成人无码 国产

Chapter 150 - The Hunting

Abigail pov.

I woke up early today even before Beth could come to wake me up. The red hue had made the sky filled with blood. Some old painful memories filled my heart when I looked at it.


"My lady, are you okay?" I heard Beth asking and only then did I realise I was standing there for a while lost in my own thoughts.

"I am fine. Prepare the carriage, I am going to the palace for hunting. I will not be back before midnight.

I looked at her hesitant eyes and smiled.

"Do not worry, I will talk to the crown prince about the matter and ask for his help to keep Oliver away from the matter. And trust me father will also not let the matter go. He will definitely protect the person who tried to help his daughter." she finally took a breath of relief and gave a small smile as i assured her. 

"Prepare necessary things and bring my breakfast now." she nodded as she left the room while I looked at myself in the mirror. The uniform of knights was getting accustomed to my body now. It was no more looking awkward and stiff on me.

After having a quick breakfast I left the palace in a carriage hoping everything would be fine once I would come back. The attack would not happen if the different path was taken or might still take place but we defeat the enemy.

When I reached the palace. I looked at the carriages that were already filled with all the necessary things and a group of knights ready on their horses to leave any moment.

I stood there looking at the weaponry when I heard the distinct voices coming towards me. I turned to see two new men there with the crown prince except Kirian.

"You are earlier than I expected, sir Abigail." came the sarcastic voice of Kirian. Did he even know the distance between both palaces? I started the journey even before the sun was visible in the sky.

"I would have reached earlier if only I would have been living in the quarters like you. I wonder why you are still here only now." he gritted his teeth as he understood the meaning of my words.

William chuckled too, making him furious further.

"Your highness, you are supporting her too." he complained like a kid that was bullied in the school. 

"What, don't tell me as a knight you complained like a kid all the time i will talk to you." I asked and he gritted his teeth again.

"Alright, both of you. Choose your horses. The carriage is for goods.`` I nodded as I looked at horses.

"Hundred miss you, why don't you give him company." I nodded at his suggestion, I loved to ride Hundred.

But before I could climb the horse, he walked closer to me and checked the horse. I saw Kirian checking everything from the saddle and the bow bag hanging on it to the canteen one by one. Not caring about my questioning gaze, he just focused on checking the equipment. 

He didn't pay attention to me or the sullen look of a hundred while checking its condition . Only after he was done did he turn back and walk towards the other horse to do the same. Didn't all these horses belong to the royal family! 

"It is not a big deal. Checking and rechecking is his old habit. As this is your first hunt, double checking is not bad, isn't it?"

I nodded as I gently stroked hundred to ensure it and he neighed as if leaving a frustrated sigh and then leaned to my touch. I giggled at his antics.

,finally everyone climbed the horse when kirian finished his double check of the equipment.. I shook my head, sighing at his excessive precaution. As he checked the equipment and horse's condition so seriously, I gave up watching the tedious process and climbed on Hundred's back. 

While I rode the horse slowly around the nearby empty lot a couple of times, they all took their horses and climbed on them.

"We are not planning to go that far. We are going to hunt in the woods near the castle only." said Kirian as he looked at me and I nodded back.

Soon we picked up the pace, and reached the woods. It was great that we were only a few kilometers away from the palace. But it was the same place where I lost my way in the competition. Though I think it was not any incident, I still decided to notify the men.

"The arrows of this area seem to move on their own with wind, i have lost my way here during competition" they chuckled listening to my words.

"We do not need the arrow to know the way, we have grown up playing here. We know each area well." said the man I didn't know the name of.

"So, you know there are wolves too?" I asked, incredulously surprised but he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Isn't that why we could go hunting here?" replied another new man, I don't know about it, and for a moment I felt like a fool among them.

The wind blew. Passing through the leaves of the forest one by one, it blew through the forest from the west. The breeze of the forest touched my soft face like a beast licking its wounds. With my eyes blinking slowly, I just left herself with the wind, not moving for a while. 

  Hearing the sound of birds chirping from afar, I put pressure to the reins of Hundred  harder.

When we reached the deeper part of the forest, we slowed our pace and the hounds were left in the open to sniff and find the first prey. They started sniffing all around and then started running in one direction. They started barking and howling as they ran towards the left.

Along with the rustling sound of the grass, there was the sound of a beast's rapid movement.

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