
Chapter 18 - Leader's Decree

Chapter 18(Bonus Chapter)

[A/N: Bye. Sleep is I.]


[A month Later]

–General Pov–

In the Shandia village, the raiders were having a conference, as around 25 men were standing line-by-line, with Amon in front of them, while the chief was sitting in a corner... 

During the past month, things were a little bleak for the tribe, however, humans tend to move forward, so did they. Partly because death is quite common in a tribe that's been fighting for close to 400 years. Most of them were moving forward with their life now.


"Cough...Everyone!" Releasing a fake cough, Amon grabbed everyone's attention. 

Today was the first day where all the Raiders have gathered in one place under Amon's command. And if being truthful, Amon was in a quite uneasy position. After all, although he had experience in leading small groups of kids, he was a little awkward on doing the same for these grown-up warriors. 

However, he had to start from somewhere, and that somewhere was here. 

As people looked at him expecting to hear something, suddenly, Amon looked away towards the corner of a tent and wailed. "Hey Raki, come out here!"

The sneaky Raki flinched hearing him. She was peeking at them from the corner of a tent, just like how her anime counterpart used to do. But hearing Amon call her out, she slowly came out with a flustered face, as other people also looked at her.

"Um… I was just-Eep!" Amon glared at her, making her stop making excuses.

Amon lightly shook his head and sighed. "Raki, I already said you don't need to be a warrior...." Amon said in a seemingly overprotective tone. Obviously, he knew, not making Raki into a fighter would be a massive waste, but, according to his calculation, he had to act for now. "Raki, I'll say this once… If you really want to become a warrior, and if you really want to listen, then stand in the line!" Amon declared, pointing at the line. "A warrior should never be hiding!"


After that, Raki also stood in the line. Though some of the warriors looked quite displeased at this, Amon didn't care.

He then moved his attention back to the warriors again. As he clasped his hands behind his back. "Back to the point, I really want to take back our land and…" He then side-glanced at Wiper. "Also take revenge on God's militia for killing my uncle." He said. "However WE are weak. We are short in numbers. We lack dials, but most importantly we depend too much on sky-combat!"

"Huh?!" Hearing his words, the Warriors exclaimed their surprise. 

Ignoring them, Amon continued, "Yes, I'm suggesting that we ignore the modern weapons and sky-combat for a while, and solely focus on our physical training for a while."

"Huh? What does that mean?" Wiper asked. "If we don't fight in 'Sky Combat', won't our chance of winning go down?" But unlike his mocking questions towards Amon until a few months ago, this was purely a desire to understand.

His mentality has somewhat changed into believing near everything Amon said. Partly because he is someone who has been raised in a tribe, a tribe that taught him to fully accept the legitimate Leader. Partly.

Wiper's question made sense to the tribesmen, as they nodded. Even Amon did.

"Hm…" Amon made a thinking posture. "I agree with Wiper." Wiper flinched hearing Amon refer him by his name. This demonstrated his current professional demeanor. 

Ignoring him, Amon then continued, "Like Wiper, many of you must also be confused. You must be asking yourselves, 'How much can our body help in a fight against a strong dial user?' Isn't that right?"

"Yes, that's right." One of the old-gen raiders instantly replied. "We acknowledge you are strong. However, that's only because ancestor Kalgara's blood flows through your body." He went silent, then said, "We are not like that." He said the last line with a sense of envy hidden in it.

"That's true." Many of the tribesmen agreed. While Raki and Wiper just waited for Amon's words.

"Well…" Amon then chuckled lightly. "Maybe I now know why you guys never succeed in taking back Upper-yard." His face then came to be disgusted. "Bunch of idiots."


Veins popped up in the raiders' head. As their warrior pride got hurt, one of them yelled, "Little bastard Amon, watch what you are saying! Don't get over your-" 

"Oh, shut up!" But he was interrupted by Amon's annoyed howl.

"You…" He pointed his finger toward the one who just yelled. "Your name is Matt, right? You are currently the weakest old-generation raider. Your body was strong enough to handle a Burn Bazooka when you turned 17… How dare you shout at me?! Who gave you the permission to call me a bastard?!"

The raider named Matt's eyes twitched as they heard his words.

After a short silence, Amon made a mocking smile. "Why are you looking at me like that? What can you do? Do you even have the strength to beat me?" Suddenly, Amon gulped and took a step back. "Oh-uh I forgot, you have the dials! I'm so scared." 

"That's it!" Matt couldn't hold it any longer as he dashed towards Amon. "I don't care if you are the leader! I will show you the power of 'impact'!"

He used his shooter to move fast while holding an Impact Dial in his hand. 


His hand touched Amon's chest, and he just stood there. 


A small explosion occurred.


The explosion cleared up, and a completely fine Amon came to their view. While Matt was on his knees, with one of his hands holding the one which was shaking profusely from the impact. 

Amon had used [Tekkai] to boost his defense, though he couldn't keep it up for 5 seconds, it did the job. However, he didn't have any plans to let the other tribesmen know this.

"Pitiful. Was that all?" Amon looked down at Matt. He wanted to show him 'Impact'? Fortunately, he had no idea Amon's own custom 'Impact' is 5x stronger than normal ones, yet that doesn't do him any damage. 

Amon then kicked the guy away, as he flew a bit far. 

"I don't even feel itchy, yet you almost lost your arm. This just proves the difference in our body power." Amon inspected the wide-mouth expression of everyone around him. 

