
Chapter 106 - More News

Jason was surprised by the fact that the small incident from yesterday's game had made it to the news. But he was even more surprised by how biased the report of the story had been.

They didn't even try to hide their negative view of him in their coverage of the incident. Jason checked online and a few other news stations had covered the same story but in a much more objective fashion.

Some news stations only reported on the known facts while a few made some speculations on what had caused the incident in the first place.

But only that particular news station reported the story without even trying to give Jason and the rest of Jefferson Middle School a side of the story.

Jason's mom was the first to notice that something was up as she saw that Jason's face was slightly scrunched up "Something on your mind Jaya? You look like something is bothering you."

Jason's dad turned around to look at him after hearing what his wife had said "If there's something troubling you feel free to talk about it.

Me and your mom might not be able to fix it but we can at least listen to you and let you vent." Jason's parents had been at the game yesterday.

And although Jason didn't give them the specifics he told them about the player from Vista Heights that was talking trash.

Jason told his parents about the news stations covering the incident from yesterday's game. After hearing what their son had said they got on their phones and began looking up these videos for themselves.

After spending a few minutes to watch a few different videos from a couple of different websites both of his parents got quiet.

Jason's mom was the most worried as she asked "So Trell got a one game suspension? Is something like that going to happen to you Jaya?"

Jason thought for a second before shaking his head "I honestly don't know. I feel like the referee overreacted at yesterday's game.

Was it unsportsmanlike behavior to bounce the ball of that stupid kid's head? Yeah, most people would agree that it probably was.

But was it dangerous behavior with the intent to cause harm? I don't think anyone would say that it was. I guess it's going to be up to the committee whether or not I get punished.

I don't even think that Trell should have gotten a one game suspension. Sure he fought but he was provoked and the other guy got physical first."

Jasons parents had switched the channel on the TV to the news channel. Jason was about to call up Coach Swendel to see if he had heard anything from the committee when he saw the news anchor back on screen.

"We have just gotten word that not only Trell McDaniels and Jason Yang are under investigation by the committee. The whole team is as well.

According to our sources after our first segment covering this story a flood of complaints against Jefferson Middle School were raised. Let's take a look at the clip that has so many people outraged."

The screen transitioned to a clip that showed Jason and Kyle refusing to shake hands with Julius Newman before the start of the game.

The screen then showed Jason and the rest of the team as they got up and headed straight to the locker rooms instead of lining up to shake hands with Tustin Middle School's team.

They also showed a red faced Coach Swendel as he pointed and shouted at the referee. The news station just conveniently left out the part where the whole Jefferson team had garbage thrown at them on their way out.

The news anchor turned to her coworker on the right "What did you think of that Hank? I for one was very bothered by the video.

It looks like the rise to stardom has really gotten into the heads of Jason Yang and his teammates.

Not only did they exclude one of the players on the opposing team. They completely disregarded the whole school by not shaking hands at the end of the game.

Aren't sports meant to teach our youth the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship? It looks like for Jefferson Middle School they forgot all about that."

Hank turned toward her "I agree with you a hundred percent Cassidy. I just don't understand what their thinking behind that was.

You already won the game don't add all this extra nonsense. Don't be a drama queen. Go out there and shake hands like real men.

The kid has only been on TV for a few months and he's already acting like he's Mr. Hollywood. I'm afraid to see how he'll be acting in a year hahaha."

- - -

Coach Swendel was nervously holding his cellphone up to his face as he sat on the floor of his studio apartment in nothing but his white boxer shorts with hearts all over.

Coach Swendel wiped some sweat off of his forehead with a towel "Yes I understand Principal Morris. I saw the news segment.

So how should we handle this? I got a call from the committee just a few minutes before you called.

They told me that they received an influx of calls demanding that we publicly apologize to Tustin Middle School. 

They also said that a separate apology from Jason and Kyle is being requested along with an apology from Trell.

I was told that considering the two incidences where we clearly allowed the team to perform in a manner that they deemed as unsportsmanlike if we don't issue an apology then we may be facing some disciplinary actions."

Principle Morris could be heard as he sighed on the other end of the phone "I know. I got a call from the committee as well.

They told me that if we don't issue an apology then although it won't affect their decision in regards to Jason's punishment they would have to punish the school in some way in a show of force.

They told me that most likely you would be stripped of your position as coach for the remainder of the county tournament and potentially the state tournament should our team make it that far."

Coach Swendel went silent after hearing what Principal Morris had to say. Principal Morris added "It's your call Swendel. You know the boys better than I do."

- - -

Jason's parents were arguing with the news anchor on TV when he got a phone call. He pulled out his phone and saw that it was Coach Swendel.

"Hey Coach Swendel. I heard that Trell got issued a one game suspension today. Is that true?"

Coach Swendel sighed before answering "I hate to say it but unfortunately that's true. We won't have Trell in our next game.

On the bright side I just found out from the committee that although you bouncing the ball off of your defenders head was indeed unsportsmanlike. 

They have decided to roll back their decision in calling it unsafe behavior. So you won't be getting suspended for any games."

Jason was happy to hear that he wouldn't be facing any punishments from the committee but he was disappointed to hear that Trell would still be suspended for a game.

Coach Swendel continued "I was also told by the committee that the video of you and Kyle not shaking hands with Julius Newmen is blowing up.

Especially since it also shows us heading straight to the locker room instead of lining up to shake hands at the end of the game.

The committee told me that they got a whole bunch of calls demanding that you and Kyle apologize for that.

They also want you and Trell to apologize for the incidents in yesterday's game. But I talked to the principal and we have decided to let you make the call on this.

How do you want to handle this Jason?" Jason was stunned by what he had heard. He didn't think that the public would be demanding him and his teammates to apologize publicly.

But he was even more surprised when he heard that Coach Swendel had talked to the principal on his behalf and said that they would respect his wishes in regards to everything.

Jason's respect for Coach Swendel shot up immensely for not just crumbling under the pressure of public scrutiny and demanding that he and his teammates apologize in order to get the situation under control.

Jason smiled as he answered "You know me Coach. I have no problem apologizing when I do something wrong.

But I will never apologize just because some people demand for it. I don't think me or anyone else on the team did anything wrong to warrant an apology."

On the other side of the phone Coach Swendel had a helpless smile on his face 'I knew he was going to say something like that. The kid has some real balls that's for sure.'

He took a deep breathe before smacking himself in the face a few times as he hyped himself up.

'There's hundreds of people pissed right now and they need a target to be pissed at. This is the type of responsibility meant for adults.'

Coach Swendel put the phone back up next to his face "Alright Jason. Don't worry about anything. I'll take care of this."

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