
Chapter 641 Saving James Doha

"Where’s Kanae, Uncle?" Kevin spat out coldly in the call.

"We’re chasing after her. The recent video security shows that she’s in Black Street, running around with James behind her."

"Track her phone!" Kevin ordered coldly.

Beside him, Neo went to work almost immediately. The angry Kevin was already more than enough to make him feel like he was choking. The suffocating air made him unable to breathe, but he didn’t dare to defy Kevin’s order. His fingers began to tremble as he typed on his laptop, doing his best to make type the code as fast as possible.

Kevin turned his attention to Mike. "Prepare the car. We’re going to the West."

"Yes, Boss."

While Neo was busy typing on the laptop, Patrick had continued his talk. "We’re currently chasing after them. But they’re moving too quickly and unpredictable."

It was not weird considering Kanae’s experience that she would surely move in the most unpredictable way. In Black Street, their survival relied on their ability and instinct to avoid the enemies and fought in the most advantageous place for them. Kanae naturally used her instinct to bring her away from her pursuer.

While it was good that she could shake them off with her sheer determination and skill, it was hard for them to keep up with her. They didn’t know where she would go, so it would be too hard for them to chase her.

"Just follow after her closely."

"I already did!�� Patrick yelled with annoyance. He saw that the dot was moving faster in the street. Internally, he wondered how Kanae was able to run that fast with James on her back.

Didn’t she feel the weight?

Trying not to think too much, he turned his head to Matt. "Step on the gas faster! We’re going to lose them!"

"If you want to go even faster, you should be the one to drive!"

"I can’t drive!"

"Just shut up! I’m already stepping on the gas with all of my power!"

"You didn’t try enough, you useless junior! Go even faster!" Patrick yelled again. He was getting frustrated when he saw the dot getting far away. As Kanae was running in Black Street, they couldn’t chase her using a car inside the place.

As for how he got the car, the word ’stealing’ would be the most appropriate. They were already far behind Kanae, so they didn’t even try to chase her by running on the alleyway.

"Shut up!" Matt snapped. His usual calmness has disappeared without any trace. Right now, his attention was fully focused on the street and how he could arrive by Kanae’s place.

Patrick watched the screen with a frown. The dot suddenly moved slower, in fact, it stopped for several seconds.

"Hurry up! She’s facing a dead end!"

"Do you want to crush us to death by forcing our way to the alleyway?"

The two of them argued, and then they saw that the dot had moved again. They were stunned. If it was a dead end, how did she manage to get out of the place?

"As expected of my daughter," Patrick smiled with glee. He was sure that she must have shaken off her pursuer one way or another.

It was then that he recalled he was still calling Kevin. "Brat, where are you?"

"I’m on my way," Kevin replied. He frowned when he saw the speed. "Mike, step on the gas."

"Yes, Boss!"

The car sped up even faster and Kevin chose the rural roads that people rarely used. His heart grew cold when he saw the movement of Kanae in the tracker. Kevin took the charge from Neo to hack the cameras, trying to find out the scenes that had occurred. However, her fast movements made it hard for the camera to capture her figure.

Time seemed to pass slower as he watched her movement stopped in the ruins of a clan’s headquarters.

"Mike, is there any shortcut to the clan headquarters?"

"Yes, there is."

"We head there right now."

"Yes, Boss!"

Mike stepped on the gas, not caring that the police would chase after them because of his speed. Right now, the utmost importance was Kanae’s safety. As for the others, they could be thrown to the back of their mind.

"Neo, where’s Uncle’s location?"

"Wait a minute!" Neo quickly typed on his laptop as anxiety hit him. He was feeling deeply worried about Kanae’s safety that his fingers trembled as he typed.

"I can tell you right away, you brat!" Patrick’s voice sounded from the phone. "I’m in the forest, trying to track her."

Kevin noticed that the dot had stopped moving. His heart dropped to the bottom abyss when he saw that. Could something happen to Kanae? Was it because the phone was thrown away? Fear enveloped his entire body. This was the very first time he ever felt something like this.

He didn’t want to lose her at all.

"Neo, hack the satellite and find the images of the location!"

"What?" Neo was stunned. If they hacked into the satellite, it would mean they were facing the government directly. Although it might not mean much for them, he didn’t have sufficient skill to cover his track from them for a long time. It would mean that he could only do that for a limited amount of time.

"Just do it!"

"Yes!" Neo typed on the laptop furiously. Making his way to the information database, he handed his laptop to Kevin and showed him the picture of the ruins.

Kevin saw that there was nothing in that place. The ruins still looked exactly the same as before. There was no trace of fight in that place at all. Unless...

"Mike, make your way to the forest, find any trace of fight."

"Yes, Boss."

Patrick was stunned to hear that Kevin changed his course so suddenly. "Brat, why are you heading to other places? Isn’t Kanae in that ruin?"

"I’m afraid not," Kevin replied coldly. He didn’t give any further explanation as he cut off the call with his uncle. His eyes scanned the surrounding carefully, not wanting to miss anything.

"Boss, what are we searching here?" Neo spoke up.

Kevin didn’t answer as he ignored the other two. His eyes turned sharp when he saw the broken tree not far from them.

"Go over there, Mike!"

"Yes, Boss."

As they approached the broken tree, they could see the trail of the tires on the ground. It was not that apparent, but some places have their mark. Following behind the mark, he saw that they made a circling movement.

"Stop the car!��

Alighting from the car, Kevin’s eyes narrowed when he saw the large pool of blood on the ground. From the size of that pool, it was almost certain that the person there should have been dead. There was a blood trail coming out of the pool, so he could guess that someone must have pulled the dead body out of the place.

His eyes narrowed dangerously. Gritting his teeth to contain his anger, his body shook slightly. He knew that he had come too late.


He shot his gun in frustration as his hand gripped the sword tighter. "Ferdinand, just you watch, I’ll never let you go!"

Behind him, Mike and Neo stood quietly. They knew that there was a chance that the government might chase after Kevin and Kanae because of their ability. Little did they know that they were completely correct. The miscalculation on their part caused them to lose an important member of their family.

While Kevin was trying to calm down, Patrick made his way to the ruins where he detected Kanae’s phone.

The car stopped not far from the ruin and Patrick ran out of the car as fast as lightning. His heart dropped when he didn’t see any trace of Kanae there. However, his sharp sense allowed him to know that there was someone nearby, hiding beneath the rubbles.

Making his way to the place, he moved a wood and revealed the young boy behind it.

"James, are you alright?"

James was looking at Patrick with tears filling his eyes. He was afraid. When he heard the sound of the car, he didn’t dare to get out in fear that it was one of the enemies. Upon seeing that it was Patrick, he was relieved.

However, his tears didn’t stop.

"Sister Kanae, where’s Sister Kanae?" James sobbed as Patrick pulled him out of the place slowly.

Patrick didn’t answer. He received the call from Kevin just now, so he knew about the situation. Still, it was not something he could tell a young kid. He shook his head lightly.

"She’ll be back soon."

James shook his head. "I won’t meet her again, will I?"

"You will," Patrick felt dry on his mouth. He knew that he was spouting lies, but he couldn’t let this child break for the second time. It would take his life for sure and everything they had been trying to protect would disappear.

"I want to meet with Sister Kanae!"

The boy’s cry filled the entire area. Patrick and Matt were unable to do anything as they watched in silence. Internally, they knew that the chance for Kanae to stay alive in the hand of government was very slim. Yet, neither one of them dare to utter it out in fear that it would come true.

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