Soon, he released a sigh, massaging his temple. "Listen, I'm not asking you to give up using dials, you can use them… or even do personal things with it," Amon said with a wry smile. "Anyway, I don't care. I'm just asking you guys to train your bodies a little. If this doesn't work, we can just go back…"

His words seemed logical, however, many of the raiders refuted. "But that's just the waste of time! We are in a war of nearly 400 years, are you suggesting we waste more time?" One of them said as many others joined. "Let's attack Upper-yard already! What's there to wait for!" They shouted, and a quarrel almost broke out.

But Amon then meddled in. "Hey, hey." He said in a calm voice. "You know who  I am right?" He asked, pointing a finger towards him. "I, the Warrior Amon am all of you guys' Leader!"

As if a personality change, his face went emotionless. "Attack upper-yard? That's for me to decide." He said. "Also hear this, from now on, if you want to call yourself a raider, or a warrior as a whole, then you would need your leader's approval, meaning MY approval!" Amon said as he stomped in the ground hard.

Everyone's eyes twitched hearing him. Yes, it was shocking and impressive that he can take an Impact head-on, but now he thinks they need his approval to be a raider? That is just too much!

{A/N: Xianxia Vibes}

In this tribe, everyone is a warrior from birth, but if one wants to be a raider, they need a certain amount of power(strength, proficiency at dials, etc.). If they met this requirement, even the Leader wasn't supposed to oppose that.

"Hey listen, Kid… " A raider said. "You are only 9, yet you are strong enough to be our leader… However, even that isn't enough to convey this order of yours." An adult raider said. Amon recognized him as a guy named Grid, from the dead Viper's team. 

Amon knew this type of question was unavoidable, so of course, he had prepared the answers beforehand. "Now, now," He said slowly. "I'm aware of the rules. But let's not forget, everything that has to do with the 'Raiders' is up to me, the leader to decide. Even the chief doesn't have any saying in this." As he said this, the chief nodded from the sidelines. He already discussed this topic with Amon.

The raiders frowned. Their displeasure was as clear as clean water. 

Seeing this, Amon chuckled. "Alright…" He raised his hand. "I know this is a little too much, for that reason, and also as a benevolent leader, I will give all of you one last chance…" This picked everyone's interest. 

"I, the leader of Shandia warriors, The Warrior Amon, challenges all of you to a battle. Me against ALL of you. A 1 v 25 match!" Just as he said this everyone's eyes widened in shock. Without giving them any chance to ask any question, Amon continued. "However, this won't be a battle like mine and Viper's, rather, here all of you can use your dials," Amon said. "Including me, of course."

Hearing this, the so-called warriors gulped. As Amon continued. "If any of you, or maybe, all of you, can defeat me and go unconscious, then not only will I not do what I said, I will also pass my Leader position to a capable person." He said as he looked at everyone's face.

Hearing the last line, all of them slowly started to pull out their dials from their bags.

"Oh, by the way," Amon said, glancing at Raki. "Any of you can quit if you want." Raki quickly got out of the line, as she heard this. For a second, Wiper also wanted to do the same, but he changed his mind. He wanted to check his leader's strength by himself.

Amon let them get prepared, as he also took out his custom-made special dials. Then looking at them again, Amon said calmly exclaimed. "Alright! You so-called warriors! Prove your worth!"

Unknown to any of them, Amon's bag was filled with dials that can even match weak devil fruits in power.


The fight of Amon against the 25 warriors has been going on for close to an hour, and 6 of the warriors were already down, Wiper being one of them, mostly because they are the young ones.

But the fight with the adults was a bit hard, even for him. If dials were forbidden to use, he might even have eventually lost. 

Everyone against him had shooters, dials, and other machinery with them. Amon was able to take out the younger ones since they didn't have much experience in dial uses. However, even with his custom dials, up against 19 adults who've been fighting in 'Sky Combat' for their whole life, Amon was a little out of breath. 

If this was a big battleground like Upper-yard, he would have already taken all of them down, but unfortunately, it's not, and rather, a small cramped place.

Still, time was on his side. Because, these so-called Warriors' stamina,  couldn't match the 8 y/o in front of them. Since they rarely train their body.

One hour, two hours, three hours. Just like that the battle continued….


It's been around 12 hours, and every Shandia was surrounding the place where the battle took place, along with their gaping mouth.

"Huff…" Someone was sitting on top of a pile of 'trashes' while breathing heavily. "Well, that was… Easy." That someone being Amon, as he stated.

Under him, laid the pile of 'trashes'. The trash being the so-called warriors, the raiders. Every one of them was hurt, and some were even unconscious, while some had their consciousness, they were too exhausted to move.

Not only the spot where the battle took place, but the whole village showed signs of the battle. As many tents were destroyed by Burn Bazookas and many trees inside the 'dome' were also busted.

While Amon didn't have any particular injury,  except for his burned skin, proving the collision he received from Bazooka.

Yet, he was grinning like a madman. After all, not only did this help his body reach a new level of strength, but he also got to show off his powers to the tribe.

"Haha…" Laughing, he took in a big breath. "Everyone! From this moment onwards, you all have lost the permission to refer to yourself as a 'raider', and warrior to per se! Only after you reach a certain level of strength and convince me that you are STRONG, will you get this permission back. I DON'T WANT ANY RANDOM BUG TO RUIN THE 'SHANDORIAN WARRIOR' NAME!"




A/N: Physically, Amon isn't as strong as a guy who reincarnated in One Piece should be. However, with his trusted bag on his side, and with a little preparation time(I am Batman) he even has chances to win against certain Vice-admirals.

Absolute power isn't just Physical strength.

Thanks to @Reticulum for proofreading this chapter.?

When this story reaches 1500+ stones, it will get a bonus chapter.

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