成人无码 国产

Chapter 233 - New Plans!

"Abigail" she called me when i turned to the other side of carriage, so that she would not be disturbed,

"Yes, step mother." I replied as the words I have used all my life to call her, sounded so awkward.

"This is for you." she passed me a beautiful bracelet, i had often seen in her hands. If i was not wrong, it was one of her prized possessions, she adored.

I looked at her with confusion as to why she was giving it to me.

"I have promised the ring to you. But Bella took it. So, this is for you as an apology." she explained when i did not initiate to take it.

"You don't need to do that. Bella is right, the ring was free with her gift, so it belonged to her too." she gritted her teeth. She must have been regretting her lie but was too proud to accept it.

"As a noble, I do not break my promises. I have offered you a rare jewel, and this bracelet is rarer than the ring. It is the first jewel my husband made when he opened the store.`` She looked at the bracelet with longing eyes and I looked at her flabbergasted.

"How could you offer something so precious to me!? It belongs to you or Isabella. I can not take it." I shook my head  at her absurdity. Just what was she trying to do!

"It is not your decision to take. Take it, I told you only so that you can keep it precisely just like me." she took my hands in her and put the bracelet in my wrists. But I shook my head and took it out again.

"There is something else that I want from you. If you want to give me something as an apology, can you give me what I want?" I asked with a bit of embarrassment filling my cheek.

I could not believe that I was behaving so coquettishly in front of her.

"Of course, what is that?" she asked to wear the bracelet on her wrist again and I took a sigh of relief. I was sure I would not be able to take the burden of that jewel.

"I need a hug like Bella." I spoke in a breath, afraid that I would not be able to ask for it again if I hesitated and she blinked.

She was expecting me to ask for something more precipitous, but how should I explain to her that if money had mattered to me that much I would have never returned here to get my family back and so as my revenge.

As much as killing Gerard was important to me, loving the ones who lost their lives because of my foolishness was equally important.

"If you are not comfortable with it, then it is fine. I was/.." just joking' words died in my mouth as she moved and engulfed me in her warm embrace. It was so different from the tight hold of father and the small hug of brother.

It felt like I could melt there and then. I felt my cheeks getting wet and my eyes getting blurry and I sniffed.

Was i crying! Had it been some other day, we would have been having a war of wits, but now it felt so better, so perfect, where I could say anything or do anything without getting judged. I have gained my family back in true sense today.

My first mission is completed now.

"Alright, now go. You will be late for the academy and so as Bella.`` She moved awkwardly and I nodded as I wiped my eyes. A bright smile bloomed on my lips, in spite of the blurred eyes I had.

She did not know how to react as she looked at my teary face.

"Hey, what are you crying for? And you call yourself a strong knight. Your father will be disappointed if he sees you crying or thinks that I am tormenting you."  she continued to blabber as i looked at her and a laughter escaped my lips, making her dumbfounded.

"What is it?" she asked and I shook my head. I think I know the answer now. She was adorable, but our little war to rule never let me see this side of her.

"I will meet you on the weekend, mother." I said , hugging her again.

"Yes, we have to plan your coming of age ceremony." she replied as she patted my back and I could feel her stiff body relaxing.

"Mmm, it will be good to plan it with you." she smiled as i replied,

"Hey, if you are done with the display of affection, enter in the carriage or i will finish this whole basket of snacks." added Isabella as she looked at me grumbling and I chuckled.

I entered the carriage and soon it started. I looked out of the window and waved. She shook her head at my childishness but her hands were watching me back.

"You are behaving like a baby, you know!" Isabella mumbled as she rolled her eyes. But there was a bright smile on her face too.

"Here , this is yours." She offered me the ring and I raised a brow.

"I thought you were not going to give it to me." 

"Oh please, if i would not have taken the ring, then mother would not have been here in the morning. So, you should thank me for the love and care she showered on you." she replied with a frown as she held my hands and inserted the ring in my finger.

"Would another auction and a new store be enough?" I asked back and her eyes glittered like stars.

"Did Oliver give you another collection of designs?" she asked with so much affection that i felt bad to lie to her.

"No, but I have a plan, but it will only happen when you make your mother proud by your performance in the academy."

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