
Chapter 47: The Difference Is The Beauty

Chapter 47: The Difference Is The Beauty

There are seven types of dragons that appear in Metio, including the boss.

These are: White Dragons, Azure Dragons, Amber Dragons, Emerald Dragons, Crimson Dragon, Golden Dragons, and the boss, a seven colored dragon called Rainbow Dragon.

Assuming the strength of a White Dragon is 10, Azure Dragons are 12, Amber Dragons are 14, Emerald Dragons are 16, and Crimson Dragons are 20. The Golden Dragons jump to about 80, and the Rainbow Dragon is at about 456. As you’d expect from a boss, its strength is on another level.

When it comes to fighting, we’ll have a leeway up until the Crimson Dragons. However, it might be a little difficult to deal with the Golden Dragon, being eight times as strong as a White Dragon. I alone should be alright, but there’s also Silvia and Eko.

And obviously the boss, the Rainbow Dragon, is out of the question. If you were to ask if I could defeat it now, it might be possible if I went ‘solo’, but it would take a long time. But to challenge it with three people, it would be impossible to fight it while having to worry about them. Therefore, I don’t think we can defeat the Rainbow Dragon currently, and if possible, I don’t want to fight a Golden Dragon.

Well then.

Our goal this time isn’t to capture the Metio Dungeon. It is to learn Dragon Horse and Dragon King.

The learning condition for Dragon Horse is 「Defeat five dragon varieties using the seven skills, from Soldier to Bishop, at least once and deliver the last blow using Rook」. And the condition to learn Dragon King is 「Using nothing but Rook, kill 10 dragons」.

If we apply this trying to be the most efficient in Metio, then it becomes something like this ――「Kill 10 White Dragons using nothing but Rook, and meet the requirements for Dragon Horse against a White Dragon, an Azure Dragon, an Amber Dragon, an Emerald Dragon, and a Crimson Dragon」.

Right. We don’t have to bother touching the other two dragons, the Golden Dragon and the Rainbow Dragon.

Therefore, the strongest enemy will be the Crimson Dragon. That’s a dragon twice as strong as the White Dragon.

In other words, what I’m trying to say is.

“This will be an easy victory.”

At dinner time. At the tavern in Badgordo, I declared so while raising my mug.

Our progress is about half. Today, Silvia was able to learn 《Dragon King Archery》, Eko learned 《Dragon King Shieldmanship》, and I got 《Dragon King Swordsmanship》 and 《Dragon King Archery》. The White Dragon-kun that were sacrificed amount easily to over 30.

“I’m dead tired (hetoheto) after being on my toes the whole day……”


Silvia and Eko lied down on the table. Silvia seems to be tired mentally, while Eko was tired physically.

The most troublesome part of today was Eko’s condition for Dragon King Shieldmanship, the ‘100 continuous parries’. Getting the right timing to parry is quite difficult, so as I expected, that took her a long time. By the way, Eko described the attacks of the White Dragon like a ‘tackle’. As expected, even for Eko it was a little painful.

“There’s only four more for tomorrow. Hang in there a little more.”

I tried to encourage the two girls. The conditions for Silvia and Eko’s Dragon Horse had only been met with the White Dragon. Tomorrow, we’ll meet the conditions with the other four enemies, the Azure Dragon, Amber Dragon, Emerald Dragon and Crimson Dragon.

“But those four will be stronger than the White Dragons! Didn’t you say the Crimson Dragon was twice as strong as the White Dragon?”

“Ahh, that’s right. There’s only one thing you need to be careful of. And I just remembered a ‘silly’ saying about it. Just keep this in mind.”

“Gosh, what is it? “

“It’s all good if you don’t get hit.”

“……I don’t know who said it, but it is indeed ‘stupid’. As if ‘wherever the head goes, the tail will follow’ worked here.”

“Huh? “

“In other words, even if you can do it, Second-dono, that doesn’t mean I will. “

“Huh? “

” ‘Huh?’ me one more time. I dare you.”

“Eh? “

“First of all, what you should be teaching us is how to avoid it, you idiot! “

“Ouch! “

She got angry. I might have been a bit too silly.

However, rather than being depressed and lying limp on the table, this feels more normal.

Looking at Silvia in front of me, I spoke while making the most serious expression I could.

“……Silvia. On a serious note, you can’t let your guard down tomorrow. If you feel hesitant even for a split second, just evade. Okay? “


It seems Silvia was taken aback by my sudden change in mood, but she nodded in agreement to my words.

“Eko. If you hesitate, just use Bishop, and if you’ll not make it in time, just evade.”


Eko was as obedient as ever.

And after making sure the two girls were attentively listening to me, I continued.

