
Chapter 733 - 733 Display

"Where am i?" Our bored gamer asked this simple question out but alas, the words sounded gibberish in his ears.

His throat was constricted by something so tight and it felt like his head was going to get pulled out from his shoulders in time.

Clark looked around him and it seemed like he was elevated in place but the scene was very much unnatural for him.

It did not take him long to find out that he was free swinging in a cheap hotel bathroom with a rope tied down his neck.

He tried to free himself with the use of his own power but he could barely even move a finger, much less raise his hand for that matter.

'A little help, partner. Or do you want this body to die a second time today?' Our good gamer said inwardly towards the stronger cheat inside his soul.

"DING!" The rope was cut shortly in response and the ensuing sound was rather loud to Clark's ears.

"BANG!" A bag of flesh dropped suddenly onto the ordinary floor of the bathroom. It hurt a lot but our bored gamer was used to so much pain in life that this could only be considered a minor accident in comparison.

"..." Clark then dragged his aching body outside the bathroom and into the soft bed that awaited his gasping form.

It appeared like he ran on a 3,000 mile marathon race judging by the amount of sweat that plagued his face at the moment.

"THUD!" Our bored gamer was successful in his quest to lie on his back when he reached the bed. He then spread his arms wide in order to showcase his feeble body right now.

He knew that this condition would not last though.

"DING!" And just as Clark expected, the healing touch of the heavenly treasure clay brick slowly worked on his deathly form.

Little by little, the wounds on his neck vanished and normal strength was then given to him in time.

Along this miraculous phenomenon, our bored gamer has also assimilated the memory of this sad man. The owner of this body was named Albert Hayes and he was an actor by profession.

In fact, he started at the young age of 15 and was lucky that he got amazing parents who knew how to handle money.

The problem started when Albert turned 18 and got a hold of his own fortune and future. He tried the usual vices of women and fun just like most of the ones who came before him.

He partied like there was no tomorrow and spent his hard earned cash as if it was endless to begin with. Unfortunately, Albert got a rude wake up call at the age of 35.

There were fewer and fewer offers coming his way. This was a consequence of his past 4 movies which did not do well in the box office.

It seemed that Albert can only act as the cute boy next door who can do nothing but enchant a maiden with his smile. Albert Hayes was simply mediocre in other roles.

This has made him fall into depression which pulled him into gambling and drinking in order to drown his sorrows away.

It was a bottomless quicksand of doom where even the best of souls may fail to conquer completely.

Perhaps the breaking point of Albert Hayes' will was the final divorce papers that ended his 6 year relationship with his wife. Thus, Albert chose to give up on life in the end.

"SIGH!" To this, our bored gamer could only sigh in response. He did not judge the decisions of Albert Hayes since everyone was simply built differently.

Some were strong while others just had weak wills.

"May you be lucky in your next life, boy." Clark offered a little prayer towards the last owner of this body before he went on to discuss business.

"What's my system cheat in this world, Nancy?" Our bored gamer asked.

"The system that will be given to you is called The Popular Actor's System, host. Do you want to activate it now?" Nancy asked.

"Of course! Please do that for me, Nancy." Clark nodded.

"Affirmative, host! Popular Actor's System is now online. Please check your character panel to know more about the system." Nancy said.

And with thought's command, our bored gamer also followed the suggestion of his original system cheat.


* * *

Name: Clark Colter

Cultivation: -

Popularity Growth: -


Hint: The user can level up every time he gains new fans. (10 fans needed to reach level 1)

* * *

"I see. Then this will be easy." Clark chuckled after he understood how to use the new system cheat on his hands.

He combed through the late Albert Hayes' memories and noticed that this world had a very great similarity to the 21st century Earth.

That was of course before he evolved his home planet into something a whole lot more.

"Display it is." Our bored gamer noted the most popular sharing video site in the world and planned to make use of its platform in order to reach the apex of power available for him.

Display was a whole lot similar to Youtube in the past. Clark got his laptop and logged in to his Display account.

He noticed that Albert Hayes has more or less 369,000 subscriptions in his account.

"This boy ain't bad after all." Clark praised what little achievement Albert has in this world. He knew that show business was definitely not an easy road to travel.

The few that were lucky to gain success in this path were definitely chosen ones compared to the millions who failed along the way.

Our avid gamer understood this all too well since the world never lacked talent at all but only patience and perseverance.

"Then let us start." Our good gamer muttered as he clicked on the live streaming feature of Display. He smiled into the camera and the rest was history.

Clark never needed that much preparation at all!

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