
Chapter 228 - Event Complete

"Did I do this?" Yuki asked himself while staring at the red dragon which was frozen in place due to the real effects of the second blade which Yuki chose to hold in his hand during his battle.

"Is this really the end? There's no way it's this easy right?" Yuki asked himself with a nervous and confused face as he couldn't believe that he had frozen the beast which had done so much damage to him with just a simple attack.


*Crack* *Crack*

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack*


"No! Dammit why can't you just stay in place for one you damn lizard!" Yuki yelled out in anger as he saw the ice block in which the red dragon was enclosed in crack many times until it looked like glass that was constantly beaten by a large hammer for many years.


After only a few seconds, the red dragon broke out of the ice which had enclosed it with a giant roar. 

Everyone else who was still watching the fight between Yuki and the red dragon kept their mouths open wide with suspense.

After breaking out of its cage, the red dragon flew towards the sky while shaking its body as it tried to get rid of any remaining ice shards or pieces which remained on its body.

As for Yuki, he just remained there as he stared at the sight in front of his eyes with one single thought in his mind.

"I'm going to have to rely on you once again," said Yuki while looking down at his transparent blue blade which contained the power of ice.

Without wasting another second, Yuki closed his eyes once more before placing a little more stamina into his blade than he had done the first time.

In doing so, multiple other small snowflakes appeared in front of the red dragon as well as its sides and back and nearly every other direction.

The red dragon stood still for a moment as it wasn't sure what to do since the snowflakes had almost caused it to die the last time it was used. However, remaining still could have also been the trigger for the activation of the blade's powers.

As such, the red dragon took a risk and began to turn around and try to fly down towards Yuki as it had finally knocked away any remaining ice pieces which lingered on its body. Seeing as there was no better time to attack Yuki, the red dragon took the opportunity to turn around and start its journey back down to hopefully kill Yuki in a single attack.

Unfortunately for the flying majestic beast, that wouldn't be how the fight would take place as right as it tried to make even the slighting turn, the snowflakes which were around its body began to grow inside as they all curved to match the body of the red dragon as they swallowed it. After struggling for a bit, there was clearly no hope for the red dragon as with a sudden shock, the snowflakes began to solidify and turned into a large dragon shaped ice cube which looked to have many separate layers to it. To add on, it looked much more sturdy and cleaner than the previous ice shell.

"Please stay in place this time," Yuki prayed as he wasn't sure how much more stamina he could exert before he would fully pass out from depletion of his stamina or from being beaten by the red dragon. Either way, he needed to make sure that the red dragon was enclosed inside the ice shell.

"Actually, I can't go around risking this much. I should end it while I have the chance," said Yuki as he took a deep breath and picked up both of his blades before placing this side by side.

After doing so, Yuki closed his eyes as he allowed stamina to flow separately into each of his blades. However after trying multiple times, Yuki finally managed to create a connection of stamina flow between his two blades as his stamina flowed out of his body then into one of his blades before going into the other one instead of the stamina flow being separate. In turn creating something similar to a simple electrical circuit.

Although it would seem like Yuki hadn't done anything special, the true beauty of his achievement would show itself as it caused the red sky to have hints of blue on it. There were blue swirls and lines all around the sky. 

The spatial blades as well began to pick up this pattern as their colour scheme changed as well to match that of the new sky due to the merging of the two blades.

"I didn't think it would work this well. I guess you get surprised every day," said Yuki before changing his expression to be much more serious as he roared and forced a dozen merge blades to all fall off the frozen red dragon as if it was raining as they all cut it into pieces.

Although it didn't seem real, it was really over. Yuki had finally defeated the seemingly unbreakable wall which stood in his path.


A few moments later, each of the other smaller dragons which were battling against the members of FFF's WD began to turn to dust as they began to disappear. The clear reasoning for this was that the red dragon, which was their leader figure, had disappeared. As such, they had no reason to exist anymore which caused them to die out along with it.

As for the red dragon itself, after being chopped up as if it was a meal, it disintegrated meaning that the event had been completed. To further support the victory of Yuki and the members of his clan, a large screen popped up to confirm their victory.

[Event: Dragon Dance: Complete]

Right after that screen appeared, piles upon piles of treasure ranging from gold to weapons began to rain from the sky as they all landed right where the red dragon died.

Seeing the sight in front of him, Yuki simply fell to his knees as he had over exhausted himself which also caused the layer of red and blue sky to fade away into nothingness.

"Y-You actually did it! You single handedly defeated that dragon!" said Arthur in a voice of disbelief as he couldn't believe what he was seeing and what he saw during the actual battle between Yuki and the red dragon.

Even Batol was left dumbfounded at the concept of Yuki defeating a monster on a scale of the red dragon. Due to those two along with some of the members of the clan which belonged to Yuki being of such a high level, they were able to gain an understanding that Yuki had barely a sliver of a chance at defeating the red dragon. However, now that they had seen it happen, they were left speechless as he had accomplished something that could only be described as a miracle.

Even though he was getting praised for his actions, Yuki didn't care all that much as he was too exhausted to think about anything except simply passing out where he was standing.

As such his head began to move back and forth before it eventually gave into the temptation and finally allowed Yuki's head to fall on the ground.

However, right before Yuki could close his eyes and sleep for the rest of time, someone came in as they stared at him while standing over him.

"You couldn't even bother to catch my head?" Yuki asked with a confused face as he stared at the figure which looked at him with a sinister yet friendly smile.

"Try not to talk too much. You deserve some rest," said Scar, at which Yuki allowed himself to relax and fall asleep.




"Where am I?" Yuki asked as he woke up in a particularly fancy looking room which was much larger than the room at the house which Scar was renting out.

"So you finally decided to wake up? Well, it took you long enough," said Scar in a casual tone.

"Do not speak to your clan leader so casually!" Batol scolded Scar, who was being a little too friendly to Yuki.

"Did you manage to sleep well? After all, I mean you performed that magnificent show for all of us. That must've taken a lot of you," said Arthur in a rather casual tone but not as rude as Scar. Even though Batol didn't like it, he stayed quiet as it seemed that Yuki didn't mind the way in which Arthur spoke to him.

"Uh- so I really did defeat that dragon right? It wasn't just a dream right?!" Yuki asked as he thought of the worst. That being that his battle with the red dragon was all in his dream and the real one was just about to start.

"Don't worry, your battle with the red dragon from the event was real and you really did win. We've even taken all the treasure you earned and placed it inside the clan safe," Batol replied. 

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