
Chapter 44 - Verdict

Seeing Yuki in tears, the judge couldn't help but side with the helpless 15 year old kid.


"The judge has come to a verdict."

"As we are still new to this world, there are many things that we may need to change to become accustomed to it. As such our laws and regulations will also need to be augmented. However, this doesn't change that fact that murder is wrong."

"In the case of Demosthenes as well as the Kumara, the defendant has been found not guilty."

"In the case of the 7 allies which aligned with the defendant, there is insufficient evidence to support either side. The defendant has been found guilty and will serve life in prison until found innocent with parole," the judge said.

Yuki couldn't unveil his true intentions so he continued to cry. He needed everyone to believe that Yuki thought his entire life was over.

"Wait, before I leave, may I ask 2 questions?" Yuki asked.

The judge sighed and accepted his request.

"Sure, you can have that as your final request from this court," the judge responded.

"First of all may I volunteer to work around the kingdom such as mining as a form of community service?" Yuki asked.

"I don't know what your intentions are but it won't make your sentence shorter," the judge replied.

"That's fine. Now for my second question, why did Rui, Jobon and Katsumi abandon me, I thought we were friends," Yuki continued his fake act.

Yuki directed his eyes at his previous friends which were sitting with the jury which were just the mercenaries he defeated when he fought with Demosthenes.

"Well-" the judge began to talk.

"I can take it from here your honour," Jobon interrupted as he stood up from where he was sitting.

The judge nodded in acceptance of his request.

"It was for money Yuki, we were offered a large sum of money to assist in the arrest of you," Jobon told Yuki.

"Is money worth giving up your friends? The only reason I went to the dungeon is so I could get strong enough to look out for you!" Yuki replied as he began to get hysterical.

"How nieve! Even though Rui is younger than you. He's a lot more mature. It doesn't matter how many new worlds we get transported to, money will always rule over the world!" Katsumi joined in the conversation.

"Well answer me this at least, who paid you to do this, the judicial association?!" Yuki yelled as he asked his final question.

"Actually no, it was one of the guys here. They said their boss told them to give us the money so we could bring you to justice," Jobon replied awfully calmly as he pointed at one of the mercenaries that worked with .

Just then, all the pieces fell in place.

"It must've been the master of 'INFINITE HOTEL'. No wonder this plan was so well executed. From forming a judicial association to paying the level 2 players the money. Only that person has the resources and intelligence to do that. Well played." Yuki thought to himself.

"He or she could've effectively destroyed my future if I wasn't who I am right now. I underestimated them, I'll need to be a lot more careful from now on,"

"For now, I'll continue my plan and escape," Yuki continued to think.

"Come on, I'll guide you back to the prison," Carmi said as he stood up and grabbed Yuki by the arm.

Once they had arrived at the cell Carmi let go of Yuki and prepared to leave.

"Before I forget, the necessary arrangements will be made for you to start your community service by tomorrow."

"And one more thing, what was the range of the AoE ability you used in the forest?" Camri asked.

"It only had a radius of 5 metres however I used it excessively which is what caused me to accidentally kill my allies," Yuki said.

Camri didn't question Yuki, instead he nodded and left the cell.

[Open inventory]

Yuki took out "King's Crown" from his inventory and placed it on his head slightly crooked on purpose.

"Serve your king!" said Yuki.

Just then Meurig came out of the crown. Feliu stayed in the crown as Yuki didn't intend on summoning him.

"So how did it go?" Meurig asked.

"Better than planned," Yuki replied.

"What happened?" Meurig asked curiously.

"Well my plan was to escape the predicament which I was in but now I even managed to figure out who was behind it."

"I thought the world already managed to advance so far so fast but that wasn't the case. The judicial association was only formed thanks to the user of 'INFINITE HOTEL'."

"I also think that the treaty between the two kingdoms was only formed because he was acting as the middle man. I guess I was worried for no reason. There was no way humanity can advance so much within such a small time regardless of if they have magical powers," Yuki said.

"So did you change your plan because of our new circumstances?" Meurig asked.

"No, the plan will still move forward as I planned previously but I'll need your help at the end of all of this."

"Since I've made a formable enemy, even if I manage to escape this kingdom, it's almost guaranteed that he'll come after me. That's when you'll come in, since you have an average player's system, you can set your ability to specifically find his position."

"Once you do that, you as well as Feliu will simultaneously attack him and effectively terminate him from this world!" Yuki explained.

"Sometimes you're the smartest man alive and others you manage to be stupider than a fish," Meurig mocked Yuki.

"This is serious!" Yuki yelled at Meurig.

"Wait... are you actually scared of some random person?" Meurig asked Yuki.

"Of course I am! You've seen what that 'random person' is capable of," Yuki replied.

"Relax man, you're an extraterrestrial being that exceeds all of existence, even if he or she does manage to get the better of you. You can just come back in your true form and annihilate them," Meurig said, trying to cheer Yuki up.

"Ya I guess you're right, I'm stressing over this too much," Yuki smiled.

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