“Engrave this in your mind, there are three ways to evade. Number 1, when you hear the characteristic sound that precedes the breath, run in a circle with the dragon at the center. Number 2, if it jumps up, run perpendicularly to the direction the dragon is moving. And number 3, the moment the dragon turns its face downwards, immediately drop down and move away.”

In their order, those are breath evasion, crush evasion and tail evasion methods. That way, the breath is wasted, the crush is displaced, and the tail is avoided by lying down.

Originally, one would be killed by the dragon again and again before arriving at the ‘optimal solution’. However, in this world, one can’t simply just let themselves be killed. Therefore, people who know these measures might be considerably few in number.

“Okay, roger that.”

Silvia nodded. I’m sure she swallowed what she wanted to say. After all, “How do you know this? “, she had this question in the past. But I already decided not to reveal the reason. And probably because she’s aware of that, she just nodded without adding anything.

The behavior of monsters and their counter measures. Just how much advantage does knowing only that bring in this world? Although it’s still vague, I no longer feel uncertain about becoming the top in the world―― or at least that’s how I felt.

“Alright. If you’re aware of those three things I just said, then your life should be fine for now. All that’s left is for you to practice it with the White Dragons. Any questions? “

“Are you going to capture the Metio Dungeon? “

“I will not.”

“Oh, okay.”

Silvia had an unexpected look on her face. Eko too was staring at me, puzzled. Can it be that they think I can’t capture it? If that’s the case, then I’ll have to correct them. I can’t let them look down on the World’s top.

“If I were to prepare carefully, even in our current situation, there’s no way I can’t capture it. However, even if I capture it, it’ll be a tasteless victory.”

“I k-knew it, you can capture it all by yourself.”

“Amazing! “

The two of them looked at me with surprise and amazement.

Yeah, that’s the look. The shock after killing over 40 White Dragons and knowing I’m able to defeat the stronger Rainbow Dragon, but they trust and believe in me. In other words, amazement at my degree of strength. That’s how the World’s top must be seen.

“However, Second-dono, you are quite strange. While showing a strong commitment to an honor as vague as the definition of ‘top of the world’, why can’t you see the actual honor of capturing a dungeon? I thought the same when you said you wanted a mansion. A mansion that is the best in the world…… It makes me wonder whether that is greed or not. “

Silvia suddenly threw a question at me. She seems to want to say I’m a strange person. However, that question is quite welcomed. The world’s top can’t be considered to be a normal person.

“I just don’t want to do something useless. After all, being the world’s top is a long process.”

“I’m saying that abnormal composure and unshakable self-confidence are strange……”

“But that’s good, isn’t it? “

“Well, umu. You’re right.”

For some reason we both laughed. This kind of weird, open-minded conversation happened as we got drunk and spoke to each other unreservedly.

A while after that, Eko’s face falling flat onto her bowl marked the closure of our meeting.

Finally, tomorrow we’ll learn Dragon Horse. But the lack of tension on everyone was a nice feeling.

* * *

An incredible battle was taking place in front of me.

A Crimson Dragon raged against Second-dono, who was facing it holding a sword and clad in a seven-colored aura.

I’ve already learned 《Dragon Horse Archery》and Eko has learned 《Dragon Horse Shieldmanship》 too. As we always faced them 3 to one, be it an Emerald Dragon or a Crimson Dragon, they never posed a threat to us. It might be good to say it was all thanks to the abnormally accurate advice from Second-dono.

Second-dono also say he had already learned 《Dragon Horse Archery》. Then, why is he fighting right now? The reason is, for learning 《Dragon Horse Swordsmanship》.

Since we’re here, I’ll try to solo it―― with just those words, he walked up to the Crimson Dragon as if he was simply going out for a walk.

And so, the battle started.

If I had to use one word to describe it, it would be ‘beautiful’.

Second-dono’s movements, which appeared to be refined to the very limit, relentlessly assault the Crimson Dragon.

How to efficiently and safely kill―― I feel there’s no exaggeration to say this was the very epitome of these two points’ ultimate form.

Just how much study, how much practice, and how many risks must one face to reach such heights? I can’t even begin to imagine.

I stared at this sight as if I was eating into it. Carefully, so as to not miss any move, any moment. Both Eko and I were silent, just watching.

And after a while, the Crimson Dragon fell.

The obvious result. Second-dono kept hitting it with 《Rook Swordsmanship》 at the highest efficiency without receiving a single blow.

“OK, I learned it. Let’s go home.”

Looking back, he said so in a matter-of-fact manner.

It was his usual expression. Like when he takes the corner room at the inn, or when he discovers something delicious at the bar, or when he buys something and the total is exactly 10,000 CL. It was a face like that.

I can’t help but to hear it as one’s presence of mind. Although I don’t think I can do away with just explaining it as such.

