成人无码 国产

Chapter 173 - Never Be There For Forever!

Abigail pov contd.

"Ah, there must be some confusion then. I think l am too tired to listen carefully.'' I replied covering my forehead with my hands as if I was dizzy. 

"You and I need to sit and talk, my lady. But for now go and take rest.'' My father knew that I was trying to find an excuse, but his worries took over his rationality and in the end he asked me to go and rest.

"Go and call Noah and ask him to escort Abi to her room." my eyes narrowed at cheap and blatant tricks. Even parents in the 21st century try to conceal their actions with proper excuses.

Thank goodness Noah did not like me at all. Or else it would have been a problem to continue this friendship.

"I would have been in my room till he would come.'' I murmured, though I knew that his hearing capacity was good enough to listen to me.

"It would not have been needed at the first place if you were not roaming around after being this injured." he said with a strict tone and i pursued my lips.

After a few minutes, I saw Noah entering the room. There was a layer of sweat on his face, he must be training when he was called.

"Take them to the main physician, not infirmary. And ask the physician to check her wounds properly and inform me if she could attend the academy or not. If there was even a slight doubt, then she would rest until she was fine. After that, escort her to her chamber.`` I sighed as I stood up, it had only been an hour when the wounds were bandaged, yet it needed to reopen now.

Noah looked at me with worried expressions as he nodded to father. I knew another chain of questions was coming on my way.

"So that's why you have missed the training. And here I thought that you are busy with the preparations of shifting.`` His voice was cold and I frowned.

"Why are you always so angry with me? You never talk to me nicely or politely! Can't you see me? I am injured?" I replied with a slightly annoyed tone.

"And whose fault is that? Who has even asked you to go and join the hunting. It is not like you enjoy it or the crown prince did not have enough knights to take with him. And you! When you can't even protect yourself, how would you even protect others?" Each of his words was full of anger and so were his eyes.

"Is this  your way of showing concern? Can you be a bit more soft towards me?" I retorted as I have learnt from the past experiences, whenever he was worried about me, he would shout and fight with me.

"Ha! Why would I be concerned about you? You are a dumb person who always take wrong decisions. If a person wants to be hurt, no one can stop him from being hurt." he replied, shaking his head as if he had heard the biggest joke.

"Alright, tell me, are you prepared to go to the academy?" I asked changing the topic of conversation before I smashed the flower pot on his head.

"What is there to be prepared for? But will you even be able to join me? What has happened to you, anyway?" finally he asked the question, that was paining his mouth. I smirked as I saw his restlessness. He was nothing  but a tsundere!

"I fell from the horse when we were following a bear." I replied and he frowned.

"How could this be? The woods behind the royal palace do not have any bears in the outer regions. Only when you reach the inner part of woods, will you be able to face the bear. And that also in groups. Wild bears hardly travel and hunt alone. Did you go so deep?" he asked with worried eyes but my mind was already drifting to his words. 

He was asking with so much confidence as if he was gone there so many times.

"No, we were only in outer regions. But the bear was giant and his skin was so thick that arrows hardly worked on him.`` I said with animated eyes, trying my best to sound fearful.

"Ha! Don't tell me that your crown prince forgot that only the ivy poison filled arrows could kill the bear. He had done that before. So there is no way he did not know that? Or he was so overconfident that he did not find it necessary to take proper precautions!" in his anger, did he forget that he was talking about the crown prince like he was someone below him. But then again he was right. Those were the arrows that William had used in killing the beast. But how did he know so much about William. 

I was sure if I asked he would not reply. In fact, he would be alert and did not spout facts like that. So I stayed silent.

"That was how he killed the beast and saved my life.'' I replied, avoiding all the details yet it was enough to grit his teeth.

"He was not conscious at the first point. It was his duty to check the whole area before entering there. This was the basic decorum of going to hunt by the royal family.'' He once again admonished the crown prince as if he shared a lot of resentment against him.

"I know, we should have taken more caution. I would keep that in mind for future.'' I replied, nodding my head.

"There is no need for that. I will be there to make sure that you are fine and taking perfect care." he said, shaking his head like a guardian asking their kids.

"You can't always be with me, so it is necessary that I learn to take care of myself." I replied with a chuckle as I entered the physician's room. But when I looked behind he was not there.

I frowned and walked out only to find him standing in the distance.

"Hey, what are you doing there?"

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