
Chapter 10 - So Frustrating

Chapter 10


–General Pov–

[1 year later| Mc's age 6.5]

Outside the chief's house just located in the middle of the village, a few kids around 6 were sitting in a circle around the chief. They were listening to the stories from 800 years ago.

The chief was sitting on a stool and held the iconic chieftain staff, as he said, "In the great war 800 years ago, the warriors of Shandora won the battle. But, we lost many great warriors in the process. The survivors decided they will quietly guard the city and the Poneglyph… that was the will of our ancestors." 

As he told this story, the kids started to react. "And then, 400 years ago the island ascended to the sky," Kamakiri said in an agitated voice.

"Then, the people living here stole it…" Braham said in a calm voice while playing with his pistol.

"So the land our ancestors tried hard to protect…" Wiper said.

"WAS BRUTALLY TAKEN AWAY!!!" Genbo, the fattest kid in the tribe, finished Wiper's line.

Hearing the chief's words, each of the kids' reactions varied.

However, besides them, the black-haired boy sitting comfortably didn't show any particular interest in the story. As he asked nonchalantly, "So, gramps chief, do you know why the war started? I mean, if our ancestors gave their honorable life for something, shouldn't we know something this important?" The black-haired boy, Amon asked.

The chief smiled hearing him. "You are right. We should definitely know why our great ancestors gave away their lives… However, unfortunately, the survivors from 800 years ago didn't want any information on the Great War to be known to future generations, so they restrained the information. But if we ever get our land back, you might find your answer in the ruins. Who knows, hahaha!" Saying this, the chief released a hearty laugh.

Amon frowned hearing him. As he started to ponder, 'I already know these useless stories from manga… Doesn't this old bastard know anything useful? Ugh, so frustrating.' Amon sighed internally. He then decided to try the last time, as he asked. "Hey, but shouldn't you even have a small amount of information beside this?"

The chief made a thinking posture hearing him. "Hmm… Well, from the information the previous chief passed to me... 800 years ago, the cause for the death of our great warriors, was the war between the Great Kingdom and the 20 alliance counties. In the end, the 20 counties won… Err, I think now they are known as something called 'World Government'."

Amon again sighed internally hearing him. It seems he really doesn't know anything outside the things he said already.

Beside him, Wiper scowled and said, "Heh, why do you want to learn about the history of 800 years ago anyway? Do you want to recreate that war?" 

Amon laughed hearing him and threw his arms around his shoulder as if they were long lost buddies. "Oh, cus' you are so naive. I'm learning these to stop something like that from happening ever again. Hahaha, but don't worry even though you are naive, as your big brother I will show you the way. Hahaha!" 

Wiper just gritted his teeth in frustration. He doesn't have enough strength to remove Amon's hands from his shoulders, and if he tries the hard way, he will instead get beaten.


[6 Months Later| Mc's age 7]

"498...499...500…" Amon was doing his daily pushups. "Uff, finally done!" As he finally completed the daily routine.

However, he didn't stop there. Instead, "Huff… Well, let's see how far I can go." Saying this, he started to do push-ups again.

Even though he already finished his work-out according to the routine, he decided to go beyond it to see how long he can last.

His previous workout has been updated to 1000 pushups, 1000 sit-ups, 1000 squats, and 30 kilometers run(since there isn't much area to run around.)

Already finishing all the other workouts of the day, he was only left with the 30km run, along with these free extra push-ups.


A few minutes passed as Amon was still pushing his body to the extreme.

"1559… 1560… 1561! Fuuh, this my current limit …" Saying this, Amon fell on his face. But he flipped his body and fell on his back instead… *Poof*... The cloud bounced as Amon fell on top.

"Huff… looks like I need to update my workout again...huh..." Exhausted, he kept taking deep breaths to calm his body while lying on the ground. 

He was looking at the ceiling of the hut, even though his body was resting, his mind was not. He was thinking like always.

'I've been living here for roughly 7 years now... I'm pretty used to this life now. In those 7 years, I've influenced the Shandia people a lot with my presence here. Fortunately, this village is isolated from the rest of the world, or else I can't imagine how immense the butterfly effect would be… Well, if that happened I would just have to grow strong enough to not let the 'butterfly' affect me...

Anyway, for now, I have decided to get a 'trusted' person under me. Obviously, when I become the Leader, everyone will be under my complete ruling anyway, so there might not be any point in doing this. But, since I don't want to be stuck on this tribe, and surely have to go out to the blue sea in the future, I would need a pawn to keep the tribe on the lookout for me…

I've been giving my valuable time in this tribe, after all. If they suddenly go out of my control, or gets destroyed by someone/something, then the whole ordeal of 'creating a country that can match WG' would be pointless. Since, in the end, the tribe is just a facade. The thing I care about the most is "Absolute Power". In the first place, I never dreamed of creating a country of some sort. This will just be my backup, this will be "Amon's Weakpoint" to the outside world in the future… But that doesn't mean I won't take in the people with potential living in here.

Ahh… How nice it would have been if I had a person of this tribe under me, who would even massacre the whole tribe if I ordered from the other side of the world.' Amon thought. 

But soon he sighed. 'However, this tribe's people are too much attached to each other. Unless it's someone who I was able to influence from their birth, it will be pretty much impossible.'

