
Chapter 407 - Intolerable Bullying

The two mecha were just 20 meters apart. Because the Steel Desolate Beast had made little attempt to evade, the energy shield had already taken severe damage. Even if the shield was thicker, this was simply wasting it. Rosseau loved such straightforward enemies. Come on! I’ll definitely beat you into a pulp!


Another shot, and still the Steel Desolate Beast did not dodge...

Were Ghanaians all so silly?

Then, suddenly, the Steel Desolate Beast let loose a bellow. The huge mech shot forward like a cannonball.

This was...

Rosseau watched with eyes wide as the huge mech charged at an incomprehensible speed. He raised his own shield instinctively...

But at this moment he felt so frail.


The earth shook and Rosseau felt like he had been hit by a cannon. Although his energy shields were up, he felt like his insides had been scrambled. Just one blow, and his energy shields had already depleted to 30 percent.

He bit his tongue forcefully to clear his head, but the Steel Desolate Beast had already leapt into the air, grabbing the Buddha Gen IV in midair, and slamming it towards the ground.



A huge crater appeared on the surface, and debris rained down.

The taunts of the Caucans could be heard “How dare such a weakling join IG. Go home and suckle at your mother’s breast, little pup.”

Round 1, Ghana win.

The paramedics hurried onsite, but were shocked at what they saw. The Buddha mech had already been smashed to smithereens, and Rosseau was dead. There was nothing left to save.

The Steel Desolate Beast suddenly moved towards the paramedics, who scattered, frightened. From the cockpit, hearty Caucan laughter could be heard. The Ghana team’s aliens laughed as well. Humans were so cowardly.

The IG up till now had more injuries than deaths. This was clearly purposeful killing. He had the situation under his control, but still chose to deliver the killing blow.

Adams smiled unconcernedly. Although he was a human, he had been born on Ghana, a cannibalistic place. When you were hungry, you were open to trying other foods as well. Life and death was a natural thing after all, and if these little guys came without such psychological preparation, then it was on them.

“Keke, Caragal Captain, don’t get mad now. Anger interferes with clear judgement,” Adams said.

Max forced himself to stay calm. “Scott, the second match is yours!”

“Yes, Captain!”

Scott stood up, his eyes filled with fury. He would avenge his brother!

“Stay calm! Do not fall for your opponent’s traps!”


Adams smirked, gesturing towards Leandre, who had been hopping up and down from before. The Naga could never sit still. His huge tail was twitching non-stop. He spat towards Scott, who had already entered the field. Killing interesting prey was the privilege and honor of warriors.

Leandre completely disdained his opponent. The majority of aliens did not care as much as humans. They would rather place their trust in raw power. This was why they saw their opponents as lambs for the slaughter.

Leandre chose the Nagas’ specialized Scorpion mech, a beast-type mech... Perhaps because it was an arachnid mech, the shape was unusual. It possessed great mobility, and was adaptable to all sorts of environments. Two specialized pincers that could rip flesh, and also laser guns. The tail was shaped like a whip, capable of both attacking and defending. But only the Nagas could use it, because of their powerful tails.

The match had only gone on for a few minutes, but it was already a one-sided affair. Leandre was a monster toying with its prey, sweeping it down with each pincer. The tail was even more deadly, and Scott could not defend against it. He was beaten down again and again, and all he could hear was the strange yelps that his opponent was producing.

The furious Scott could not hold his anger. Faced with his opponent’s insults, he rushed forward angrily. But just as he was halfway through, his chest was completely pierced. The Scorpion mech’s tail was completely made of titanium, and directly pierced the cockpit, flinging it away like trash.

Only the strange yelps of Leandre could be heard on the field.

The crowd was silent. The Caragal team was shaking. In a close fight, deaths were sometimes the only resolution, but this was clearly willful. But they could do nothing about it. This was why entering the top 16 was not always seen as a good thing, and being eliminated was not necessarily bad.

One might just lose their life.

Even the Arbitans could not bear to watch further. “They better hope they don’t meet me, or I’ll make them wish they were never born,” Olivios spat.

The Arbitans were never concerned with whether weaklings lived or died, but they hated those who dared to show off in front of them. Didn’t they know that showing off was the exclusive domain of the Arbitans?

Consumed by their anger, their morale was shattered. The Ghanaians were definitely strong, not just physically, but also in the effectiveness of their mecha. Caragal was a team. Their will was strong, and their skills were well-rounded. But this was the top 8 qualifiers, and being all-rounded alone was insufficient.

“Looks like Max’s luck has finally run out.” Achilles let out a long breath.

“Their battle strategy is all wrong. It’s too conservative.” Wang Zheng agreed. The road to victory was a narrow path.

