
Chapter 749 - 749 Hunting

"Gather the spoils for me." Jason instructed his first summon.

"..." The wind elemental merely bowed. This existence has no soul to call its own and so it could only perform commands like a spiritless machine.

The wind elemental was also devoid of speech and any emotions whatsoever.

It was a creation of nature and when it was de summoned, it will return to the vast universe where it belonged in silence.

"WHOOSH!" A giant twister formed at once and the body of the dead boa monster was seen floating in the air.


This was of course the making of this wind elemental. Jason Birth was too lazy to take care of such meager chores.

"Let's hunt some more." With having no burden of carrying the dead, Jason proceeded to go farther into the hot desert sands.

* * *

"My next prey coming right up." Jason said calmly.

He had been walking in this dead desert for less than five minutes and yet the monsters he has killed has already reached more than 100 in number.

But all of those were merely D Class monsters. But now it was different.

"A C Class monster for a change. Good. Come to me." Jason Birth stopped in his tracks and was only content to await his guests.

These new ones were fast! But with his domain of wind, it was really almost impossible for anyone and anything to give him a surprise or an ambush.

This skill was just too op because as long as there was any kind of wind presence, Jason Birth was practically an Overlord in those places. It would be an epic task indeed to sneak up on him.



"RAAAAAHHHH!" Almost 50 quick moving creatures came uninvited.

This was a pack of wild dogs who was hungry enough to eat a man alive without even spitting their bones in the aftermath.

Not only were their sizes as big as mature lions but their ugly faces turned even more uglier since they have evolved into greater beasts.

The first 4 wild dogs pounced on the wind elemental form of Jason.

These dumb dogs would have loved to eat their fill today but alas, they could not have expected what would happen next.




"BOINK!" The same four creatures bounced off the tall figure of Jason Birth with broken faces to show for their deeds.

Two of them lost a couple of teeth in the process which turned their dog lives even more disgusting to say the least. It was truly a sad sad day for these wild dogs.

"Hehehe. My wind defense is really tough." Jason Birth chuckled in abandon as he looked at his prey with glee.

There was really no danger for him whatsoever so he could test his powers all he want.

Sensing that they may have come upon a hard stubble, the wild dogs did not charge again like mindless worms. They used another tactic instead.



"BURN!" The air crackled in trail of smoke.




49 fiery projectiles came to steal Jason's life. This was alike the fireball spell in books which even turned the already hot desert into a melting lava of death.

One could only imagine how terrifying a C Class monster really was. Normal humans would not stand a chance at all. Alas, Jason Birth was no longer a normal human at this time.



"BOOM!" The savage fireballs struck true to their target and a deep crater was formed instantly after such an amalgamation of magic landed.

The broken desert changed unto a more unseemly form but these inanimate objects was a whole lot more luckier than the said 49 wild dogs around Jason.

"THUD!" A series of heavy falling bodies fell one after another. This was of course none other than the 49 rabid beasts in the place.

What was curious was that there was no damage to be seen on the bodies of the fallen. But a few breaths later, hot blood cascaded on the foreheads of every wild dogs in the scene.

"No suspense at all." Jason observed when the debris of the fireballs attack settled around him.

He was quite satisfied with his wind bullets wherein he could strike from practically anywhere. This little trick he got was truly a handy tool for assassination indeed.

It was also a great way of preserving the bodies of these monsters in pristine condition.

"But i love it all the same. Hehehe." Jason Birth smiled proudly. He not ashamed at all to use his op powers openly.

It surely beat having to claw and bite his way in a life and death struggle like the newbie hunters in these dangerous post apocalyptic lands.

"I finally have my beast cores at last!" Jason was thrilled to finally get his first beast core. He levitated on the air and went to the nearest wild dog corpse in front.

"PUCHI!" The ugly dog was dissected cleanly with one horizontal and vertical motion of his left hand.

And on the belly of the beast came a sparkling crimson ball of pure energy about the size of a baby's fist.

"So this is the beast core of a C Class monster." Jason muttered as the bloody object was slowly floating towards him.

He had only seen this from pictures and videos before but the experience was truly different in reality. Jason could feel the call of power hidden deep within this glowing treasure.

Higher ranked monsters had bigger beast cores in them but they all had the same color. A bloody red sphere.

"It was written that the strongest man in the world, Sir Golden Titan, used the most barbaric means of gaining strength."

"He and those that lived with him through the apocalypse devoured beast cores."

"This was the fastest way to get power even now. But sadly, this did not come without dangers also."

"Most would directly explode from eating beast cores while others would turn into a combination of man and monster."

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