
Chapter 44: Towards the Fourth Goal

Chapter 44: Towards the Fourth Goal

“――――Haa!? “

I suddenly woke up.

Three seconds later, I noticed I was at the inn in the town of Badgordo.

What was I doing?

“Master~! “

Terra came and hugged me.

Ahh, I see. I……

“Terra……I’m sorry, it was my fault.”

Ended up dragging her into it.

Master and spirit are one in body and soul. Terra almost died for being tied to me, her foolish master. Even though she desperately tried to stop me, I didn’t listen.

When I entered the Proline Dungeon to capture it, it seemed like there was no better plan than this. But in fact, that was just something I was telling myself. It was just a stupid idea that was impossible to achieve. I jumped at the reward, which seemed so close at hand, and almost ended up losing everything.

“Don’t apologize, Master~. I too should’ve given you better advice sooner……”

Terra said such a thing. Then, I jumped out of the bed unintentionally.

“That’s wrong! You are not responsible for this! You did nothing wrong Terra; it was all because I rushed forward selfishly! “

While I was yelling so, I suddenly felt weird.

Ehh, is my body lighter? Besides, this skirt is……

“No, it’s my fault because I knew already…… That master liked Second-san.”

“Wh-wh-what are you saying!? “

Like!? Me!? That guy!? What kind of joke is that!!

“After all, the fact that your face has turned red is proof of that~.”

“Yo-you’re wrong! That’s impossible! “

“Then, why were you that reckless? Why did you try to capture the Proline Dungeon? Why did you come to this town together with him? “

“Th-that is.”

I’m troubled about how to answer. I wonder why is that…… eh? Just why did I do something like that……?

“――That’s the kind of thing ‘liking someone’ is, Master.”

Like? This is liking someone?

Wanting him to acknowledge me, wanting him to look at me, and also, wanting to keep talking to him more and more, is that to ‘like’ someone?


……I see……So this is love.

“I should have pointed that out earlier. That way, Master wouldn’t have been so close to dying~…… And also, you wouldn’t have suffered such an embarrassment~……”


“Eh? Wait a minute. Eh? Embarrassment? “

Certainly, I was saved by Second. Yeah, that was such a shame. But that wasn’t such a huge embarrassment worthy of being mentioned. I’ll apologize the next time I see him, then, if it’s not a big inconvenience, it’d be nice if maybe, hmm……

No, that’s not it. It’s not that I’m thinking that, if things go well…… I want to be friends with him.

……But, oh my god, that looked super cool. The seven-colored aura, the instant movement, the incredible swordsmanship that can’t be compared to the power of a spirit… I’m getting goosebumps just by remembering. Suddenly appearing when I was in a pinch and defeating that impossible enemy…… Who wouldn’t fall for him? It’s not unreasonable, right?

Wait, no, no no! That’s not it!

“A-ashamed of what……? “

I had an incredibly bad premonition. This weird feeling I’ve been having, could that be……

“Second-san helped you, Master, who was knocked down and had your nose bleeding. You were instantly recovered after Second-san made you drink a potion, then, while carrying you, he brought you back here……”

So, he made me drink a potion, huh? I wonder if an intermediate recovery potion on the level of curing the state I was in wasn’t that expensive. I think I should add a bit extra when paying him back. Well, but a bloody nose, huh? ……I think that would be a bit embarrassing indeed. Oh my, and my clothes were also a bit dirty――


Ehh……? Was I wearing this skirt?

“The truth is, Master, at that moment you wet yourself…… fufufu! “

“ “

D-did I hear wrong?

“……Te-Terra? What did you say? “

“You wet yourself~! “


* * *

“Eh…… Uhmm, that, erm……! “

Dawn. After waking up due to the violent knocking on my door, I opened it and found Chérie with a red face and suspiciously fidgeting in front of my room.

“What? “

I asked, putting a bit of pressure with my eyes, because I was still sleepy. I felt somewhat cranky due to yesterday’s matter.

“T-this……! “

At that moment, she violently passed something to me. Looking closely, it looked like a letter.

“I’m s-sorry! Also, thank you! Let’s meet each other again!? “

With smoke coming out of her head and her eyes half crying, Chérie turned around and left, awkwardly walking like a tin doll. Her ringlet curls bounced up and down each time she took a step.

“Second-san, I will never forget this favor. Please convey that to the Great King too~.”

After saying that with a smile, Terra-san bowed down, then followed after Chérie.

……What was this about?

After the unexpected farewell, I decided to look through the letter.

The letter was long, but the three main points written on it were: an apology, gratitude, and hope to meet again. Did you come to just go back already? Is what I would like to retort. It’s somehow anticlimactic.

After reading the letter from that prickly, not really honest with herself, loner girl, I decided to go back to bed.


“Strategy meeting time.”

“Yaay! “

While having lunch, I decided to hold the usual meeting to decide on our future plans. The purpose of this meeting is not so much for strategic reasons, rather, this is because Eko loves them.

