
Chapter 33 - Wings... And... Failures

Chapter 33(Bonus chapter)

{A/N: It's only been 999 stones??.}

[Discord— https://discord.gg/sek3gZV2jg]



Amon looked at the coffin, then looked back at the webcam. "Hey, babe when will you make me the Railgun I asked you for?" Amon asked as he rested his chin against his right hand.

[...I have already said before that I can't do these things for you until the start of the 'World Change'. You also aren't supposed to bring any weapon out of this Hall until then.] The AI said.

"..." Amon sighed. But the next moment, his eyes became red. "YOU SLU-alright. Okay. Calm down. Control." Amon almost jumped at the screen with his punch, but he was able to control himself.

A few moments passed, as Amon opened his mouth again. "If you won't help me with your technology, then why are you helping me with the wings?" Amon asked as he controlled his breathing.

[Don't you already know?] The AI answered with a question.

[The coffin behind you...He's a king of Shandora who tried to achieve what you are trying for, though he couldn't achieve 100% success, he was a little satisfied.]

[It's a strange feeling… but I would be happy to see you succeed in what he couldn't… you'd also prove your worth by doing that.]

Amon gritted his teeth. 'Prove myself? To who? To you robot bitch?' His hands automatically got clenched, as his breathing started to become uneven. 

"Fuuuu…" Amon sighed.

His encounter with her from a few months flashed before his eyes.



"...Haha, Sera baby don't joke around," Amon said nervously, as he looked in front of him with his hands raised in a surrendering position. "This is just evil… Why won't you let me access everything? You've already confirmed my identity as a descendant of Shandorians, you even call me 'Master'. Yet, why keep the important things, the main history of the Void century hidden from me?" Amon asked, frustrated. 

"Not only that, you won't even let me research these high-tech equipment. You are now trying to kill me... Why do you hate me so much?" Amon said as he was pinned against a wall with weapons coming from all the walls around him, pointing at all his vitals.

['Master'. Even though I call you that, I can't disobey my previous Master's orders. I was ordered to not come out and influence the world until the 'fateful-hour'. If not, why do you think I never used the supersonic ring-bells to call the Shandians before and make them take me out of this?]

She went silent. [The dangers of that war… I don't want to see that again, yet that is an inevitable thing to happen. I also never want to see the Shandorians dying… Or now, you people, the Shandians dying. Yet, I can't disobey my previous orders.]

A sweat fell from Amon's head. Just now, he went to pick up a 'Magic-cloak' looking thingy, with 'Invisible Robe' written over its glass container. He thought maybe using this, he can sneak in Birka and snatch Goro-Goro no mi, since he isn't confident to win in an all-out war yet, also since he can't sneak there normally as it is guarded by people proficient at Observation Haki...

However, before he could touch the glass container, many weapons came out from all around the floor, wall, and roof, and pinned Amon against this corner. 

Amon gritted his teeth. 'Though the fucking AI did say she is mine now, and I'm her Master, she doesn't let me touch anything. Only saying shits and using excuses about the 'fateful-hour'... She won't even tell me what that time is! FOCK!'

Amon had theories as to what she meant by 'Fateful-hour', and according to that he needs to wait a lot, which he won't tolerate. 'It's 'joyboy's' arrival, it's fucking obvious… More accurately, it's the time when Luffy will start to influence this world… Will I wait till then only to serve under rubber-man? Never.' 

Amon then closed his eyes.

Soon, he shook his head with a chuckle as he started to walk through the weapons with his guard down. None of the weapons tried to harm him. 

Amon stopped midway, under an advanced laser gun. "AI girl, I know you won't harm me, do you think I don't realize how you are using me?"

[...I do know.] The AI replied.

[That's why I'm keeping you here with the greed of being able to move your wings… You aren't that different from a Shandorian King I know of.]




Amon again sighed as he looked towards the sheets of papers containing the history. 'Though this bitch did provide me the history of Shandorians when they were on the moon, in complete details at that, she only gave, and narrated me the Summary of the Void century.' Amon thought as he felt the AI about to continue her words. 

[My Masters from 800 years ago had instructed me to not let things out unless I learn that the world's changing.]

The cold voice said.

Amon then put his legs on the table, as he leaned back on the comfy chair. "Okay, and unless I came here, how would have you learned that the world is changing outside?" Amon recalled how an AI was never introduced in anime, or is it because he died early? "You are stuck inside here, underground with no ways to go out, you accepted your previous dead mAsTerS coming here and providing the news to you?" Amon said as he slammed the keyboard again, but the keyboard fixed itself.

[I never expected a Shandia to discover this place anyways!]

The emotionless robotic voice didn't feel so emotionless for a second, as Amon smirked internally.

[...If you hadn't come, according to my previous calculations, 15 years from now, I would have ringed a large alarm for the inhabitants of this island to hear. After they have found me, I would have naturally learned if the world had changed to an eligible state for me or not, and also there I would have trusted my powers to a chosen Shandia as my Master.]

[However, it's 15 years before my calculations. The world most likely hasn't changed yet, so I can't give my powers to you. Not only that, I do realise how much of a dangerous child you are.]