Amon then closed his eyes and thought, 'Ahhh… it would have been awesome to have someone like Kurozumi Kanjuro under my command…' He then released a hearty chuckle. 'Such a masterpiece that guy is. He is supposed to be heartless. An actor only acting for the audience… FORTUNATELY, I'm not like him. Or it would have been such a tragedy...' Amon slowly shook his head while grinning.

'Anyway, in this world, it is hard to find someone like Kanjuro, let alone inside this small tribe. But in reality, if I had someone like him around me, I would kill him the moment I got a chance. That type of guy is too dangerous...

But in the end, the Shandians have always lived to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the tribe, anyway. So, I don't need to think too much about this anyway, this will come to me for free…' Amon thought as he reached out his hand to grab his water jar. Then drinking it with a few rapid *gulps*.

At first, when Amon just found out that he's in the One Piece world, he wanted to grow up a little and then leave the sky for the blue sea. Traveling the world and living like Hawkeyes Mihawk does, alone on his own. Unfortunately, something that easy-going isn't for someone like Amon. He knew that he would definitely hit a block if he's alone.


Amon splashed some of the jar's water on his face to cool down. 'Since I don't want a literal heartless guy beside me, I would, at least, need someone close to that, or rather, someone who is completely opposite to that. And luckily, in this tribe, the latter is easier to find.

I have been keeping an eye out for people with too much emotions, like Wiper and Raki for example. One who hates me, and one who loves me. They are the ones who exhibit the most emotions towards me, in this tribe.

Obviously, I don't care if the 'too emotional' person is a '"evil girl" or an "innocent boy", the only requirement is them being overly emotional towards me, doesn't matter if it's hate or love. After they meet the requirements,  making them loyal would be up to me and me only…'

Thinking such, he jabbed his right hand inside the cloud-ground and pulled out a small chunk of the cloud. As the sunken part in the ground soon got filled. 

Ignoring that, Amon started to alter the round chunk of cloud, crafting a small human figurine. The figurine looked strange since Amon didn't care to make it look perfect, but if any tribesmen saw this they would easily recognize the chunk as the promising newbie-warrior Wiper.

Looking at the could-doll, he started to contemplate.

'The primary candidate is definitely Raki. I mean, in the last 7 years she is the one I've influenced the MOST. But unfortunately, this shitty tribe looks down on women and would never accept her as my temporary substitute. She can be my personal informant instead...

Anyway, after Raki, the most perfect candidate would be obviously Wiper. 

Let me arrange his data in my mind…

Name: Wiper.

Age: 7.

Birthday: August, 18.

Description: He is… Wiper. Son of Viper and my cousin. Just like mine, his mother also died when giving birth to him. His father, Viper is currently the leader of Shandia warriors. 

Reason for being a candidate: He is the descendant of Kalgara. Also, he is the strongest 7 y/o after me. In anime, he became strong enough to become the Leader of Shandia warriors. 

Overall reason: If nurtured correctly, he has great potential to grow. 

Relationship with me: Bad. I'm possibly the most hated person to him. Reason being me beating him. Beating him whenever I want. In the name of a duel between two rivals, I beat him thoroughly. 

The reason isn't something stupid like 'He is Viper's son, so he is my enemy. He needs to die.' That type of thought is just stupid and would only hinder my mental growth… I was stupid enough to think like that in my previous life. How sad.

Anyway, the actual reason is quite simple, his personality is… Um, very similar to Bakugo from MHA. Acting nice with him won't get me anywhere. In the end, I have big plans for him.

And like I said, it doesn't matter if the candidate hates me, he only needs to have a source of emotion towards me. If they do, I will transform the source to whatever I want… Hahh... To make a guy like him loyal to me, I would need to act in the strangest way… For now, He can play the grumpy role.

Conclusion: Failure… for now. Can't make someone who hates me, my most 'trusted' person to the outside eyes. But in another few years, the 'Failure' condition will change. Well, he is already changing. He has already understood that there is no use competing with me, now he doesn't even want to duel with me…

Previously, I used to hold back a lot since if I show too much power ahead of my age, the bastard Viper might do something shit again. But now, though I will receive some casualties most likely, I can most likely defeat Viper too...'

After thinking for another few minutes, Amon cleared all the thoughts in his mind. He then closed his eyes, trying to practice Semei Kikan(Life Return). 

Around an hour passed like that, and he finally got up while stretching. He still couldn't understand anything about Seimei Kikan. But he didn't get frustrated, rather he looked pretty happy. "Well, I may be wrong but I think I'm getting somewhere… Anyway, time for the 30km run."

Then, going to the corner of his room, he took out the Shooters(special dials used for skating in the cloud). He also took a heavy bag and went outside after wearing it on his side.

Since he's been working with Bob the dial man for 3 years now, he's learned how to create dials himself. So, the bag is filled with various kinds of dials made by Amon himself.

'I'll soon be able to create new types of dials never seen before....' Amon stopped his thoughts from wandering and went outside.




A/N: Some of you want me to do a 10-year time skip?. Idk why. Anyway, if it's too boring, let me know I will do what I can.

Thanks to @Reticulum for proofreading and editing this chapter.

When this book will reach 500+ stones, this book will receive a new chapter.

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