
Chapter 208 - Reminisce

"Wow, you're more far gone than I thought. I thought even as a killer you would be pretty tame but you're a plain psycho. There's no way around it," said Yuki as he replied to Arthur.

"And you're not what I expected. I expected more wild behaviour for the one who has openly executed a whole army in public. You know, people used to talk a lot about you about a year ago. You were big news. So much so that the battle with you and the 3 kingdoms had spread world wide in a little over 2 months. Considering how underdeveloped we are right now, you've got to be pretty proud of yourself for causing all of that mess," said Arthur as the two began to look for their teleporter which had brought them to the kingdom they were in at that moment. 

"Do I say thank you? Anyway, now that I found out about your secret, what are you going to do?" Yuki asked casually.

"I'm going to kill you obviously. What else would I do with you?" Arthur replied in the same casual tone.

"I see you still don't understand what it truly means to kill another human being. You've yet to learn what you're actually doing when you kill a human being. Of course you would have no way of knowing that since you were always the attacker and ever the victim," said Yuki as he stared coldly into the eyes of Arthur.

"Zero, give me the power I would have at level 60," Yuki requested.

"It would be my pleasure," Zero replied as he did as he was told, giving Yuki the strength which he wished for.


Within just a single second, Arthur was on the ground with Yuki's index finger at his throat as Yuki's nails would be more than brought to get the job done. 

"Do you truly know what it means to die? You lose everything you ever had and worked for. All of your efforts become meaningless as you are completely erased from all existence. Your money, fame, glory, none of that will accompany you once you're dead. When you kill someone, you're not simply ending someone's life. You're erasing something out of existence. It'll be like they were never there," Yuki explained as he pulled his finger away from Artbur's neck and helped the strongest player in the world get back on his feet.

"You truly won't know how valuable a human life is until you're about to lose your own. By then, it'll probably be too late," said Yuki as the two got up from the ground and began to walk away, though their short argument made it so that everyone had their attention on them.


"So what is going to happen to Adam?" Yuki asked.

"If he's still alive, the top 5 will hunt him down and kill him. It's not needless murder. It's a disciplinary measure that is necessary if I wish to continue ruling over my clan," said Arthur while the two finally found the teleporter which had brought them to the kingdom where they were ambushed and too them back to their original kingdom as night began back at the kingdom where the WD clan was located in.

"Since you're a high ranking individual now, would you like me to

provide you with your own room in the castle?" Arthur asked Yuki.

"I appreciate the offer but no thanks, I'm fine with where I'm living. Speaking of that, I wonder how Avila and Scar are doing," Yuki said the last part out loud by accident.

"I guess you should start going home. I'll do the same too. It was fun working with you even if it was for a little amount of time," said Arthur as he waved goodbye and began to head towards the castle-like building in the middle of the kingdom. 

As for Yuki, he went his separate way and headed back to the house which Scar was renting out.

To Yuki's surprise, the lights were already on which meant that Avila and Scar either went on their quest and came back early or they failed and returned back home in shame. Nevertheless, Yuki knew that the two people who he called his roommates or more specifically his house mates were already home. 

Yuki slowly walked toward the door of the house which he lived at with Scar and Avila before finally knocking. 


"Look who finally decided to show up," said Avila as she opened the door and gave Yuki a look of disapproval.

"Hello?" Yuki replied in an uncomfortable tone before walking inside the house and taking off his shoes before heading towards the stairs so that he could head towards his room.

"Where do you think you're going? You still haven't eaten anything for almost a day," said Scar as he stopped Yuki from getting on the stairs.

"What do you mean? I went outside in the morning and got a large meal," said Yuki as he lied so that he could just go to sleep due to him being extremely exhausted.

"Stop lying, I know that you went to buy food but something happened and you weren't able to get anything to eat," Scar replied.

"Are you reading my mind again!?" Yuki asked in an exhausted tone.

"Not actually, all it looked for me to figure out was that you liked being hungry," said Scar and at that exact moment, Yuki's stomach began to growl from hunger.

"My bad," said Yuki as he had been caught red handed.

"Why do you even look so tired?" Avila asked as she led Yuki to the dining room so that he could eat something before he died of starvation.

"Do I really? I guess that short quest I took was more tiring than I expected," Yuki lied.

"Big brother Scar, fact check that for me," said Avila as she turned towards Scar who replied by giving her a thumbs up.

"You don't have to do that-" Yuki began to speak before Scar cut him off.

"He's lying!" Scar replied with a shout.

"Keep it down or you'll wake the neighbors," Yuki scolded Scar.

"Maybe this wouldn't happen if you would stop lying to us all the time and instead start telling us the truth. It would make things much simpler for everyone involved," said Scar.

"Ya, he's right you know. You should start to believe in us. We'll always be there for each other," Avila added in expecting Yuki to be happy and agree with them but instead, Yuki simply sighed before replying to them.

"Do you really want to know why I keep lying to you even when it's pointless?" Yuki asked the both of them which left Avila in a confused state while Scar turned serious.

"I do. I'm the reason for all of his trust issues. Well to be honest I think he already had them but I'm pretty I made them worse," said Scar in a serious tone.

"Sorry but I'm not following. How long have you two even known each other?" Avila asked.

"We've known each other for quite some time. We spawned into the same kingdom and began to compete. While I was trying to just become a rich man, I stumbled upon Yuki who thought that I was some super genius to come up with a magnificent plan to have the world under my grasp," Scar began to explain.

"Once he found out about what I was trying to accomplish, he began to hunt me down and try to eliminate me because I was a threat to him. Even though I didn't want to fight anyone, I was forced to retaliate against him. As such, I sent a group of people

who should've been strong enough to completely kill Yuki and put him in his place. Even so, they ended up failing. I had been defeated. Of course that was just a single battle out of our long war," Scar continued to explain.

"I really didn't stand a chance against Yuki and there weren't many assassins who would be able to take him out as well. So I only had one option. That being to emotionally defeat him and break him. Doing that was actually easier than I expected since Yuki had actually started to make some friends. All I had to do was wait for him to leave for a while, which happened quickly as he had left for a week or so to clear the first dungeon in this world. I believe that he might have actually been the first person to clear a dungeon," Scar continued to tell the tale of him and Yuki and what ended up creating the closure of Yuki.

"Anyway, once he had left, I paid his so-called friends to betray him and help me capture him. Of course I didn't have any strength to capture him on my own so I gave some money to our original kingdom to gain its support and in turn manipulate all of them to help me defeat Yuki. Everything had gone so well, I wonder where it all went wrong," said Scar as he began to think about all the times he had thought that he would win but it would turn out to be inaccurate. 

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