
Chapter 228 - 228 Dungeon Rush!

About 5 minutes more and Amber has finally awoken from her spell. She blinked her eyes and pulled from the epic sight of gorgeous women and hunks of men.

She tried and it was very hard indeed. Luckily for everyone, Amber wanted to get some answers soon rather than just stay here and linger like fools in the open.


"Drive!" Amber tapped her bodyguard's shoulder.

"Ah... y – yes, Miss Amber!" The poor man stammered for a second or two before he stepped on the gas to ease their way in front of the palatial construct.

And just as Amber thought, her boyfriend Clark and the middle aged man named Uncle Peng were already there to await her arrival.

"You took your time long enough, Amber. Did you get a good eyeful earlier?" Clark asked after he opened the passenger's seat of his beloved.

Our bored gamer remained ever the gentleman of course. He was not one to take a taste at his women and throw them like garbage after he has had his fill of them.

Even at this very moment, his True Immortal Self was busy making love with his women day in and day out.

Such was the luxury of those who had already reached their dreams and more than he could have ever imagined.

Since the challenges and tribulations were already over, it was high time to enjoy life and truly live for the present moment.

"Who are these people, Clark?!" Amber ignored our bored gamer's question and threw one of her own instead. She was totally shocked to see more than 50 masterpieces before her eyes.

Even the children were practically little gods and cute fairies in this mortal world already. Each of them were absolutely stunning!

"Ahhh... them. They are all my servant's family. Lai Peng has a great taste in women, does he not? Hehehe."

Our bored gamer chuckled as he looked at the rare proud look on Old Peng's face. The old man knew that he had certainly made fine picks for himself so far.

Who would have thought that his life would come to this point when several decades ago Lai Peng was absolutely expecting to die as a virgin in his old age?

"Thank you for your praise, master. I only ever follow your big footsteps." Old Peng smiled. Alas, he did expect that Amber was not born dumb into this world. Not at all.

"What does Uncle Peng mean by that, Clark?" Amber raised a delicate brow and crossed her arm on her chest that launched those sweet enticing melons into plain view.

The valley down Amber's cleavage was absolutely enticing! Clark gulped in desire and could only silently curse Old Peng for his carelessness.

"It's nothing. You don't have to think about it much. He was only talking about my prodigious abilities, Amber. You see... when i was trapped into one of those dungeons, Lai Peng has seen much promise in my talent already. This was of course the reason why he decided to follow me in the end. Lai Peng has foreseen that I would ultimately rule this world and more!"

Clark weaved some tall tales out from his ass. Alas, it was good that a person that was so much in love would believe almost anything else from the mouth of her beloved.

Amber fell into the same trap and the doubts inside her heart began to melt to nothing.

"What talent? If I recall correctly, you only have the trash ability called Handsome Gamer. It gives you nothing but a new improved face and body. I doubt that you could even go deeper into the dungeons alone." Amber almost laughed out loud in the scene.

She has seen the before and after photo of our bored gamer and the difference was truly unbelievable!

Although Clark was handsome before but it lacked the same savage charisma that he did possess right now.

Amber did not know if she would even take a second glance at our good gamer before.

"It seems that someone wants to have some spanking." Our bored gamer said and looked at Amber with a naughty purpose in mind.

"Oh... I'd love to see you try then." Amber was ready to play also. She put her hands on her hips this time and was excited to see how this will play out in the end.

But no matter what the conclusion was, Amber knew that was going to get fucked later on which was honestly not a bad deal at all.

She wanted to get taken in bed over and over by her man.

"As you wish." Clark smiled and took 1 step towards his girlfriend. With only a few feet between them, his second step would have no doubt reached the static Amber.

"CRACK!" The earth beneath our good gamer's feet exploded in debris as thick vines sprouted around him. It did not take long for Clark to get entangled in a mess of vines.

"So this is your ability. Vine Manipulation, huh? A good skill indeed." Clark approved as he felt the vines tighten around his body.

Not too tight but more than enough to stop his movements for a second or two.

If Clark would not use the benefits of the Dragon Metamorphosis Pill, there was definitely no chance of escaping at all.

Unfortunately for Amber, our avid gamer has still many tricks up his sleeve.

"You seem to forget about my loyal servant, Amber." Clark decided to tap on his reserve.

"BREAK!" A quick shadow moved and in a breath, the vines that bound our bored gamer was cut cleanly in half. Old Peng did not even have to use a weapon in the process.

He merely used his hand and the thick vines were like paper in Old Peng's touch.

"I'm sorry, Mistress Amber." Old Peng bowed and took his place on the side once more. He was certainly not one to meddle in his master's affairs.

"You cheat." Amber pouted in Clark's way.

"So does that mean that you won't allow me to spank your juicy butt then?" Clark asked openly.

"You brute! Not here!" Amber blushed and dragged Clark away from the audience around them.

"Well?" Clark asked once more after they were already far away from any ear nearby.

"Feed me first. I'm starved. After that, you can do more than spank my butt if you want."

Amber winked and she was also very much looking forward to what would happen next after she had her breakfast slash lunch.

'Ahhh... Life is good.' Clark could only smile in response.

* * *

Time flew and before anyone noticed, it was already one month from the time our bored gamer bought his huge mansion.

This was truly the beginning of the end. An era of monsters into the human population.



"Are those fucking zombies!"

"We're in the apocalypse already!" People of all color and race panicked all over the world. This was of course the same people who were not allowed to gain entry into the said dungeons.

As it was, they were absolutely defenseless against the onslaught of this new scourge. First was the Newly Awakened Zombies. They were slow and were pretty much easy to dispose of.

Even a rock could kill them in fact. Next was the Rabid Dogs. And then at the third level was of course the Ravenous Bats.

And in time, the monsters all spilled out in different forms and shapes that only ever increased in power and ferocity also.

"Where the hell are these monsters coming from?!" The leaders of the nations all had the same exact questions. But it did not take them long to find out the cause of this problem.

It appeared like there were hidden magical temples that were far and beyond any human could reach.

Like the dungeon that our bored gamer used in the North Pole, there were only ever more of the same dungeons that were in secluded and uninhabited places of the world.

This dungeon spill was quite very easy to amass in number.

* * *

In the Supernatural Management Agency HQ, the same problem was faced by the forces of the United States of America.

It was fortunate that conventional means of fighting such as guns and cannons were still effective to keep this dungeon spill at bay.

"General Wayne, it appears like this monster overflow is only happening on those unexplored magical temples. The ones that we use and that of the other countries are all inactive. No monsters are coming out from them. Should we divert all our other Supernaturals to support our soldiers in the borders, General?"

Marco asked as he kept tapping on the keys of his console.

With a push of a button, he could simultaneously give commands to relay new orders to the men on the field.

Most especially those that were already superhuman who could neither be killed by the ordinary means of weapons such as guns and the like.

Marco believed that these special forces could absolutely turn the tides of battle at this time.

"Leave one man behind each temple. The rest can go." General Wayne was quick in his decision also.

He knew that time was of the essence as it could save countless lives that were at stake even as they speak right now. General Wayne remained stoic through it all.

He looked on the screen and watched the bravery of his soldiers play out in real time.

* * *

"About time." A big intimidating man in a US Marine uniform muttered in a grave voice. 

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