
Chapter 284 - 284

Kira's attention was pretty much focused on the one item in his inventory. Let me open my inventory, Kira said using his thoughts.

The picture on his eyes blinked out to paint the entirety of his sight with a whole lot of squares. Most were empty save one green box with ribbons and all.


It was aptly named because a clear text hovered over it in good description of its contents.

"A gift for noobs."

Kira scoffed at the cheesy attempt of a lazy joke but his interest never waned one bit. He was curious of its contents and could not wait anymore to open it for him to know. And that was what he did.

"Open box named a gift for noobs." Kira said in his mind. He was trying to be pretty specific because he rather do it well in the first try than do another attempt in the next.


"Gift box opened!"

Items gained:

100 Bottles of Celestial Blood

100 Bottles of Fairy Essence

Kira directed his eyes on the red one first and he has already a hint on what was the function of the liquid inside the bottle. Still he had to check.

Celestial Blood - replenishes life.

And he did the same to the other one.

Fairy Essence - replenishes the spirit.

Understandable enough, Kira noted. So what to do next? He stood up from his fallen position against the door and went to his bed.

The soft mattress comforted his tired body as he looked towards the ceiling in deep thought. There was still the ten unused stat points that he needed to distribute.

One blink.

And another.

Kira noticed that the pink hue was now gone from his eyes. He panicked and hastily said something out loud.

"Menu!" which earned him a tap on his own forehead and repeated the word in his mind. Sure enough, the familiar console reappeared on his eyes.

"Time to spend these points." Kira concluded.

Now what to choose? Kira paused for a moment. He thought that having strength was good if he applied to be a laborer or a construction worker in his life.

But other than that, it was a useless purchase for his precious stat points. Agility would be good if he was into sports. He would be a great athlete that would have fans all over the world.

Sadly, this was not 5 thousand years ago before the first essence of might and magic returned to bless these new earths with their miracles.

The saga had brought upon the birth of gods and immortals and even now, the Magi had reigned supreme in this world and the countless of worlds that they have conquered since those ancient times. A time of power and change. A song for the ages.

So Kira had scratched Agility from the list of choices also. Next was of course Intelligence, Charisma and Luck. Of the three remaining picks, the most interesting choice would be the definition of Luck.

A passive ability that can twist outcomes and fates. What did that mean? Kira wondered.

Would take make him go walk the lonely ranges of this mountains and he'd just stumble into a buried treasure or gem of power? He was excited by the thoughts of having this peculiar boon to his life.

But upon further consideration, he had also given up on the cool selection. He was not about to waste his few stat points with the huge risk of an unknown factor. Last, Kira had eliminated Charisma.

Unless there's an on and off switch on that ability, he was not about to gamble with how dangerous it was to lure the interest of all people upon himself.

They were not dumb to begin with to just stick to him like glue. Not with how common and forgettable Kira was. So in the end, the only surviving stat was Intelligence.

"I hope this works." Kira prayed before dropping all of his 10 stat points down the cavernous mouth of the Int Stat.






Intelligence: 11

Kira felt that his head was going to break with how piercing it ached. The pain was not centralized on one portion of his skull but through the entirety of its space.

He wanted to shout but even that was not available for him.

It seemed like the system of whatever possessed Kira was protecting itself from any unwanted attention it may get from any outside interference or whatever.

Kira endured the suffering alone and in silence. Time trickled unnoticed until 30 minutes had already elapsed since the change that had come upon the young man.

"Is it over?" Kira muttered.

He was in a fetus position. A picture of one who was in its most defenseless and helpless condition. An unconscious reaction to hide away from all the pains in the world.

Kira opened his eyes and tried to stand up.

"THUD!" his body was caught by the soft bed once more.

Lying on his back with not even the strength to move, Kira gauged if this character sheet he saw with his own two eyes was indeed real and not a permanent impairment of sorts.

4x4 = 16

16x16= 256

and on and on he multiplied numbers in his head. The numbers rose to the digits of twenties, then to forties, until it reached the far hundreds and he could still go farther.

"What did 11 stat in intelligence mean? Do i have a brain equivalent to 11 people in my head right now?" Kira mused softly.

When he got tired of playing with numbers, he tried to recall all the things that he'd learned in school.

Every texts and images, lessons of his professors and their specialized fields of study, was devoured whole into Kira's brain. It stayed there and would never be forgotten any longer.

"Wow! If i take the Assistant Magus Exam one time, I would definitely ace the test right now!" Kira determined with a hundred percent certainty.

He had been studying potion making in the Alesea University for Magi.

Kira knew of different mixtures and he could prepare them without worry especially now that he had been given the chance to remember every bit of information he got from the books that he'd ever read in the past.

But that was all, he could never make a complete potion on his own. A precursor needed to be uttered. A word of power that only a true Magus could ever weave into existence.

Kira wanted to dream for more. Not only a lowly assistant but of one who can fly in the sky and command thunders at his fingertips.

"No harm in trying. Let me see if i could finally sense the elements of the world with my enhanced intelligence." He focused and felt an unexpected result thereafter.

Kira's head felt like exploding with an extreme headache from out of the blue.

Needless to say, this was the reason of his demise and the exact time where our very own protagonist would enter the scene.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Kira screamed and that was the last thing he did in his life. A moment later, his eyes cleared up and sighed deeply next.

"Another one bites the dust." Our bored gamer shook his head in helplessness.

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