
Chapter 452 - 452 One Man's Lifetime

Our bored gamer finished reading the human history in no time.

He did not get another book once more nor was he curious about the lore and other magical information he could find in the library.


Clark knew that there would be no good results for such deeds. Only further headaches.

In the end, he used the biggest table he could find and did what he can do given the circumstances of his abduction. Our good gamer slept in peace.

A few hours passed and it was normal for him to wake up with a hungry stomach. Alas, Clark never felt hunger in any way whatsoever since this was only a mere clone of his.

But he of course had to act like he was anyway.

"Mr. Peter Pen? I'm starving. Can i have some food and water plea..."

Clark said and before he could finish his words, several trays of smoking dishes were already presented on another nearby table.

"Thank you!" Our good gamer exclaimed and then began feasting to the gifts of the earth.

He whispered a humble prayer when he was busy devouring the food and was full of smiles during this treat.

"Accept me as your teacher and you shall eat many of such delights." A voice came unwanted but nobody appeared at this time.

"Please set me free, Mr. Peter Pen. The more I know about this supernatural world, the more I grow fearful of it. Please allow me to go back home."

Clark paused in mid bite and uttered his usual plea once more.

"..." Alas, no answer ailed his phony sorrows. After a full minute of silence, Clark merely gave an audible sigh before he resumed unto his devouring duties.

He ate until he was full and sat in melancholy thereafter.

"DING!" Clark did not even have to dispose of the many leftovers since they just magically disappeared in place. He then checked his watch and realized something very incredible.

'It seems like this place is a special sanctum that is in the total control of that little baldy.'

'Several hours have already passed inside here while in the real world, only a few seconds has elapsed.'

Clark mused inside and had a hunch that this game was going to take him a long while to finish.

'This is going to be a battle of attrition.'

'But that little baldy is holding all the cards against me.' Our bored gamer sighed once and slept his worries away.

* * *

"Accept me as your master." Grand Master Azodus said.

"No." Clark replied.

* * *

"Did you change your mind now?"

"I will never."

* * *

"You will grow old and die alone. I can change that. You need only acknowledge me and boundless gifts shall be given unto you."

"Thank you for the love, Mr. Peter Pen. But I just can't. This world is not for me."

* * *

The years passed and it could be heartless for its mortal children. In a single breath of time, an old man was already sitting alone inside this mythical library.

His hair was pure white and his beard in the same color. This old man could have passed as a wise wizard in fantasy. Alas, dreams were much better compared to the reality of the world.

"You are already old and dying. Do you not regret your decision at all?" Grand Master Azodus said and the old man at the chair did not even turn around to look at him.

This was nothing unusual since the grand master would only usually send his voice and never his person.

"I regret nothing, Mr. Peter Pen." Our bored gamer's voice was weary. Although the years had been bitter but this was nothing to an old immortal soul like he was.

Perhaps he was only thankful of the fact that his true copy clone body did not let him down. The good clone has grown old along the harsh beating of time.

"So you chose to be a coward rather than explore the vast mysteries of this universe." Grand Master Azodus uttered in contempt of our bored gamer's actions.

"At least I lived and will die on my terms. This much is enough for me. Perhaps I can get to see the sun again in my next life. In which, a normal life awaits me."

Our bored gamer smiled sadly and recalled the act that he had led up to this very day. As Caden, he chose to become stubborn and fight against fate.

He scoured the mountains of books and learned spell craft in order to escape this prison.

Unfortunately, everything was in vain against the mighty hand that dictated the life of our bored gamer's clone ever since he was abducted in this place.

"A normal life it is." Grand Master Azodus walked slowly until he was standing right before the tired eyes of Clark.

The fat young man was no more. He was now too old with only bones and wrinkly skin to hold his body upright. It was the sad decay that time can bring to any mortal splendor in this earth.

"Farewell, Caden Stone." Grand Master Azodus said lastly before the vision of an old man disappeared cleanly from right in front of him.

"But i doubt that you will return to normalcy after what you have already learned in my library."

The Grand Master whispered long after our bored gamer was gone from this enchanted domain.

* * *

"I'm free at last! HAHAHA!" Clark screamed his guts out as he faked his emotions of joy at the moment.

Many students were looking at him like he was crazy but our good gamer would not be stopped. He shouted his happiness and relief until there were tears streaming down his cheeks.

One can very well see how our avid gamer loved the flair of drama in his acts.

Truth be told, Clark was only overdoing this thing in the unlikely case of that little baldy still prying over his person at this time.

"Are you okay, master?"

"What has happened to you, master?" Our bored gamer's good disciples crowded unto him but Clark only replied with more laughter.

More than a hundred years had passed in that library but in the real world, only a single day had been robbed of him.

'I will see you again, you little baldy.' Clark vowed inside.

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