There are many people in the world who can defeat a dragon. But, is there really someone else who can defeat a dragon as easily as breathing?

So far, I’ve caught many glimpses of his various anomalies, however, I’ve never felt them as deep as today.

Furthermore, I admire him deeply. I too want to be like that.

And even if I knew there was no way I could stand next to him, I couldn’t help but to chase after that incredible figure.


Eko lined up next to Second. And thus, we arrived at the return road.

And as we walked the road, I then heard the sounds of a sword clashing.


“Yeah, someone’s at it. You wanna go see?”

It’s quite rare to meet people inside the Dungeons. And it is even rarer for uncaptured Dungeons such as Metio. That’s because, depending on the ability of the person, just entering such a place can be a matter of life and death. In any case, this is very rare.

“It’s swordsmanship. And what’s more, it looks like a single person.”

Second muttered.

Surprisingly, it was a blonde man who was fighting the dragon. A woman could be seen behind the man. Looking at how she wasn’t doing anything, it seemed like rather than support, she was a healing magician. One thing that bothered me was the fact that the woman was, for some reason, wearing maid clothes. Does that mean the man is a noble from somewhere?

“Ohh, strong? “

Eko said while slightly tilting her head.

Well, certainly, he’s strong. You could see he was overpowering the Amber Dragon alone.

“Ohh, he knocked it down. Looking at the damage, it looks like his attacks were stronger than mine.”

“What……? “

Is he stronger than Second? In other words, isn’t he some ridiculous monster? That’s why I said that participating in the Title Championship was a little…… umu, it’s so sudden I can’t believe it.

“Oh, looks like he’s engaging again. This time, it’s an Emerald Dragon.”

The blonde man challenged an Emerald Dragon soon after the previous one.

Driving his swordsmanship into the poisonous-looking scales, even the Emerald Dragon was as overwhelmed as the Amber Dragon was.

……Strong. Strong, but…… umu, I see. I finally understood the strange sensation I was having.

His was not ‘beautiful’.

He seems to be doing okay against the rush, the breath, the crush attack and even the tail, countering, striking and avoiding. However, the difference is like heaven and earth when compared to Second-dono’s battle from a little while back.

There is too much unnecessary movement. There are huge gaps when he attacks and defends. Moreover, he has a fewer number of attacks when compared to Second-dono, and he’s always in a dangerous spot.

The difference between him and Second-dono is so obvious that it’s a pity to compare them.

If he and Second-dono were to fight, it’s easy to tell who’ll be the winner. No matter how much his status is higher than Second-dono’s, as he is now, there’s a huge difference between the two of them to overturn that.

“…………! “

It was then when I noticed it. I have grown, I’ve grown enough to understand the ‘decisive differences’.

If it was the former me looking at Second-dono or the blonde man, I would just get carried away, feeling excited like that time when I saw a Title match for the first time.

But now it’s different. The beautiful movements reveal the difference. Now that I’ve grown along with Second, I might notice something else if I were to look at a Title match. No, I’m sure that’s the case.

I no longer felt interested in the blond man’s fight, and my thoughts were about the Title match that would eventually come.

“I hope he doesn’t die if he runs into the Rainbow Dragon. Even a Golden Dragon might spell trouble.”

Second-dono said while looking at the blonde man.

If he’s correct, it might be bad for that man. Should I go advise him?

The moment I was having those thoughts, the man and the woman in the maid dress left the place. Although imperfect, that man is a talented one, so he might be aware of his own skills.

“Alright, us too, let’s go back. We’ll join Yukari and tomorrow, we’ll go see the luxury mansion together.”

Second-dono left the Metio Dungeon in high spirits, holding hands with the skipping Eko.

Not like I’m a stranger to that feeling. As a matter of fact, I too am grinning.

My skills’ column has the names 《Dragon Horse Archery》 and 《Dragon King Archery》 in it, a large sum of money is waiting for us, and I’ll be able to live with Second-dono in an incredible mansion. So far, it’s been smooth sailing. It’s kind of scary.

Eko didn’t change that much since she was happy as long as she could be with Second-dono, but Yukari’s joy was quite remarkable. As the Proline Dungeon clears progressed, the corners of her mouth rose little by little, and at the end she was smiling normally. And we’re speaking of ‘that’ expressionless-as-a-ghost Yukari.

But what scares me is that she might be plotting something behind the scenes. U-Umu, I need to stay alert……

“Hey, Silvia, we’ll leave you behind.”

“Ahh, sorry, I’m coming! “

At any rate, I’ll aim for the Title match by raising Dragon Horse and Dragon King as I was told.

It wasn’t a mistake to follow Second-dono. Today this became quite clear.

Nodding to myself, I ran to that large, hateful figure who tried to ruthlessly make me enter a dragon’s den.

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