly in front was a fog made of scorching flames that can't be pierced by any of their spiritual senses at all.

Down below was a sea of lava and even at their elevated positions in the sky, each cultivator seemed to burn in their flames.

They breathed hot air and their skin grew dry and dusty in the atmosphere filled of ashen glow.

"So this is the Violent Flame Sect. A good place to die as any." A Golden Core Realm of the Demonic Sword Sect muttered in acceptance of what was to come.

"Indeed. Although I believe that Gu Wenren has truly lost her mind but i could not fault her decision in choosing our final graveyard for today. HAHAHA! If only the Patriarch could die together with us here, then I'd have died with no more regrets."

Another Golden Core Realm Senior pointed out. It could be seen from this fact alone that the morale of the invading troops were abysmal at best.

Alas, they were still here and would rather fight bravely in death rather than die like a dog back in the sect. The Demonic Sword was not a haven for cowards and traitors.

Since they have gained in strength and power together with the sect so shall they repay that favor with everything that they have. Even by giving the ultimate sacrifice. Their own lives!

"It's really lamentable. But I admit that dying by the hands of a True Immortal Lineage isn't that bad at all."

A third one commented and could only look in admiration at the imposing figure of the sect that loomed around them.

This Senior could only imagine how amazing the inside of the Violent Flame Sect really was. This was a sect that had nurtured a True Immortal inside their gates.

The history behind the Violent Flame Sect was truly remarkable indeed!

"KACHA!" Another breaking of the void occurred and at this time, Gu Wenren and Blood Twin arrived simultaneously.

Alas, how they arrived could not have been more different from each other. Gu Wenren passed by the torn gap of space while Blood Twin seemed to just appear from nowhere.

He was garbed in the most casual black cultivators robes and looked sickly for the occasion. Nevertheless, Blood Twin exuded unimaginable power in his bowed stance.

He was aloof and did not have to utter a word to differentiate himself from the rest.

This Blood Twin stood and everyone did not even breath hard in fear of offending the majesty of this mystical man.

"Please take action, Senior Blood Twin!" Gu Wenren bowed.

"Please take action, Senior Blood Twin!" And the thousand Golden Core Experts along the ride followed the lead.

A breath later, Blood Twin merely nodded and gazed at the horizon that burned hotly to defend against all and any intruders at their doors.

"Open up your gates and be conquered in peace." A raspy old voice resounded in the world.

'WHAT?!' The Golden Core Experts in the scene could not help but be stunned in place.

They expected action and no talk but little did they know that this was merely a prelude of more to come.

Because the next thing that happened has absolutely melted their brains from inside their heads.

"Welcome, Your Excellency! The Violent Flame Sect falls and obeys your honored mandate. This small junior has prepared a feast in your advent. Please..."

A young man's voice replied and in a flash, the blazing fog cleared up to present a marvelous city in the sky.

'What the hell is happening in here?!' More than a thousand men and women had this same question in mind. Alas, they would never get the answer to this mystery for a long long time.

* * *

Back in the Demonic Sword Sect, a woman did not like what she saw.

She did not expect for things to be this way and she especially did not like the strings of doubts that plague her mind at the moment.

In this time of indecision, this woman could only plea for assistance from afar.

'My sisters, I have need of you...'

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