Oh, speaking of which, it seems Chérie has already returned to Le?ador. Also, the receptionist in the inn said Chérie had left something for me, which turned out to be a bag full of gold coins. It was about 2 million CL. Apparently, this is to repay me for ‘being in my care’. Unexpectedly, she’s a dutiful girl.

Hmm…… having the peace and quiet return after being with that noisy girl feels somewhat lonely. Well, she said we’ll meet again, so we’ll probably encounter each other in the future. I feel like I’ll be able to endure that noisiness better now.

Well, let’s stop thinking about that and start the meeting.

“First, Silvia. I’ll tell you the plans I have for you from now on.”

“Alright, here it comes, I’ve been waiting.”

Silvia has been very motivated to train herself, proof of that is her remarkable growth. All the 【Archery】 skills she has already acquired are high Grade, her 【Magic】 skills of the first, second and third form are also high Grade, and her 【Magic Archery】 is also coming along great. If everything continues like this, she’ll get them all at Grade 9 soon.

By the way, in 【Magic Archery】 there exist skills other than 《Combine》, like 《Synergy》 and 《Overlaying Attack》. Both of them are attack skills that one must learn if they want to be a Magic Archer.

“Silvia, you will aim to get all your skills at Grade 9. And in addition, from Magic Archery you will learn Synergy and Overlaying Attack. Also, if you have the leeway, you should learn Dragon Horse Archery and Dragon King Archery.”

“W-wait. Didn’t you say Dragon Horse and Dragon King were both garbage skills, Second-dono? “

“Yeah. They aren’t very convenient skills; their cost is large and they require a lot of experience to learn. They’re rubbish, to say the least. However, they have the firepower. And above all, you need to get all skills to Grade 9 in order to get the Title.”

“Ahh, so it’s to acquire the Title…… IT’S TO ACQUIRE THE TITLE!? “

Ahh, it’s been a while since I last saw that reaction.

“Who will!? “


“I WILL!? “

“Ultimately, your goal is to get the Title for Archery.”

“The T-Title for Archery……”

Although, in time, I’ll be the one to take it over.

“Alright, that’s over. Next, Eko. Eko~.”

“Ye~s! “

Leaving the stunned Silvia aside, I then switched to Eko.

“Eko, your first priority will be to learn Dragon Horse Shieldmanship. Once you’ve learned it, raise it to Grade 1, and then learn Healing Magic. After that, if you have the leeway, learn all the remaining Shieldmanship skills and aim for the Title.”

“Easy peasy! “

“……I’m not sure what you mean, but I guess you understood.”

I patted Eko’s head and closed her mouth. Did this child really understand?

“And lastly, Yukari.”

“Yes, Master.”

When I called out Yukari’s name, she just answered as if she was waiting for her turn and came closer without making a sound. She looks a bit scary though.

“Erm…… Yukari, you will keep going as you are and get Blacksmith to Grade 9, then you’ll learn Bestowal Magic and raise it to Grade 9.”

“Bestowal Magic, is it? “

“Yeah. It’s a skill to give special effect to equipment. It’ll be troublesome if you don’t get it to Grade 9.”


After hearing my words, Yukari’s eyes shone fiercely and she said “Understood, please leave it to me”. I think I’m leaving too much work to Yukari, having her taking care of me, relying on her as a secretary, and on top of that her Blacksmith and Bestowal; but I guess it’s alright if she’s happy with this.

“By the way, what would be your plans, Master? “

She suddenly asked me. That’s true, I guess I can tell them about my own plans.

“First, I’ll master Dragon King Swordsmanship. Secondly, I’ll raise Spirit Possession to the highest Grade. Third, I’ll learn the Transform skill. And the fourth…… Well, I’ll tell you about it when it’s time. Then, the fifth, I’ll go visit Maine for the Fourth Form. Sixth, I’ll acquire the Fifth Form. And seventh, I’ll win the Title for Swordsmanship.”

“……Wait a minute. Aren’t those too many things to do?”

“Transform? “

“Your goals are too specific, it’s even frightening……”

In order to learn the 《Transform》 skills, some really bothersome quests need to be completed. However, if I compare them with Dragon Horse and Dragon King, it’s still somehow better.

《Transform》 is a buff skill similar to 《Spirit Possession》. You can temporarily raise your own stats significantly with it. But, by learning it, my arrangements will finally be ready. My preparations for the ‘fourth goal’.

“Well, we’ll still be earning experience in the Proline Dungeon, and make a killing with the Mithril. For about two months starting now we’ll be going back and forth to the Proline Dungeon and the inn, that’s pretty much it.”

After I said so, everyone nodded reliably.

It already became clear to me that the poor Mithril Golem-kun could be hunted in large amounts. But are they alright with that?

“Still, making a huge profit on the side really sounds like you, Second-dono.”

“With things going like this, we’ll be able to buy a mansion worth billions of CL without batting an eyelid. Like a ‘byproduct’.”

“Let’s do our bestー! Ohhー! “

With Eko as the catalyst, everyone replied with an “Oh! “, and thus, the meeting of Firstest came to an end.