Against such violent types, the constitution and skills of the Caragal people could not hope to defend themselves. Their best hope was to meet their violence head on.

“Trash.” Lear huffed.

They were not sure if he was referring to the Caragal people or the Ghanaians, but the Ghanaians had successfully enraged the humans.

Mercy was something that warriors would never need.

Max took the field for the third round. As the strongest in the Caragal Republic, Max had indeed wrought a miracle, bringing his team to the top 16. But in just two rounds, the team had lost two treasured members.

The Caragal Republic’s talents were not as proliferous as the ones from other countries. They had nurtured theirs for many years to produce the current team. They ate together, trained together, and fought together. Even if they were not brothers by blood, they felt as close as kin. That had brought them to where they were today, but the laughter felt like it had died with the yesterdays, and everything was quickly evaporating.

This grudge had to be paid back.

But Adams refused to give Max this chance. He did not go himself. The Ghanaians were unquestionably savage, but he was a human of Ghana. Humans who had been raised and survived in such an unforgiving environment were the most cunning. He had human intellect without the rashness and weakness that accompanied them. That was why he could become the captain of Ghana.

Giving face?

What a joke. That had no meaning.

Max had been assigned a dud. He beat a reserve from the opponents. In hindsight, he should have held himself back, but the deaths of Rosseau and Scott had made him lose his cool.

Perhaps because of Max’s lapse, or the Ghanaians’ overwhelming strength, the subsequent two matches were easily taken by the Ghanaians. The only cause for celebration was that the Caragal members only sustained grievous wounds but were alive. Adams was clearly starting to stay his hand. They did not kill them because it was simply not time. They had already won this, and there was no need to waste more effort playing with their emotions.

The Caragal team, which had been lucky up till now, had lost 1-4, and lost two of their talented fighters. This was an unbearable loss for the Caragal Republic.

Only, setbacks were inevitable in the growing process. Avoiding battle was not their way.

Their previous victories had caused the Caragal team to be mentally unprepared. They had forgotten the cruel side of the IG. To the Ghana Star team, this was just an insignificant win, and not worth celebrating. Ghana Star was the first to enter the top 8.

But what they did not notice was, like Aslan and Arbiter, the watchful eyes of the Solar System Federation team.

The morning fight was over. The Caragal Republic and Ghana Star relationship was over as well.

After the afternoon break, the afternoon match started. Gemini team against Sirius Star team.

It was thought that Max and his team would leave. After all, nothing but pain remained for them. But besides the injured, the Caragal members were all present.

The pain in their eyes had not subsided, but they had to face it. Only by confronting their failure and suffering could they eventually triumph. This was the foundation which had helped the Caragal Republic rise from a weak country to their modest status today.

They had more endurance than anybody else.

At times, Wang Zheng felt like he was both participant and bystander. He had experienced everything that others had been through before, and then some. This had caused him to become a little bipolar from a young age, but curiously not schizophrenic. Often, he had felt that he had this tendency, but this was, in fact, not the case. Ever since they had entered the second phase, he had become calm. His daily training had not been put to waste, but had become a habit. Not only him, but Lear and the rest as well. This IG had been undoubtedly beneficial to them. They had grown tremendously. Many times, emotional surges were needed. Anger. Longing. Desire. Ambition.... The stronger the better.

To Max, although this defeat had been cruel, it might be a blessing in disguise. Perhaps one day, this experience would be the key to his eventual greatness.

All those present were simply too young. Where there was life, there was hope, and at least he still lived.

Wang Zheng felt somebody looking at him. As he turned around, he saw the Atlantean prince regarding him like a curious child. Wang Zheng smiled slightly, and the prince also smiled dazzlingly.

Wang Zheng did not have much of an opinion on Atlantis. He only knew that they were highly mysterious. He was curious about their King of Mirage mech. Such a hallucination wonderfully brought together man, machine, and ability.

Although in battle power they seemed evenly matched, in truth mankind had a long way to go, and in that regard Aslan led the way.

Gemini team vs Sirius Star team.

On one side... their statures were indeed a little short. The Gemini team, due to higher gravity and other reasons, had evolved drastically over the centuries. Some jokingly called them the aliens among humans. On average, they were about 150 cm, and 160 cm was tall. But the Gemini people had a dense bone structure capable of exerting prodigious strength. They were terrifying, and were considered the evolved form of people from the Norton Star. That was why the Norton Star people were suited to be heavy mech troopers, and the Gemini people were suited to be heavy mech generals.

The Sirius Star was also noble and dignified. Their self-declared wolf blood made them incredibly formidable. The Sirius Star was also one of those countries that nobody dared to mess with. They had a curious battle quality to them. It was evident that they did not have the madness of slaves.

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