
Chapter 605 - 605 Welcome

"Are you sure you can finish all of that, boy?" One of the staff asked while he was passing on 2 trays of food at the hands of our bored gamer. There was open incredulity on the man's face.

"Yup. And I'm going to get more later on."


"Is there a limit on how much food we can eat here?" Clark asked in return.

"Nope but you will have your ass kicked hard if you waste any of our food."

"So you better be sure that you can eat them all." The male staff warned.

"Will do." Our good gamer nodded in confidence. After that, he walked on the nearest empty table and began devouring what was before him.

Clark ate like an animal since he knew that there was certainly a time limit for breakfast. He did not care how inappropriate he looked but was merely focusing on putting stuff in his belly.

With his system cheat on hand, he doubted that he would get indigestion in this life.

"Another 2 trays please." Clark ordered after 5 minutes of full on munching. He received his bid thereafter and repeated what he did prior. Several minutes passed and...

"Another please." Our bored gamer asked again for the 3rd time. The male staff that served him food could only look at this force of nature with absolute disbelief.

Although guardians came in different sizes and abilities but this must be the 1st person that he had seen eat this much in his life.



"TAP!" Time moved undisturbed and our good gamer would have wanted to get his 11th dual servings but alas, a hard and almost angry voice boomed in the speakers around him.

"Guardians! Assemble in the field at once!" The man just roared one time and he never repeated his order at all but the reaction of the people in the scene was truly automatic.

Most ran in panic and immediately tried to find their places in the field.

"Here we go." Clark murmured as he mirrored the actions of everyone around him. Before long, a sea of young boys and girls in green matching uniforms arrived in haste.

There were probably more than a thousand people gathered all at once but what was curious was the average age of the trainees.

'FUCK ME! I'm probably the oldest one here.' Clark could not help but curse inside. He could see that the youngest soul in here was 18 and the oldest was 20.

With Kian's age of 25, he was most definitely the ancient sage in the bunch. The group did not have to wait for long since a commander arrived after 3 minutes of complete silence.

"Good morning, boys and girls." The commander said clearly.

"Good morning, Master Sergeant Davis!" Almost everyone answered in a huge shout. The exception was of course our bored gamer who just stood there in observation.

"Today we are joined by another one of our comrades."

"You are now 1,832 and counting."

"Glory to the Alliance!" Master Sergeant Davis roared in a voice that was full of valor and bravery.

He knew that every new guardian was another force that their enemies will fear someday.

"Glory to the Alliance!" The guardian trainees echoed the shout of the commander.

"Come up, Kian Fisher!" Davis summoned after he looked at his students with fervor and belief. This was the hope of men and women. Of humanity itself.

Although the 200 worlds around Moon Grave have only birthed less than two thousands guardians but Davis was proud of these children.

All of these guardian trainees were a gift since they were the only few who were destined to fight amongst a population that numbered several trillions of seeds in those said 200 worlds.



"TAP!" Our bored gamer walked out from the crowd and he noticed the peculiar look that everyone gave him. It was the familiar look of pity.

Even a blind man could feel the strangeness of this atmosphere. A lesser man would have folded in fear right then and there but not our avid gamer.

Clark cherished this instead as he welcomed the challenge with open arms. It did not take a long time for him to stand a few feet before Master Sergeant Davis.

"You look old and tough. This is a surprise." Davis approved of what he saw.

The guardians usually awakened their powers at the young age of 18 but there were some cases when it could be delayed as well.

One of the triggers of a guardian ability was extreme joy or extreme sadness and trauma.

Davis summoned the information about Kian Fisher in a wordless command and a short summary was displayed before his eyes.

The fact about Kian's fiancee leaving him for another man and his crazed episode of 1 month flashed alongside this brief list.

"Ahhh..." Davis nodded in understanding. This experience must have been what triggered the guardian ability of Kian Fisher, he concluded inside.

Master Sergeant Davis gazed at our good gamer with obvious sympathy in his eyes.

At least this was true for a second or two because at the third beat, his face hardened once more to that of a veteran soldier.

"I am proud to have you join us, Kian."

"I have confidence that you will make us proud in the duration of your training and beyond... after you leave from here."

"But today, we shall have to welcome you as a True Guardian alongside us all." Davis said in a prelude to a great suspense.

"So who's going to volunteer and welcome Kian Fisher?" Davis asked the group.

"Let me, Master Sergeant Davis." Someone answered almost instantaneously.

"Damn! It's him again!"

"That fucking Marcus Ryan is really padding his resume to the max!"

"Shhh... Do you want to get beaten also?"

"I hear that Marcus comes from a long line of a prestigious military family."

* * *

"I am Marcus Ryan. Please remember this name well." Marcus said proudly. He was a handsome young man of 18 and it was clear that he was used to winning.

"I don't think i could but I promise to try." Clark retorted with a few smart words of his own.

"BOOM!" And the unexpected match began for two.

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