
Chapter 226 - Breaking News

"What!?" Jason was left wondering if he had just heard right. He pinched himself just to make sure that he wasn't dreaming.

Dr. Patricia sighed "According to the data you haven't showed an increase in metabolic activity despite the six thousand calorie a day diet.

Our only option is to increase the calories to eight thousand a day. If we still don't see any improvements then we'll have to think of something else."

Jason rubbed his face with both hands 'Six thousand calories a day and it still isn't enough? Jesus, no wonder I was so skinny all the way up to college.'

He then looked at Dr. Patricia "Isn't eight thousand calories kinda overkill though? Can't we try bumping the calories up slowly?"

Dr. Patricia looked at Jason with a serious expression on her face "We could do things that way. But it would waste time.

This is the most time efficient way possible Jason. If you feel like you can't handle it then you are free to turn down this training regiment.

Like I said we can always come up with a new training regiment for you, it just won't be the most efficient or effective."

Jason shook his head 'Damn, she knows what she's doing. She knows that saying that will just make me want to do it more.'

"You don't need to play these games Doc. You already know what I'm going to say." Dr. Patricia chuckled "You're right, I already know what your answer is."

She then touched her earpiece "Go ahead and bring the food in." Just as she finished saying that a cart filled with trays was wheeled into the room.

Jason looked at Dr. Patricia with a helpless expression on his face "You know, you could have at least acted like I had a choice.

You having the food ready before I even said yes is kind of a savage move." Dr. Patricia wrote some notes down on her clipboard.

"Duly noted. Next time I'll pretend like you have an option." Jason shook his head before looking at Dr. Patricia "You know what Doc?

For someone that is at the top of her field and is regarded as an intellectual you have really bad people skills."

Dr. Patricia laughed as she turned her attention from her clipboard to Jason "I guess that makes two of us doesn't it?"

Jason was caught off guard by her remark. He had not expected Dr. Patricia to take a shot at him. Seeing as how he couldn't think of anything to say in response he simply let out a sigh before taking the lid off of a tray.

- - -

After eating his second breakfast of the day Jason watched and broke down old film for an hour before doing some strength training and light conditioning.

He then had his lunch which consisted of shredded grilled chicken, grilled fish, and a few plain hamburger patties.

All of which were under seasoned and by the time he had finished off his second plate tasted like rotten eggs and expired milk.

After forcing himself to swallow the food in his mouth Jason slammed his fist on the table. He looked out in front of him and was relieved to see that there was no more food.

After giving himself a few minutes to gather himself Jason turned to Dr. Patricia "You guys really need to work on your food. Even at the beginning nothing tastes good."

She simply shrugged her shoulders "Flavor isn't important, nutrition and caloric content is. Speaking of food you'll have to bring the rest home."

Jason turned to her with a questioning look "What do you mean bring the rest of it home? There isn't a single piece left Doc. I got these plates squeaky clean."

Dr. Patricia shook her head "That's not what I meant. From now on personal training will only make up half your days.

The later half of the day will be spent in group training." Jason looked at her with a shocked expression "Wait? Does that mean?"

She gave a mischievous smile as she answered "Starting today you'll be seeing and working out with Golden Oaks and Central Park."

For the entire hour that Jason spent watching film his leg was bouncing nonstop as he couldn't help but be excited.

'I finally get to see Golden Oak and Central Park in action! I hope a five on five is part of the training schedule. That would be perfect.'

- - -

It was early in the morning but Coach Butler was already heavy into his work. He went through page after page of scouting reports.

As he read through them he would occasionally scribble down some notes on the side while separating the scouting report into three different piles.

After looking at one pile that was over three times thinner than the other ones he scratched his head in frustration "Damn, looks like recruiting is gonna be a bitch again this year."

Just then the door to his office swung open as Jonathan rushed in "Hey Coach! You are not going to believe this!"

Coach Butler switched his attention from the papers on his table to Jonathan "What is it Jonathan? And why are you sweating like a dog?"

Jonathan came to a stop right in front of Coach Butlers desk "I came running in as soon as I heard the news. I thought you would want to know seeing as how you're pretty invested in this."

Coach Butler looked at him with a questioning look "What are you talking about Jonathan? Even if it was important couldn't you have just called?"

Jonathan shook his head "I thought it would be better if you heard this from me personally." Coach Butler asked "Is this about the kid from Sudan? Did he decide to accept our offer?"

Jonathan paused before awkwardly shaking his head "Actually no. He said that he would rather stay at home and develop in his home country."

Coach Butler threw his pen on to his desk "Damn! I thought for sure he would say yes. He wasn't getting offers from anywhere else.

Well what is it then?" Jonathan took a second to catch his breathe "It's about that kid you were interested in, Jason Yang."

Coach Butler sat up straight "Well what happened?" Jonathan continued "Looks like recruiting him is going to be a lot harder than we thought."

Coach Butler looked at him with a surprised expression "What do you mean? Jason Yang isn't on any of the bigger programs' radars.

If anything he would have to have another break out year before he would even be up for consideration. How could he have boosted his stock up overnight?"

Jonathan gulped as he pulled out his phone "I just got word from on of my friends that works at the Nike training facility in New York.

And apparently Jason just pulled a Jimmy." Coach Butler just became more confused after hearing what Jonathan had to say.

"What the hell are you talking about? What the hell does pulling a Jimmy mean?" Jonathan rolled answered "He took down Central Park and Golden Oaks during practice!"

Coach Butlers eyes went wide as the scouting report that had been in his hand dropped to the floor 'He took down Central Park and Golden Oaks?'

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