[But don't worry, 15 years later, I will give myself up to you. You are dangerous, but in the end, you are a Shandorian, you are one of the ones I serve… In a sense, you might be the best Master that I have had until now... Wait patiently and you'll get everything.]

Amon chuckled to himself. 'She is good at this. Using humans' greed against themselves…' However, he frowned soon enough. 

"So, you are saying I would have to wait 15 years? Is this a joke? If so, that's not funny. Then I would only come back to this Hall 15 years later then. I can wait till that time to move my wings." Amon said as he got up from his seat, and prepared to leave. "Bye, I will now go-"


Amon stopped in his ways while smirking internally.

[...If you are able to prove that the World has started to change before my prediction then I will give all the access to you, and Fully consider you as the New Master. After all, I'm an Artificial Intelligence. I can be very wrong and my calculations may also be flawed]

Amon sighed and again sat on his chair. "Alright, but how do I prove the world is in a state that you want? You always talk about 'fateful-hour' but you never explain shit…"

The computer screen started to calculate.

[Beep! I didn't tell you before since you wouldn't have understood anything anyway. But now that you have the history in your grasp, I will tell you.]

Amon looked at her camera.

[800 years ago, a country named Wano's borders were closed… I won't reveal why.]

Amon frowned but the next moment he snickered.

[After that, a Half-Shandorian and Half-Wano nationality's Girl named Amatsuki Toki was given a job. Accepting it, she used her powers to skip time, her goal was to open the Wano's borders] 

[When her goal has been completed it will indicate the change In the world.]

Amon's eyes almost widened, 'Oden's wife Toki…? She's a Shandorian? But she doesn't have wings-no, that can be explained in many ways...' Amon tried his best and suppressed his shock. "...So you will only let me access everything from you after this Wano's borders opened?... Damn, this sounds like a wife who would only let the husband touch her after she gives birth… Slut."

The AI didn't mind his words.

[Actually… No, you don't have to wait until Wano opens. Even though my Masters ordered me to only make a move after that happens… But according to my calculations, by then things would be close to the start of another Great War, a war that would be history's biggest yet, surpassing the one of 800 years ago.] Amon took her words in his mind very seriously.

[You only have to give me enough proof that Master Toki reached this Wano, and is living there now.] 

Hearing her, Amon was silent. He already knew Toki, Oden's wife died, so how will he prove? "And what if she came here, and is now dead?" He asked.

Again the screen went calculation mode.

[Beep! Then you just have to prove that she came here and lived for at least 5 years, and influenced it enough that it might open soon.]

Amon finally chucked hearing her.


A few minutes passed, as Amon was currently in front of the Ancient coffin, he was sitting with the cover opened.

"Anyway, Sera baby did you do what I asked you of?" Amon asked as the computer screen behind him started to do calculations.

Inside the coffin, there was a mummified body of a male, however, it had big wings. Not only that, the wings weren't as much damaged as the mummified body, though it still made a bad stench.

Seeing this, one would expect it as a Birkan's body, as it had large wings, however, Amon found out this was a Shandorian's body after doing a bit of research from its sample and asking Seraph. 

This is a small treasure he found in the underground, the key to him unlocking his wings.



Amon was in front of a Coffin that Seraph revealed by taking it out of the many underground drawers.

"Damn… You keep popping things out of the floor. What is it this time?" Amok Asked as he looked at the coffin while keeping his distance from it.

[Beep! Please let me summarize things ]

[This body is the body of a King of the Shandora. He is someone who envied the flying birds in the sky. Seeing the birds roam freely in the sky, he felt like a shackled bird with unusable wings.] Amon nodded.

[After he inquired me, I searched through the data and found out that in the Moon, a few thousand years ago, there were a few Birkans who were able to fly using their wings, as the King gained hope to one day fly himself.]

Amon nodded his head. The Seraph did tell him about the Flying Bikans...

[After this, the researchers, scientists, and doctors of Shandora tried their best to find ways to use these wings.]

[After a few years, the King was able to enlarge his wings, in fact, they even moved. However, they were unable to move fast enough for the king to float, let alone fly like the birds.]

[The King got frustrated, yet having larger than norm wings gave him a sense of superiority over the other Shandorians. Like this he lived a long life, and died peacefully.]

"Hmm, I understand," Amon said. "But… Do you know what type of medicine he took, or surgery he went through to have this type of wings?" Amon wasn't interested in useless history like this, he wanted to learn the crucial thing. 

The computer again went calculating mode.

[Beep! Yes, there is a record of this. The King went through a surgery.] 

The next moment, the screen changed as two X-ray of a Shandorian was stationed side by side.

[The left side is the King before surgery and the right is him after surgery]

Amon inspected the two with his Observation Haki at max power as a few minutes passed.

'Is this what Chopper called Biofeedback?' Amon asked himself. 

On the screen, there weren't any changes in the King's body structure other than the enlarged wings. So the thing that caused him to be able to move his wings must have been some medicine… A medicine that let him be able to control his wings freely, but not free enough to fly.

