成人无码 国产

Chapter 252 - Time To Escape

Abigail pov contd

"Where is Abigail?" he asked with so much hatred filled voice that Bella flinched while I just wanted to use the sword and shred his body into pieces.

"I do not know, maybe she died in the fire." I was sure Isabella had seen me running when she was trying to descend from the balcony. I felt her eyes looking at the distance continuously where I had run with Noah. yet she hid it even when her life was at stake.

Just how much my family had sacrificed for me even when they hated me! All my life I had thought that they did not love me enough, they did not care for me enough, yet they have given their lives so easily for me.

"Ha! I have seen all the villas before the fire was lit up. She was not there. Her father has given her a chance to run away. If you would tell me where she goes, I would spare your life. I will let you go with enough money to survive.. She had always hated your existence. She always wanted you to vanish from her life. Now you have the chance to do the same. Tell, me Isabella, where is Abigail?'' His words were luring her. I would not deny, I may have told the truth. 

But now that I knew Gerard, I knew that he was lying. Even if she told her the truth. He would still kill her. He would not take the chance to leave even a single enemy. Not because he was afraid that she would rebel against him one day. He had ego, a strong ego. He would never believe that a weak woman had the ability to go against him.

But he enjoyed the pain, the shrieks and the blood of his enemy. He loved the smell of blood. He had told me that himself when I was dying. That was why I was surprised that he did not know where I went. That meant, Bella did not tell the truth to him.

"I did not know. I really do not know anything." she shook her head as she cried but the man was not even least bit satisfied.

"You are a fool, a bigger fool than her. She was easy to fool in the name of image, power and status. And you are a fool to sacrifice yourself for a woman like that. But i will still grant your wish.'' With that he moved closer to her and used his sword to cut her neck, which rolled on the floor and moved to a distance.

Once again I was terrified, I tried to close my eyes but it could not happen. "I paid your debt, father" was all she said before closing her eyes, while I just stood there motionless until my knees gave up and I fell on the floor.

"Go and search for her. I am sure she would not be able to go too far. She is a weak and pathetic girl. If you tell her that I am still ready to marry her, she may come running back in my arms. Even after knowing that i have killed her family.'' They all laughed at his statement. I could see they were making fun of not only me but my family too. 

My jaw and hands clenched and the fury I felt had no bound. In front of my eyes he mascarred my whole family, and even had the audacity to laugh over it.

But I knew I could not touch him. I only have my consciousness here, my real self was still in the Burning palace.

Wait! The duchess was also trapped in the burning palace. I have to go there. But how!?

I didn't even know how I landed here? I heard the footsteps and soon they all left and so did Gerard. I was left alone only with the dead corpse of the people who used to be my family.

My eyes fell on the sword that was lying near the corpse of Nickolas, and I ran to take a hold of it, but once again I failed. 

I have thought that hurting myself would be enough to wake up from this dream and reach the palace again but it would not be possible if I could not even touch anything.

Did that mean I was going to fail miserably once again?

I closed my eyes as tears continued to fill my eyes. I was so desperate that I was ready to do anything if I could go back. In vain, I tried to do anything possible. I tried to fall from the height or hit my head on the wall. But nothing touched me and I always pass through them.

I heard the sound of heels clicking on the hard floor only to see the same girl again. My eyes narrowed as she walked towards me with haughty expressions. There was no pain or sadness in her eyes. As if she was not making her way through a corpse but walking like she was roaming in the park.

"You! You brought me here?" my voice was accusive and she raised a brow.

"Why, you have any problem with that?" then her eyes widened and she nodded in understanding, "oh i forgot, you were trying to do suicide while the duchess was burning in her room," her tone made me felt guilty. Those who sacrificed their life for me once, are forced to do that again. And I was still a coward to choose death over their safety.

"Looks like you have finally learnt your lesson." she murmured looking at me with softened expressions for the first time.

I was not even surprised that she knew what I was thinking. If she could move me in time like a child. I could not even fathom how much power she had.

"Who are you, and why are you doing all this?" I could not help but ask. There were thousands of thoughts in my mind. That was making me insane.

She laughed hard. Her laughter was like music reverberated in the air. It made all the gloominess disappear. Her face had that calmness that slowly made me relaxed too. 

"Do you think you have time to know all about that? Shouldn't you be in a hurry! You and the duchess. Both are going to die any second.'' With that sentence the laughter on her face vanished and she looked at me with grim expressions.

"Do not even hope that I will bring you back to time again. I am not that free to waste my time or efforts over a coward.'' Her words were like cold water poured over my body.

'That was right! I was still a scared girl in my heart. I had thought that after living two lives I had been strong enough, brave enough but when calamity repeated, I was ready to let go and accept defeat that easily.`` What right did I have to ask for a second chance again when I was not able to change my fate in the end.

"Do not be disappointed, little bird. You still have some time left." my eyes wined and my jaw hit the floor when i listened to her. Little bird! Didn't only the crown prince call me that! Just who was she?

"Why did you call me, little bird?" I asked but she again shook her head.

"Wrong question? Do you really want to ask that right now or…" she looked at the burning and crumbling palace and dread filled my eyes again. Though she was mysterious and strange, she had always helped me. I could trust her. I nodded my head and looked at her with new determination.

"Can you send me back to the palace where my body is?" she finally smiled and nodded. Walking closer, she touched my forehead without any difficulty and I closed my eyes. Next moment when I opened it. I was back in the palace. 

The layer of smoke was much more prominent than before, yet I could see well now.

"Diana Essendson. If you could hear me, then let me tell you if you died here. I would throw Bella out since she would not have any relation with the duchy. So you better use bedsheets and make a rope and try to descend from the balcony right now.`` I shouted but I did not hear any reply. Fuck!

I took the biggest blanket from the nearby room and covered myself in it. Taking a deep breath I ran into the room only to see both of them unconscious due to the smoke. I threw the blacked out as it was fully covered in flames. Then Walking into the bathroom, I took a bucket of water and poured it over both of them.

They coughed incessantly, but after a few seconds their eyes closed and they finally looked at me with widened eyes.

"It is time for escape."

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