
Chapter 286 - New Plans Rolling Into Action

Samantha's plan turned out to be a major success as right after they had finished the play multiple students lined up in order to sign up and join the drama club.

After they were done with handling all the applications all of the members of the drama club met backstage for a short celebration party.

Jason's parents and friends joined in the festivities as they mingled with the members of the drama club.

Some of the kids were nervous when the basketball team first joined them backstage as they were from two different worlds.

Although Jason was the face and star of the team the other members of the basketball team were still regarded as popular because of their association with Jason and their contributions on the team.

While the kids from the drama club were of a lesser social standing than them. Their drama club was one of the smaller clubs and up until tonight they were on the brink of closing down.

But after they started talking and interacting they were able to relax when they realized that the other members of the basketball team were all cool and friendly.

Although they enjoyed the privilege of being popular thanks to Jason and the success of the team none of the players had an attitude that looked down on the drama club members.

Not only was their star and team captain technically a member of the drama club but Jason's influence on the team had made it so that none of them were the type to do that.

Jason was the most popular and influential kid in the whole school but he himself never abused his social status and used it to put down others.

Although Jason appeared cocky and unrestrained on the basketball court he always kept that attitude strictly reserved for when he played.

Jason and the rest of the team were all smiles as they talked and joked around with the members of the drama club while Coach Swendel and Ms. Yuller were talking with each other on the side.

The after party ended up being a ton of fun as it was full of smiles and laughter by the time everyone had to say goodbye and part ways for the night.

- - -

The weekend after the play Jason and the rest of the guys on the team continued with their usual practice schedule.

Monday. Jason and the rest of the guys were sitting in the back of Ms. Yuller's English class as they talked about the highlights from the games that happened during the weekend.

Now that the season was almost over and their game schedule had lessened a bit they had more time to relax and joke around.

Vince was holding his phone up so that all of the guys could watch the video that was playing on it "Bro I can't believe that the Bulls actually managed to make a comeback."

Kyle chuckled "Yeah, as soon as I saw that they were down 20 going into the 3rd I was sure that they were going to lose."

Jason added "Well no one was expecting Reggie to blowup for 36 in the second half. Thanks to that he managed to win the last game of the season and get the Bulls into the playoffs at the very last moment."

Although they were all talking about the Bulls excitedly probably no one was as excited as Jason was. Because Jason knew from his past life that this was more than just a lucky fluke to cap off the last game of the season.

Jason was smiling as he thought to himself 'Playoffs are just around the corner and there are actually some bits and pieces that I can use to my advantage.

Looks like the time for my plan to bet on playoff games is about to arrive. I bet no one else is expecting for a team that had barely snuck into the 8th seed to make it all the way to the Eastern Conference Finals.'

Jason could remember vividly just how excited everyone was when the Bulls, a team that had just barely managed to sneak into the playoffs last second, had managed to overturn the odds multiple times in a row as they clawed tooth and nail all the way to the Eastern Conference Finals.

And that wasn't the only hot story that would be taking place during this years playoffs. There were plenty of opportunities for Jason to make money and he intended to take advantage of all of them.

Jason couldn't help but grin as he thought of his oh so reliable Coach Swendel who would be playing a major role in his money making plan.

As Samantha arrived in class she smiled and waved at Jason and the rest of the guys from the team. She high fived and greeted the rest of the boys before pulling out her seat next to Jason.

"So how was your weekend Mr. Hollywood? Feel like a big time star yet?" Kyle laughed "You hear that Jaya? You're Mr. Hollywood now. Can't wait to get your autograph haha."

Jason smirked "Haha Sammy, you're a real comedian like always. Maybe I should charge a fee for letting you guys hang out with such a big time star?"

Samantha and Kyle both laughed at Jason's remark. Samantha opened up her backpack and pulled out her notebook and placed it in front of her desk.

"So turns out that our plan was a big hit. Not only did we have a bunch of new people sign up to join the drama club after the play, this morning Ms. Yuller had some more students come up to her and ask about joining too."

Jason smiled slightly as he nodded his head "That's good to hear. Looks like you guys won't be in danger of closing down this year."

Samantha nodded her head before nervously asking "So now that the play is done I guess there isn't really a reason for you to stay in the drama club..."

Understanding the hidden meaning behind her words Jason chuckled before answering "You know what Sammy? I hate to say it but I actually did have some fun being in the play.

I don't really have a reason to quit right now and I might need something to take up my time in between tournaments so I guess it wouldn't hurt to stay in the drama club.

Of course things are still going to be the same. I won't be able to come in everyday and the amount of time that I can dedicate to the club won't be that much.

But if you and Ms. Yuller are okay with that I could stay as a member of the drama club." Samantha smiled brightly before pumping her fist "Yes! Of course we're okay with that!"

Just as Jason, Samantha, and the rest of the guys were about to talk some more Ms. Yuller walked into the classroom and began to take attendance.

After she was done marking everyone as either in attendance or absent she smiled and looked up to the students in her class.

"I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. To start of the new month and the new week I thought it would be fun to do a group project.

Pair up into groups of four and pick one book to present to the class. You will have two weeks to read and analyze the book.

Your presentation must include your reasoning for why you feel that it was a book that had an influence on the literary world during its time."

After hearing that they would be pairing up into groups of four Vince, Nick, Matt, and DJ joined up into one group.

Jason looked around him and saw Samantha to his left and Kyle to his right "Looks like we'll be a group then. But we're missing one person."

Kyle looked around the room and noticed that everyone else was just about done forming their groups "Uh, looks like it's slim pickings guys."

After he had finished saying that he heard a voice from the side as he turned his head to see who it was "You guys need one more person?"

When they saw who it was they all had a different expression on their face. Jason had his usual deadpan look while Samantha furrowed her brows and Kyle looked a bit nervous.

Jason casual waved at her "Hey Karla."

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