* * *

Outside the inn. In a slightly distant location, there are two shadows silently observing the meeting of Second and the girls.

The sixteen years-old, A-ranked adventurer, genius Spirit User and Earl’s daughter, Chérie Lumberjack along with her spirit.

Chérie stared intently at Second in the distance while slightly blushing. She was anxious about what had happened ‘after’ she delivered the letter. Thus, she had been observing Second since they started eating at the bar on the first floor for about an hour. In other words, this is what you would call a stalker.

“Master~, someone is approaching~.”

“Eh? “

Her Great Spirit of Earth, Terra then informed her that someone was coming closer.

“――Hmm, ahh! You are Chérie Lumberjack-sama, aren’t you!? “

The person who showed up was a long-haired man, his hair red-brown colored. He went out of his way to try and lower his already high stature.

“What? Coming so rudely. Who are you? “

Chérie stared at the man, spouting her usual harsh words. The man then took a step back and hurriedly lowered his head as he spoke.

“I’m s-sorry! I’m a huge fan of you, Chérie-sama! I’m called Seram! I’m a 19-year-old C-ranked adventurer, and a Spirit User still in training! “

The man claiming to be a Spirit User introduced himself as Seram. He had a servile attitude of deprecating himself and praising the opposite party, which would make people feel good.

However, that didn’t apply to Chérie. She always sought for more than that, since for her, it was obvious that she was ‘superior and the other party was obviously inferior’. Prostrate, lick my shoes —behavior such as that. But when that was actually done, she would say “You make me feel sick! “, throwing abuses at that person, and at that point, it was useless to keep talking to her.

“What a bother. So, what? I’m busy right now, can’t you see? “

As the stranger just kept getting in the way of her love (stalking), Chérie’s mood just worsened. She even began to think “If the talk will be long, I think I’ll just ignore him altogether”.

“I just wanted to see the Great Spirit of Earth-sama up close, no matter what! Wow, she’s really amazing! Her aura is completely different when compared to Nymphe! “

“I’m sorry for being a spirit without an aura, my Lord.”

At some point, Seram had already called his spirit using Spirit Summoning. It was a spirit called Nymphe.

On the other hand, Chérie finally decided to ignore him. She sent a look towards Terra that implied “I leave this to you”.

“Ohh, can it be that you’re a wind~“

“Yes. I am the wind spirit, Nymphe. It’s an honor to meet you, Gnomides-sama.”

“Is that so? Me too, I’m happy to meet you.”

Nymphe and Terra hit it off with each other, and the talk between spirits started.

Seram tried to ask questions to Chérie, but he was completely ignored, and since he couldn’t join the talk between the spirits, he just listened from the sides.

“――Speaking of which, I met the Great King yesterday night.”

“The G-Great King!? “

With Nymphe raising her voice in response to Terra’s casual words, Seram saw the opportunity to join the conversation.

“Great King, is it!? Does that mean, the Great King of all Spirits!? “

He asked in a way that showed great interest.

“Yeah. The Great Spirit King Angolmois…… the pinnacle of the Spirit World. He was rea~lly scary.”

“I have never seen him before. He’s like something divine, way out of the reach of a lowly spirit like myself.”

“I-Is he such a great spirit!? Wh-wh-wh-where is he!? “

“Second-san is the person he is under~. Look, over there――”

“EEEHHH! ? “

The sudden cry was done by Chérie.

While seemingly disregarding it, it appears she was actually hearing the contents of the conversation.

Great Spirit King Angolmois―― An existence above the Great Spirit of Earth, the very top of the Spirit World. Just when did you meet such a great existence, Terra? she wondered. And after thinking about it, she noticed the name of Second also came out.

“……H-hey, Terra? Why didn’t you tell me that? That Second had such, such an incredible spirit…… such……”

Why on earth was I so proud of having the Great Spirit of Earth? ……wondered the trembling Chérie. She became blushed from ear to ear.

But it was good that this was Second, the only person she acknowledged. If it was someone other than Second who had the Great Spirit King under his command, then she might’ve acted rashly due to jealousy.

“I forgot about it~.”

“That’s not something you’d forget! That’s like, super important! “

“I’m sorry, Master~.”

“Haaー……-riously. Well, it doesn’t matter……”

A Spirit User who employs the Great Spirit King. Chérie knows she’s no opponent for that.

Of course, she feels a little jealous. But, more than that, she feels happy. She also feels pleased that her rival and the only person she acknowledges is strong.

“……Uh? By the way, where did that man with long hair go? “

“That person is over there~.”

“Geh! “

Seram was walking along with Nymphe towards the bar on the first floor of the inn where Second was located. Probably, he was a spirit maniac. He probably wanted to take a look at a Great Spirit, like just now when he did so with Terra.

“Le-Le-Le-Let’s run away, Terra! “

Chérie then said “Second will find me out! “, and so, she decided to flee the town of Badgordo.

“Yes~, Master~.”

Terra happily smiled as she chased after her.

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