
Chapter 488 - 488 No Medicine For Regrets

South Goblin Grasslands. This was the name of the place where a portal dropped our bored gamer and company.

They would have wanted to remain hidden for a time but alas, the recent extermination of more than two hundred people has brought about the focus of the world on this hot area in the map.


Just at the dawn of another new day, several teams have already arrived at the corners of this large green terrains.

Everybody waited until the sun was up and when it did, they took this chance to announce themselves unto the one hundred refugees from another world.

"Greetings, good friends! We belong from the Xurin Kingdom!"

"We are here to offer our hands of friendship and alliance!"

"A fine morning to you all! We are proud warriors from the..."




Ten kingdoms introduced themselves one after another. These were only the first batches and there was no doubt that more was coming to this place of interest. 

Everyone wore smiling faces but their true feelings were displayed clearly with the hundreds of soldiers that they brought into these desolate grasslands.

"Only two members from each kingdom will be allowed entry."

"Leave your weapons behind and you can come here anytime." Amira Walker's familiar voice responded in the big speakers around the camp.

A few breaths later, her body in soldier uniform faced the unwanted guests from afar.

"What sorcery is this?!"

"Do these people perhaps belong to the magician and wizards clans?" The delegates from the kingdoms could not help but whisper amongst themselves.

They were not ignorant to the arcane power that this world hides at its center. A brief pause happened before the men and women began dropping their weapons where they stood.

After that, they marched slowly unto the weird little defenseless community out here in the wilderness.

"Come with me, Lydia." An old wise man with grey hair and grey beard called unto an average looking young woman.

"My lord?" The clumsy young woman could not believe her ears at all.

She looked at the silent cloaked figure nearby and wanted to say her mind but alas, she did not find enough courage to continue.

"Come now. I believe that this trip will bring pleasant surprises to us all." The old wise man smiled. They did not have to walk far before they heard a sudden commotion up ahead.


"Dangerous energy signature detected."

"Threat level 5!"

"Recommended course of action: Eliminate all threats at once!" A computer generated voice echoed on the ears of Miss Amira Walker.

"You there! Stop! You are not allowed to enter the camp." The android pointed at an old man who was cloaked in loose dark robes.

"But what if I insist?" The old man replied and there was great arrogance on his face.

"Then you will be dealt with accordingly." Amira Walker said and she was fearless in her stance.

"HAHAHA! I can't remember the last time i was at the end of such sharp words."

"I will make you regret your words, woman!" The old man vowed and his eyes flashed in unnatural white.

"BANG!" A thunder echoed above and before long, streaks of lightning strikes were coming down at his summons.

They descended unto the solitary form of our very own Amira Walker. Unfortunately, the android merely stood there to take the attack.

"DIE! WOMAN!" The old man looked savagely at the object of his rage. He expected to see a picture of pain and agony next but alas, this never came to pass in the aftermath of his spell.

"DING!" The huge set of lightning strikes was blocked by an invisible force.

The elemental power rippled around a subtle bubble until it was devoured unto the magical defense in a half breath's time.

The man-made shield did not even show any signs of strain or breaking at all.

"H – how?!" An old man's shock mirrored in the faces of the hundreds in attendance.

A sense of doom visited the heart of this old conjurer and without saying any goodbye, he turned into a streak of light over the heads of many.

With how fast he retreated, there was no question about his wish for escape at this time.

Unfortunately for him, he had already lost this chance when he raised his hands against our very own cold android Amira Walker.



"BOOM!" Three deafening roars occurred and the same number of creations turned into being.

A bigger, thicker and faster lightning magic materialized from above the camp and then these terrible forces of nature flew horizontally into the distance.

It did not need telling that this stronger and much improved cast caught up easily on its prey.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" An old man's shriek of terror detonated on the horizon. He did not expect to die here but alas, there was no medicine for regrets sold in the market.

This agonizing screams went on for about five breaths before it stopped abruptly in the end.

There was no body or residues to commemorate the passing of this old soul. He just vanished into nothing.

The several hundreds of soldiers that belonged to the myriad kingdoms nearby could only stand there frozen in unbelief. They find it very hard to accept that a master wizard just died like that.

"If you want this meeting to continue, please come inside."

"And those that want nothing of this affair, we have no walls to hold you in place."

"Feel free to return to your respective kingdoms." Amira Walker said to the stunned collective of native humans before her.

With their defenses in place, this camp could even kill a level 8 existence. Much less that of a mere level 5 wizard of this world.

"We shall stay and make bridges of a lasting fellowship with your people, my lady." A smart one started and the entrance of visitors resumed without fail.

There were of course other magicians and wizards amongst them but no one followed the example of the first and only one of their kind to fall today.

"How did you know that that was about to happen, my Lord?" Lydia whispered while she accompanied her master into the camp of these technologically advanced humans.

"I guessed." The old wise man replied with a pleased smile. This wise man was of course none other than Baron Brody Cook.

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