
Chapter 264 - You Want Me To Do What!?

As he was about to make his way back to the locker room to get cleaned up he heard a voice calling out for him.

"Jason, a moment of your time." Jason turned his head and saw a familiar face 'It's her.' Jason had wanted to change out of his uniform and take a shower so that he could quickly go home.

If it was anyone else Jason would have politely refused but this person had been one of the few news anchors that had covered the story about Coach Swendel last year objectively and even to this day she was unbiased in her reporting of Jason and the team.

He smiled "Hello Ms. Hernández." She smiled back at him as her camera man followed behind her "You can just call me Gloria.

If you have a moment I would really love to get a quick interview with you." Jason weakly shook his head "If it was anyone else I would have said no. 

But I'm the kind of guy that always returns a favor. You and your news station have always covered our team objectively unlike everyone else that just runs our name through the mud for clicks and views.

I'll always have time for a quick interview if it's with you." Her smile became even brighter after hearing that.

"Thank you Jason. I promise you that as long as I'm in charge of the reporting we'll always cover your story without bias."

She then signaled for her cameraman to begin filming as she held up her mic "So today was your first official game of the season.

Everyone thought that Rosewood would prove to be a challenge for you because of their star player Zhaire Randolph.

However now that we're looking at the score that couldn't have been further from the truth. How did you manage to lockdown such a gifted offensive player like Zhaire? And although it is still early on in the year what does a win like this mean for the you and the team?"

Jason wiped his face with the bottom of his jersey before answering "For your first question I would honestly have to say that I just did what I always do.

I locked in on D and made sure that I was always in his face. I wanted to pester him when he had the ball in his hands and even when he didn't have the ball in his hands.

Defense is all about effort. Even if you don't have the same physical tools as your defensive assignment you can make up for a lot of that with hustle and heart.

As for what this win means for me and the team..." Jason paused for a moment to think about it before smiling and putting up a finger "It's the first one out of twenty."

- - -

After showering and getting changed Jason and the rest of the boys said their goodbyes as their parents would drive them home.

Jason's dad pulled him under his arm and ruffled his hair "That was amazing Jason! I know I shouldn't be surprised considering that you guys were the best team in the county last year but I still can't get used to seeing how good you guys are."

Jason's mom laughed as she watched the two men in her life enjoying such a sweet moment "Well you should get used to it Henry.

Jaya said it himself. Him and the team are aiming for Nationals this year." It was then that they heard a voice call out "Hey aunty, hi uncle."

The three of them turned their heads and saw Samantha walking toward them with Victor following a few steps behind her.

No matter how many times he's seen him Jason just couldn't get used to how huge Victor was. He looked to be around 6'4 (1.93m) and 300lbs (136kg) of pure muscle.

His parents on the other hand seemed unbothered as they greeted both Samantha and Victor with smiles on their faces. Victor simply gave a nod while Samantha walked up toward them.

She gave both of Jason's parents a hug "I know that you guys are about to head home but is it okay if I get a quick word in with Jaya?"

Jason's mom chuckled "Of course that's okay." She turned to Jason "Me and your dad will wait in the car. We're parked just a few spots away."

Samantha blushed "You don't need to do that! I was just-" But before she could finish what she was going to say Jason's mom reached for his dad's hand as they walked away side by side.

She hung her head before face palming "I think your parents got the wrong idea. I just wanted to talk to you about something real quick."

Jason cracked a small smile "Nah. They just love to take any opportunity to do lovey dovey stuff like that. It's like they're a bunch of teenagers still. So what did you want to talk to me about Sammy?"

Samantha laughed at Jason's joke "Haha I guess they are pretty heavy on pda. Anyways, I finally had an idea of how you could pay me back for saving your ass on the first day of school."

Jason smiled as he shook his head 'I knew this day was coming sooner or later. I just hope that she doesn't ask for anything too crazy.

As long as it's not something impossible I guess I have to help her out. She really did save my bacon back then.'

He looked at her "You didn't need to come all the way out here to ask me in person. You could have just sent a text or video called me."

Samantha giggled as a mischievous smile bloomed across her face "No way. That would be way too boring. I wanted to see your reaction in real life.

Besides, it's not like I had to go out of my way. I already come to all of your games." Jason smiled "Wow thanks Sammy.

It means a lot to hear that from you. It's always a great feeling to know that your friends are always there to support yo-"

Jason stopped as he suddenly had a bad feeling 'Wait. What did she mean by seeing my reaction in real life?'

A shiver went up his spine 'All of a sudden I have a really bad feeling about this favor. Just what is it that she wants me to do?'

Even though he had just showered beads of sweat began to form on his forehead as he nervously asked "Just what exactly is this favor?"

Samantha still had her devilish smile on her face as she turned around to face Victor "Make sure you get a good shot. I want a good recording of this."

Victor didn't say anything as he simply pulled out his cellphone from inside of his suit jacket with one hand while giving Samantha a thumbs up with the other.

Seeing that Victor had the camera of the phone aimed at the two of them she leaned in and whispered.

After hearing just what it was that she wanted him to do he jumped back with a terrified expression on his face.

"You want me to do what!?"

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