
Chapter 557 - 557 Blade And Fury

The sky darkened and before long, a handsome face that was only marred by an extreme anger showed up in the clouds overhead. 

This attractive man was of course none other than the true god who has full dominion over this particular mortal universe.


"This is no longer your world, little god."

"Go away and find something else to play with." Our bored gamer addressed the giant face above him. 

Although he was powerless to do anything to a true god like this one but with the heavenly treasure clay brick inside his soul, there was really nothing to fear in both the mortal and divine realms.

"You dare speak blasphemous words unto a god! Begone!" The nameless true god roared and willed to extinguish the life of our bored gamer with just a single command of his thoughts. 

This would have normally never happened because all gods were absolutely forbidden to intrude unto the mortal affairs but alas, this realm was indeed a special case which was exempted by the general rule. 

This angry true god had purchased this small universe from 1 of the 3 Elder Gods and thus, he was free to do whatever he wanted in this place. 

This was this nameless god's private mortal playground. It did not need telling that the price had indeed come cheap since this universe could only cater to 3 races. 

The humans, demons, and the fae.

"BANG!" A ripple of space threatened to enclose upon the seated form of Clark and squash him like a bug alongside the golden throne that carried his calm repose. 

Unfortunately, this divine intervention encountered a more stronger power in creation.


A perfect spherical construct made out of an azure light surrounded the golden throne and this easily calmed down the chaotic force that wished to take the life of our very own protagonist. 

Alas, the consequence that came next was absolutely final.

"BOOM!" A cute manifestation of a small clay brick appeared in the heavens and this trivial piece of change did the impossible thereafter.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The nameless true god screamed out loud as he felt that his divine essence was quickly leaving from his own immortal body. 

He tried to fight this irresistible pull but alas, it was all for naught in the end.

"THUD!" One handsome body fell down as a victim in the divine realm. 

There was no wound to be seen whatsoever but if one would look deeper, he could see that this perfect male body was already devoid of its divine soul inside it. 

One true god died in the silence of his own territory.

"A genius plan." Our good gamer commented. He did not even have to do anything in defense. 

Clark just sat there from start to finish but that did not mean at all that he had not discovered the ultimate wisdom that his partner clay brick displayed in today's lively incident.

"Not only did you get the faith energy from this world, you also harvested the life of a true god."

"Two birds in one stone. Hehehe. Well done, partner! Very classic and wise." Our avid gamer muttered under his breath and his chest pulsated warmly in the next breath. 

He knew that his partner had indeed approved of his words right now.

"Take me to the next realm, partner."

"Let it be as easy as this one." Clark smiled and then closed his eyes for the eventual blackout.

Power Systems Conquered: 15/50

"DING!" A gentle chime resounded in our good gamer's ears and then a new story flashed thereafter.

* * *

"I'm so unlucky in life."

"Ugly and poor."

"Unpopular and hated by the world around me."

"I don't even know my parents."

"I'm a complete loser!"

"Sometimes I wish that I would just disappear from it all." A sad boy's thoughts echoed in his mind. His name was Harry.

An 18 year old orphan now turned homeless in the busy streets of the city. Every day was a constant struggle to live and just survive.

At times, depression ate the soul of this boy so that he would come to a point to wish that he could sleep one night and never wake up the next day.

Unfortunately for him, his wish would always be denied.

"Well, at least I could play my games and read popular novels. Anime and manga too. A ray of light in my dark solitary existence!" Harry had a rare smile on his face.

The fantasy themes of this leisure never failed to let him temporarily escape from the unbearable reality he was in.

"Hmmm... Let me play one ranked game of Blade and Fury. Another win and I should finally be able to step in the Mythical Rank soon enough!"

Harry grinned and his uneven teeth showed fully on display. The game loaded as expected but the loading screen was not the one in his expectations.

It was something a whole lot different but eerily familiar all the same. A large moving object that was quickly gaining momentum as it got nearer on the screen of his cell phone.

"Truck-kun?" Harry was shocked and then...

"BANG!" The screen exploded in pieces and a huge truck ended one boy's sad life in a very creative fashion.

Little did he know that it was a meteor from the heavens that obliterated his life and the whole world along with his passing.

* * *

"Where am i?" Harry asked himself. There was infinite darkness all around him and it took him a while to remember the last thing he saw before he died.

"Why would I suddenly die from out of nowhere?"

"Has a god finally seen my suffering and granted me a quick painless death in the end?" The poor boy wondered but there was no one there with him to provide an answer.

He did not know how long he had waited alone in that gloomy place before a voice other than his finally broke the silence.

"Congratulations on acquiring a system cheat, host."

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