
Chapter 222 - 222 Don Avila

"BROOOM!" Clark stepped on the gas and his super car flashed through the streets. This did not continue for long though because of the eventual traffic some breaths later.

He stopped and took the time to gaze at the flying objects in the skies. They were not really things nor drones but were in fact people.


"It seems that the same is true in here. Royal Vista City is also blessed with a number of wingless men and women. At least they were not fools to let this good ability pass them by."

Our bored gamer commented with a smile.

The traffic lights turned green and he was once more racing at top speed.

With a spiritual sense that spanned over the entirety of this planet Earth, there would be room for any accidents at all.

"BROOOM!" Behind our good gamer's tracks were a group of unmarked cars that was practically scrambling to follow their young master into the distance.

"GO! GO! GO!"

"If something happened to Master Clark on our watch, that would spell our fucking deaths!"

"FASTER!" The leader of the bodyguards screamed through the hands free communication gadget on them.

"How come our Young Master changed so drastically in just a short amount of time?"

They had the same thoughts and wished for the behaved and careful young master Clark that they knew for two years to come back to them. 

Alas, that man was long gone into the past. It was sad that these bodyguards would only see a much shocking truth soon enough.

* * *

"CLARK!" A beautiful girl clad in tight blue jeans and a pretty showy white tshirt that pushed up her twin peaks to the forefront in full display called the attention of our avid gamer.

She practically ran towards the direction of Clark and even jumped into the arms of our good gamer. She was lucky that our mc was big, strong, and tough that he caught her easily.

Amber weighed no more than a feather in the able hands of our very own protagonist.

"It seems like someone is very excited to see me on this fine Monday morning." Clark smiled and marveled at Amber's huge bosom that was plastered directly at his face right now.

"I do miss you a lot, lover boy." Amber replied and she was absolutely beaming with love and affection.

A breath later, her feet touched the ground but her lips were conquered next in a hot wet kiss.

"Hmmm..." Amber moaned sweetly in the duration and ignored the envious looks of everyone around her.

* * *

"So it's really true!"

"The Ice Queen of Laguna Creek has indeed fallen in love already!"

"And to think that it would be unto an extremely hunk of a man!"

"They are truly a match made in heaven!" Some of the girls whispered amongst themselves. They had seen the social media posts of Amber Victoria displaying photos of her new boyfriend.

But much different than all the other relationships of this famous campus celebrity, Amber Victoria was not this open and prone to public display of affections like the one they all witnessed in this fateful morn.

So what changed? This was the question that plagued everyone's mind at the moment.

* * *

"Come, Amber. Let's continue this later on. Or do you want me to take you right here and now?"

Clark teased and there was a suggestive grin on his face on what he was willing to do in this place and time.

"You..." Amber was speechless on the spot. Luckily for our bored gamer, an enchanting smile welcomed him in the next few breaths.

"I can't wait to be fucked by you again." Amber tiptoed to kiss our good gamer in the cheek then she whispered these words unto the love of her life.

After that, the two walked hand in hand through the school gates. Behind them, two batches of soldier slash guards followed in a discreet distance.

The Laguna Creek University was different from any school in this world. They allowed personal security to come inside the school premises and assure the safety of their masters.

They realized that this was the best way to avoid bullying of any kind since every student had their own bodyguards.

Even those students that were accepted through their scholarship programs had at least 1 guard issued from the university's own pockets.

Thus, the atmosphere in the campus was peaceful and very much orderly so.

"We should go to the school registrar first. I heard that there's a newly stationed department in the campus. A branch of the Supernatural Management Agency." Amber said to her boyfriend.

The SMA or the Supernatural Management Agency was only founded 3 months prior in response to the world wide change that resulted in the arrival of myriad unknown temples.

This particular agency was responsible for monitoring the so-called supernaturals that gained mystical abilities from the magical temples all over the world.

"They sure move fast. At least the government is not blind and deaf to the possible repercussions of these ability wielders."