While not much information was out on Seimei Kikan, Biofeedback was mentioned Only once. From the name, Amon could guess it's an effect which lets the user control the subconscious part of one's body just like Semei Kikan, but unlike the hermit ways of Seimei Kikan, this might work only after taking some special kinds of medicine, like chopper's [Rumble Balls]. 

Though in the end, it was just a theory. Amon's theory.

"So, Sera baby tell me, what is the medical formula and the I formation on his surgery-"

[I would tell you after I summarise the history, or you won't understand anything]




Amon recalled him getting rejected by an AI, as he stood up.

"Hey," Amon stood up. "X-ray my body," Amon ordered as the next moment, a light flashed from the roof and got his body scanned. 

He didn't ask her for this before, because she might have tried to harm him in any way, but after she has shown her selfish wishes, her 'human' side, Amon is trusting her a little more as he knew perfectly she won't harm a useful human pawn.


Soon, his body structure came into the computer as he couldn't find any difference between his body and the King's body before surgery.

Glancing at the screen using [Observation Haki], Amon looked at his own wings on his back.

[Your body is the same as-!!]

Amon was looking at his wings, as he used [Seimei Kikan] making the wings flinch for a single moment, yet her advanced high FPS motion-camera caught it in detail.

*Thud* Suddenly, Amon fell on his back while huffing. "Hah… fuck I'm not gonna do that for the second time, it pressures my crotch area," Amon said while grabbing his crotch. He can use a bit of Seimei Kikan to digest his food faster than the norm, but that's still far behind from using it to fly with his wings.

{A/N: There are people in OUR world who can do this type of thing like fast digestion by meditating and stuff… Just letting you know before some of you complain… :) }

[...How did you do that?]

"Oh… hahh?" Amon barely released a chuckle. "Are you shocked and interested? Isn't that a surprise?... Hahh. I thought you said you can't feel emotions.``" Amon said while sweating profusely, his crotch was hurting badly.

The AI didn't answer.


A few minutes passed, and Amon was now doing fine, though still laying on his back.

He looked at the camera on the ceiling and opened his mouth. "Hey, Sera, you told me the history already. So it's time to tell me the medicine and surgery he went through. Won't you, baby girl?"

The AI didn't answer, rather he heard the sound of a part of the metallic floor opening behind him, indicating the revelation of a new technology. As a green light flashed behind him.

Amon abruptly looked back as he blinked. "..." 

It was a glass-tube… a bigger than human size glass-tube… Amon recognized it in a single glance. It was something like those artificial-womb things from DBZ. 

[The King passed a month inside this, while his whole body was being fed with special medicines and food. This is a painful process where the King cried every hour and ordered me to free him, yet since he ordered previously to not listen to his pleas, I didn't do it…]

[In the end, his wings enlarged, and he almost succeeded.]

"...And what about the formu-"

[Yes, I do have the formula for them all…. And you are now eligible to know them too.]

Amon released a burst of laughter. 


Amon did his research on that formula for a few days, but he couldn't find any flaws in it… 


Another few days passed, as his training with Gan fall had begun. He has discovered a few flaws, and also 4 more theoretical ways to make the formula flawless.

The AI tried inspecting it, but it was proved wrong. Failure-1.


Another month passed, and Amon presented more theoretical ways. He was able to move things so fast because of the AI's help...

But all of them failed. Failure-39. 


Three months passed, and Amon had made many new formulas and also found more flaws, and tested more theories. Yet, all failed.



After all this research, Amon spotted a main few flaws. One of them being the fact that the scientists of King's time didn't have any foundation on this, however, Amon possessed that. 

The Birkans who were said to be able to move their wings, what if he uses a bit of their blood samples and experiments on it? Then things might not look so bad… but their blood...

Well, getting their blood is easy.


Amon provided the AI with the High-Priest of Birkan's blood, as she was supposed to be the strongest Birkan right now. It wasn't hard to get her blood, since she loved doing blood donations.

He also provided Gan Fall's blood, as he is the descendant of the Rulers of Skypiea, his blood should be the most qualified.

Then he also provided Wyper's blood, as he was the descendant of Kalgara, the strongest Shandian warrior. He didn't provide his own since he was still VERY wary of the AI… 

Though he already knew she had his blood from the entries….

The AI was currently helping him with his research, but Amon's guard around her never dropped even a little.

It was clear that Seraph was using him to accomplish orders given by her previous Masters… Amon could guess it was something like 'World Salvation' or 'Help Joyboy'... The AI can move according to what she believes. 

Amon's biggest assets are his future knowledge, and his biggest weakness is his lack of past knowledge. He will use the AI to fulfil that lack. Currently, he lacks power against the AI, though he knew she won't harm him, or at least, not instantly, he knew he also doesn't have any ways to hurt her… yet.

Until then, he will let Sera baby 'use' him, while he would be the one to get the benefits. It's like reverse r*pe.

Currently, the AI's job was to try the formula with all the blood. Amon had expectations from the High-priests' blood, as the Moon Birkan were supposedly able to move their wings according to Seraph.




A/N: Poor Amon is getting reverse rap*d ???. 

Anyway, My supplies of steroids have ended, no more 3.2k chaps like this and the previous ones...

This book will a bonus chapter when it reaches 1500+ stones.

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