
Chapter 486 - 486 All The King's Horses

"Good morning, Nancy. I want to get my sign in rewards please." Clark requested the moment he opened his eyes once more.

He stopped the annoying alarm with but a tap of his fingers.


"Affirmative, host."


"Congratulations, host. You have received 1 piece of Ancient Mithril Spear!" Nancy announced in a happy voice.

"Finally! A weapon I could use." Our bored gamer grinned as he looked at the epic new weapon inside his inventory.

Although there were many other weapons such as swords, sabers, rapiers, etc. Only a spear type of weapon remained the closest in our good gamer's heart.

One should know that this was his first weapon of choice in the long years that he had been striving in the endless paths of cultivation.

"Nine months from now, i could already see the faces of shock in that great battlefield of both humans and monsters alike." Clark was ecstatic to say the least.

He could not wait to begin his conquest in this universe already.

"Soon." With this last word, our bored gamer closed his eyes and ate some more dragon meat for breakfast.

* * *

"I can't believe that I saw my very first goblin yesterday, brother!"

"I wonder if I will get to see dragons and wizards someday!" The most bubbly sibling of Caden was the life of the party.

Rose was brimming with excitement and it was truly very contagious to say the least. In the end, the breakfast of the family became ever enjoyable, the same as the day before.

Days passed and the usual tranquility became a familiar friend unto one hundred souls unto this alien world. The Bennett family learned their lessons and were released a week later.

Nobody was dumb enough to imitate the Bennett's mistake and thus order and calm was the norm in the encampment.

Perhaps the most interesting change in these days was how our bored gamer became the most favorite man in the place.

This was of course due to his op internet service connection which has proven to be a big source of information and entertainment unto the families in the camp.

Clark was also kind enough to share this perk without any cost at all.

This was an advanced technology that he purchased using his name as a certified noble and so normal humans in the world of Astro could not have possibly afforded this high end product.

"Caden! We have some homemade sweet pudding in here. Come inside please."

"Please taste my banana cake, Caden! I have full confidence that this will be the best banana cake you will eat in your whole life!"

"Caden, I have..." Several invitations would come daily and our bored gamer was of course not that unkind to deny these offers.

Although most of them were from beautiful single ladies but that did not matter at all since Clark was absolutely immune to their innate charms.

The same could not be said towards these women at all. Luckily enough, Freya had complete trust with our good gamer which made this tricky situation not an issue at all for the lovers.

In our avid gamer's case, this was a happy diversion of his time. In a faraway alien world like this one, there was really no other way to seek amusement at all.

A month later, the camp welcomed its second visitors. They did not come with green skins and ugly faces but a more familiar race in the universe.

"Pahawa, satanas! Amoa ning yuta og dele inyo!" A big man shouted on his big horse.

This party did not come from the forest and crossed the nearby river but originated from the healthy lands on the other side of the humans' camp.

Since the hills and yonder plains seemed endless, the arrival of this cavalry was easily seen by the human immigrants.

The horse riders numbered 250 strong and were in a very organized formation. Alas, almost all of them people from Astro could not understand what the big man said towards them.

This was of course not true for our very own protagonist. He got a handy technique for that but same as the last goblin intruders, he was not a fool to reveal his noble powers at this time.

The same could not be said for the android Amira Walker. She had another way of communication on her hand. A handy device called universal translator. 

"We come from a doomed world. Although we are sorry for this intrusion but we cannot leave this land for now."

Amira Walker said and her words were translated unto the language of these native humans.

"If you will not leave then you have to pay a levy of some kind."

The big man and leader of these horse riders said and his words were also translated in return using the huge speakers within the camp.

"We accept any valuables you have. Weapons or gold. And if you cannot do that then we also accept your women as proper fees in your stay and use our kingdom's lands and properties!"

The big leader said in length. His lustful eyes scoured the women in the camp but he stopped frozen when he gazed at one particular woman's allure.

The big man gulped and his breath quickened. He sported a huge boner after a few breaths alone.

"Consider it done." Amira Walker nodded and then carelessly threw a bag of coins unto the horse riders.

With the rich supplies of the Astro Empire inside the yellow container in the middle of the camp, this offering was but a tiny portion of what they could afford.

It was easy to see that this journey was indeed ready for any eventuality and hurdles along the way.

"..." The big man caught the bag with one hand and opened the contents in no time. His eyes could not help but glitter in awe at the epic show of wealth in these strange humans.

The bag was filled with unmarked gold coins! 

Greed ate at his heart and so he said...

"This is not enough. We need at least another bag."

"WHOOSH!" And another bag of coins he got indeed. Amira Walker's strict programs and software limitations dictated her to have high tolerance before any conflict could arise.

"These people are rich!" The big leader exclaimed after he received another bag. Alas, the desire in humans was infinitely immeasurable.

"I want that woman too!" The leader added for one last time. He pointed a finger at the most delicious woman in attendance.

"I can't give her to you." Amira Walker shook her head.

"Then we have a problem." The big leader grinned and pulled a great axe from behind.

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