Clark nodded and approved of this country's leaders swift response.

"Yeah. I heard that in some places, there's chaos, looting, and ki..."

Amber was about to reply but stopped shortly when she saw a group of young men blocking their way into one of the buildings.

She did not even have to say another word before the lead guy offered his ridicule loud and clear.

"So this is the guy who replaced me, huh? He looks like a fucking puppy on display. I bet he's an accomplished cocksucker in his free time."

An arrogant young man about the age of 20 confronted the pair of lovers. He looked at our bored gamer with pure unadulterated hate but whenever he gazed at Amber, there was the clear shadow of lust in his eyes.

The man could not help but gulp at the sexy ripe body of Amber Victoria. He could not forget the night that he had almost conquered this lovely lady's body as his.

It was just sad that he had missed that once in a lifetime opportunity.

"I thought that I had made it quite clear that I don't want anything to do with scum like you, Don. I even crushed a pair of your balls to get my point across well enough. Do I have to do that again so that you could really understand the meaning of the words, I hate you?"

Amber's perfect face was marred by disgust. But it was amazing to see that she still looked unbelievably attractive in that state.

She remembered why she had been tagged as the Ice Queen of Laguna Creek University. It was because of this boy named Don Avila.

He tried forcing himself on Amber and was taught an unforgettable lesson that he would remember for life with his balls crushed with a well timed kick in the groin.

Alas, Don spread some fake rumors around that began Amber's infamy on campus.

Don sold the news that Amber did not know how to kiss, much less give some good head to his big raging hard cock.

This was of course untrue for Amber only ever allowed for Don to kiss her, period.

Don wanted something more and Amber was not ready to give it yet and thus started the conflict between past sweet lovers.

"You will be mine, Amber. No other man could claim you as..." Don started to say something but it was his turn to pause his words at this time.

"Do you think that it's going to rain, Amber?" Clark asked softly and looked in the heavens. His girlfriend followed his eyes and saw the bright azure skies above them.

Amber could only smile at his boyfriend's peculiarity.

"Maybe, maybe not. Who knows? But I'm certain that i will be wet enough for you tonight. Rain or no rain." Amber said in the sexiest voice she could muster.

She was disgusted with Don's presence and so chose to bite back at this filthy young man who tried to rape her once before.

"Hey, fucker! If you dare touch Amber, i will make sure that you will..."

Don fumed outrageously but he did not know that this was the last thing that he would ever do in his short lifetime.

"BANG!" An angry streak of lightning descended from the heavens and unto the infuriated form of Don Avila.

Normally, severe burns and cardiac arrest could cause death from any lightning strikes. But this was not a normal lightning strike at all.

Our bored gamer would certainly not want to scar the eyes of Amber this early in the game. At least not when he was there around her.

And so no burned body remained but only bits and pieces of charred ashes on where Don had last stood.

A single breath elapsed in silence as everyone tried to register what had happened right before their eyes. It did not take long for a panicked voice to rang in the scene.




"..." These were of course the bodyguards and friends of Don who were around to witness his sad passing.

"YOU! Did you do this?!" One brave soul roared and threw an accusing finger towards our bored gamer's way. He had a hand on his side but there was only an empty holster left on it.

His and his men's guns were confiscated on the school entrance just like all the bodyguards on the premises.

"How could i do something like that? I'm supremely innocent as anyone can be! Everyone here saw that it was the very act of heaven that killed him." Our good gamer said in defense.

This was of course nothing but a lie because that thunder summon belonged from his True Immortal Self.

Unfortunately for all, Clark was not a fool to admit any guilt even if he were really guilty in the first place. That was not our bored gamer's style at all.

He was about to get Amber's hands and continue to stroll towards the building as if nothing happened but two individuals exited first to see what the commotion was about.

It was a man and a woman. And a very powerful pair at that.

'Seems like some people were grinding pretty pretty hard in the dungeons.' Clark mused inside.

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